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You need to enter a valid value for the PersonId attribute. The current values are X7......Summary: I need assistance fixing the below issue. Getting an error "You need to enter a valid value for the PersonId attribute. The current values are X7......" and als…
Using chunk size and threading to improve the Historical Assignment hcm extract performance issueSummary: I have created an HCM Extract for assignment that retrieves historical data for employees. There is no date filter, it picks up past, future and present.There a…
How to update worker assignments during Global Transfer?Summary: We are using changeLegalEmployer worker API to perform Global Transfer. Need to know how to update all the assignment attributes such as Job Code, Department, M…
WorkersUnique ID in the Worker REST API responseSummary: On the worker rest API response, there is a workers unique id in all the child reference. 1) Is the unique id always same for one Person ID? 2) We are building …
Primary City/County while loading address - Vertex CodeSummary: Need a way to identify primary city/primary county for given Zip code Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We receive City and Zip cod…
convert candidate into pending worker using hdlSummary: We need to covert external candidates into Pending Workers using HDL. Do we need to include Worker and PersonName metadata? Loading without these giving error s…
Need to load Pending Worker Data and also Convert to Employee through HDLSummary: Need to load Pending Worker Data and also Convert to Employee through HDL Content (required): We have a requirement we need to load pending worker and also need…
Need Information on few HCM Extract Attribute fieldsSummary: Is it possible to limit/exclude an attribute value from the XML file. From the above image, we want to exclude the highlighted attribute values from the output …
Download attachment from DOR via rest call apiSummary: Hi experts, I'm using Postman and trying to download attachments from the Documents of record, but when launching the request I get the following error: 415 Uns…
SPECIAL_CEILING_STEP_ID is not getting populated in the assignment tableHi, We have a fast formula in the extract, and the SQL query is: SELECT * FROM PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_M WHERE SPECIAL_CEILING_STEP_ID is not null AND ASSIGNMENT_NUMBER LIKE…
Integration between Oracle and PaylocitySummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We would need an integration between Oracle and Paylocity. We have explored the flexspring softwa…
Unable to change the Person Number through HDL using Source KeysSummary: Hi, We have a requirement to change the Person Number for some of the existing employees whose record have been created using Fusion UI and some via HDL load. W…
Global exit employee terminationSummary: Get below error while using Worker REST API for Global exit termination. A value for the Proposed Person Type attribute can't be provided because this attribute…Vijay Kishan K 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ram Manoj Reddy Bala-Oracle HCM Integrations
Deleted objects in Assignment Supervisor via HDL cannot be retrieved in the HRC_EVT_OBJ_CHANGES_UEHello Experts, We have created an HCM extract that make use of the HRC_EVT_OBJ_CHANGES_UE to extract the deleted object details. We do not use any of the event object ch…
UE to fetch Department GL Code along with employee's department nameI have a requirement to fetch GL Department code along with employee department in a HCM extract. I am using the PER_EXT_PAY_EMPLOYEES_V2_UE user entity for department a…
How to REHIRE a terminated employee using Worker REST API ?Summary: I tried rehiring a terminated employee using Update a worker work Relationship, Update a worker Assignment, Create a Worker and Update a Worker REST APIs , but …
The action code null is invalid for the action Terminate Work RelationshipHi, We are trying to terminate an employee work relationship using HDL and getting following error: "The action code null is invalid for the action Terminate Work Relati…
HDL Error when uploading second manager as Dotted LineSummary: Dear Team, We keep getting 2 error message with the HDL upload of new managers. In our scenario, an employee has a Line Manager and now they want to have a Dott…
Is there any way to send seniority date to vendor appl. since it's not possible using a REST API?Summary: Need to send the seniority date to third party application. As per vendor they are not able to get seniority date for few records, its showing as null when they…Ankush_Jadhav 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Madalina Danis-Support-Oracle HCM Integrations
Exclude the employee record in HCM extract if a particular field is not filledSummary: We want to exclude the employee record or skip the employee record if a field is not entered. For example, if an employee is hired without entering Salary or Pa…
Update Vendor name through HDLSummary: We are trying to update the Vendor Name using HDL as it affects 100+ people. Does anyone have template to use? Would be a great help thanks. Content (please ens…
what is purpose of menton in HDL 'SET PURGE_FUTURE_CHANGES N'Summary: Hi Team, I observed in most of the files above condtion but I don't why applied on each file and what is the use on ? Thanks, Ajay Content (please ensure you ma…
HCM Extract with PER_EXT_SEC_ASSIGNMENT_RANGE UE fetching all assignment rowsSummary: I am have issue with PER_EXT_SEC_ASSIGNMENT_RANGE_UE where it is pulling all historical assignment rows when only one row has changed, I have the following stru…
HDL Issue:An error occurred. To review details of the error run the HCM Data Loader Error Analysis..I tired to update worker's DefaultExpenseAccount. The target user you want to update is pre-registered like the folowing. But it is appeared an error : "An error occurre…
HDL Issue:AssignmentSDO is required & You must provide a valid reference to the parent recordI tried to create new worker with HDL Data Loader. But it is appeared 2 of errors like the following. Message:You must provide a valid reference to the parent record. En…
Address Fields Rest API MatchingDear ALL, I am trying to create an address of an employee using this rest api : /hcmRestApi/resources/{workersUniqID}/child/addresses. Is there a met…George Mattar 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Madalina Danis-Support-Oracle HCM Integrations
How to configure employee notice period based on person typeSummary: We have requirement to configure notice period based on person type like Employee, Trainee, Contract Employee but currently oracle provide feature to configure …
Guardrail for dates to transactions to be back-datedSummary: Hello Experts, Got a requirement on Back dated transaction. any inputs on this are really appreciable. 1. Identify a guardrail for dates to transactions to be b…RamkumarKadhiravan 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Madalina Danis-Support-Oracle HCM Integrations
Future dated person Contact HCM ExtractSummary: Hi, I have created an HCM Extract with root UE PER_EXT_SEC_PERSON_NOW_FUTURE_UE. Child UE is PER_PER_CONTACTS_UE and for phones this contact has a child UE PER_…
Future dated person Contact HCM ExtractSummary: Hi, I have created an HCM Extract with root UE PER_EXT_SEC_PERSON_NOW_FUTURE_UE. Child UE is PER_PER_CONTACTS_UE and for phones this contact has a child UE PER_…