Virtual Assistant
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How to integrate oracle digital assistant into oracle service cloud customer portalSummary: I want information about how to integrate oracle digital assistant into the oracle service cloud customer portal which uses sso login authentication through ora…Santosh kumar purusottam 3.9K views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Santosh kumar purusottam Digital Assistant & Mobile
Chatbot integration with FusionSummary Chatbot integration with FusionContent Hi everybody Does anyone have any experience on how to integrate chatbots with Fusion? I can't seem to find any guide or t…
Issue in Oracle Digital Assistant Flows- Calendar Event ErrorSummary: Hi , While using Oracle Calendar Event in Flow section , we are getting error in component section and nothing is coming up. Can anyone please let know how to r…
User Authentication and authorization for a back-end webserice call (peoplesoft 8.55 and ODA)Summary Pass logged in user principle to a back-end webserviceContent Hi I need a help in calling the custom component back-end service (say for example, a Peoplesoft im…
How to render base64 encoded string (pdf file) using the attachment component in ODAHi team, we are trying to display a pdf which is base64 encoded in the ODA using the attachment component, but the component is requiring us to give an attachmentUrl, wh…Vishwa007 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by PoojaUmesh_GSC-Oracle Digital Assistant & Mobile
Custom Button to invoke Help intent in FADAHi team , we are extending the FADigitalAssistant. Wanted to check if we can somehow render a button at the end of each conversation, so that when this button is clicked…
Invoking flow directly after LLM responseHello there, We are exploring Generative AI and LLMs in Oracle Digital Assistant and we do have a question regarding it. Our Problem Statement : Suppose that our Cohere …
Delivered Custom components doesn't work after repackingSummary: Hi Team, we have a skill which works out of the box. If we download the custom components, without making any changes just repack it using (npm install, npm pac…Vishwa007 12 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by PoojaUmesh_GSC-Oracle Digital Assistant & Mobile
Custom Button to Exit SkillSummary: Hi all, Just wondering if it is possible to exit a skill upon a button click. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In ODA, I have two …Manikandan Surendren 1 view 0 comments 0 points Started by Manikandan Surendren Digital Assistant & Mobile
How to disable attachments for certain states in the chatSummary: We want to either enable or disable the attachment button in the chatbot UI based on the current state in the YAML. How do we achieve this? We do know that we h…
Invoking Generative AI Agent from ODASummary: Trying to invoke Generative AI Agent end point from Oracle Digital Assistant as a REST service. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I…Manikandan Surendren 153 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Manikandan Surendren Digital Assistant & Mobile
How to invoke rest api configure with SSL certificates from oda using REST service component in ODASummary: We have created private endpoint in oda and using that we need to invoke private rest apis. Target APIs are SSL certificate enabled. We do not have any option i…
How to integrate the Peoplesoft Expense Skill in MS teams - PICASOSummary: Do we have any documentation detailing the configuration steps on how to integrate the Peoplesoft Expense Skill/PICASO in Microsoft teams.
Help Required for Live Agent HandoverSummary: Hi there, We are trying to make a simple Poc (Proof of Concept) centered around live agent transfer. It stands that whenever the DA goes into the unresolved int…
The value ${system.message.messagePayload.position} is not workingSummary: I'm using ${system.message.messagePayload.position} to show the time and position in queue likee in the "documentation" and is not working
How to implement user authentication and authorization in SQL dialogue skillWe would like access and autirize user in sql dialogue skill . User can query data from rows having acceess to them
How to integrate the analytics between Oracle Digital Assistant's skill and Oracle FusionSummary: So we have beautiful data in Oracle Digital Assistant and Oracle Fusion Service. We want to put them in the same dashboard. Content (please ensure you mask any …Calin Pavel 43 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Oguri Rama Yogaiah Digital Assistant & Mobile
Connecting to on premise database from Oracle Digital Assistant for SQL dialogue skillsWe need to connect to on premise database for configuring skills using SQL dialogues. As of now,To connect with On premise Database we need to login to RDP from where we…vicky fk 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by "Shub Lahiri, A-Team-Oracle" Digital Assistant & Mobile
Problems with Instagram and ODAI'm having trouble connecting the Instagram Messenger API with ODA. According to Meta Developers and ODA documentation, the communication is practically the same, but it…
ODA - Service. Customers need to write to enable web agent.Summary: When ODA directs the customer to the web agent, the agent can accept a ticket. However, while the agent can send an unlimited number of messages, the customer c…
ODA - start converssation (detect language). automatically detect Knowledge BaseSummary: (New in ODA) 1- I want to ODA to start with a conversation hint on the web and FB messenger, I don't want the customer to start the chat. is there a way to chat…
How to Pass array in json to a body of service integration state by taking input from form stateSummary: I am working on a use to create a Sales Order in JDEdwards ERP using ODA, where I need to take few mandatory inputs from the user and then pass it to the Servic…
ODA: HowToHello, I just took the ODA course, and I'm working on creating my first demo. and now I'm stuck at a step in ODA. After creating a card menu, I want the user's selection…
Is oda editable form component not available with osvc/b2c service chat inlay?Summary: We are using da as agent where we are using form component to get user input. it is working for oda conversation tester but it is not working with osvc chat inl…vicky fk 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Petra Bikkembergs - Oracle Product manager DCS-Oracle Digital Assistant & Mobile
Has anyone been able to extend longer Answer Intent responses into multiple bubbles?Summary: Some of our Answer Intents have responses that are too long to fit in the chat bubble window. When the answer is received users must scroll up to view the begin…
External Candidate Experience Job Application Status - Phone Number or Email not WorkingSummary: External Candidate Experience Job Application Status - Phone Number or Email not Working. When phone# or Email is provided ODA responds as I'm sorry, I am havin…Rakesh Sreenivasa 42 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by Dr Surlina Yin-Oracle Digital Assistant
Oracle Digital Assistant Cloud vs ODA SaaSSummary Oracle Digital Assistant Cloud vs ODA SaaSContent So we have two versions of ODA one which is for Oracle SaaS and another which is for any use case, in order to …Pawan Gupta Deloitte 478 views 21 comments 2 points Most recent by Dr Surlina Yin-Oracle Digital Assistant
Moving From Dev to Test- ODASummary: Moving From Dev to Test- ODA Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Please confirm as long as we change the URL to point to new instance…Rakesh Sreenivasa 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dr Surlina Yin-Oracle Digital Assistant & Mobile
Testing ODA on WhatsAppContent Hi, I am trying to publish my ODA to WhatsApp. However, I am done with all steps but I still can't receive replies from the ODA once I message the phone number r…
ODA IP Information - 403 errorSummary: Hi Team, We are facing a 403 error in a REST API with a custom component. Then we found this Oracle Doc ID 2637866.1, that recommends adding the ODA IP that is …