Discussion List
My account has been stolen,Unable to reset my Oracle Cloud password via login interface总结:My friend said he could help me create ARM. I gave him my API and it was stolen 内容(必填): On May 8th, I received an email message indicating that my domain De…
Is there a way to export OCI user list that shows assigned Oracle Cloud Services ApplicationsSummary: User Report with assigned applications Content (required): on Classic dashboard we were able to select a user and see assigned applications and roles, Is there …
Can't Login or Reset Password to OCISummary: I can no longer login to my Oracle Cloud Account. Content (required): Hello, I am facing severe issues with accessing my OCI account. Unfortunately, I am curren…
Unable to create Object Storage & getting ErrorSummary ERROR: "You don't have permission to create this resource or the resource where you want to create it doesn't exist." Same user able to create Object storage in …
why is my instance got terminated, while im don't cross the rulesSummary: Content (required):Hi! My instance got terminated, in yesterday. It said, "You need to connect to a live agent, to reenable your instance", but i got power outa…
how to sign in to oracle cloud classic?i need a link to oracle cloud classic no oracle cloud the usual i need the classic please send a link to sign in to classic
I accidentally deleted administrator privileges while modifying account security.您无权查看此区间中的这些资源。尝试另一个区间,或与管理员联系以获取帮助。
OCI Login Issue | Cloud console login issueSummary: OCI Login Issue | Cloud console login issue Content (required): Hi team, Myself, Mahesh More & I have faced an issue during login. error as, Your login attempt …
Unable to reset my Oracle Cloud password via login interfaceSummary: Today I noticed my always-free server is inaccessible, also my Oracle Cloud logins failed even though I'm using the same password as usual. Content (required): …
Regaining access to my OC accountSummary: My oracle cloud email was changed to another ID which I no longer have access to and I don't remember my password so I can't login to my account. Content (requi…
Account recoverySummary: Hello! I couldn't log into my account and received a "No identity domains found" error message when I tried to type in my instance name. The support specialist …
sizing MS SQL to OracleSummary: hi team for Sizing from MS-SQL to Oracle DB Content (required): i want to migrate Microsoft SQL VM with 16 vcpu , 128GB Memory to cloud as oracle database ( is …
login not workingSummary: site inactive when I try login (new user) Content (required): after filling my username and clicking in sign button, it loading for some time, and after display…
How can i recover my account?I think someone stole my oracle cloud account... 7th october i got email "The Password for Your Domain Default in jeremroxx Account Has Been Updated Successfully" and fe…
Object Storage - Encryption/Decryption of files stored and File access linkSummary Object Storage - Encryption/Decryption of files stored and File access linkContent Hi, We have an immediate requirement where file uploads to the object storage …
We are unable to delete TenancySummary: we are unable to delete tenancy Content (required):We are unable to delete Tenancy (NSELTD) Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Sni…
I cannot connect my instance in Oracle CloudSummary: I cannot connect my instance in Oracle Cloud Content (required): I have created two instances successfully, and both of them have the same configuration. But on…
Unable to delete OCI account/request tenancy deletionSummary: I'm unable to delete my OCI account. Request tenancy deletion fails and no one I've talked to has been able to help. Content (required): I'm unable to delete my…
Access instances in dashboardSummary: Following the power outage of the Amsterdam DC, 2 weeks ago, I cannot access my instances in the Oracle Dashboard. Content (required): When I go to my dashboard…
Disabling SNAPd and Oracle-cloud-agent in Ubuntu VM (A1)Is it fine to disable the snapd service so that the oracle-cloud-agent also becomes inactive? Or is this a requirement to collect metrics from the server to deem it inac…
Cancelling OCI tenancy deletion requestHi, We submitted a request 2 weeks ago for deleting an Always Free tenancy. The request is currently showing 33% completion. Please advise how we can cancel the request,…
Want to delete my all Oracle account (Oracle/ Oracle Cloud)I tried to delete my Oracle Cloud account FOR 1 YEARS BUT IT STILL WON'T DELETE. Please, I tried everything. 1. email support : I send support ticket to support email ad…
All free tier instances are gone, the access to the whole root compartment has been blockedSummary: All resources (1 E2 AND 2 A1 -2OCPU 12G RAM instances for specific) under my root compartment have been blocked 30 days after my free trial ended. with permissi…
need to upgrade Oracle 6.10 to Oracle 7Summary: need to upgrade Oracle 6.10 OS to Oracle 7 Content (required): need to upgrade Oracle 6.10 OS to Oracle 7 Can somebody provide a link for Oracle documentation? …
Failing to delete tenantSummary: Unable to delete tenant Content (required): Some time ago (over a month), I attempted to delete my tenant `mortenlj`, as I no longer have an interest in running…
Oracle Cloud account compromised (changed email and password)Summary: Hi, I am writing for a friend whose account got compromised: her default email & password got changed, and the password recovery email never arrived. She just r…
Tenancy deletion request stuck at 33%Summary: Tenancy deletion request stuck at 33% Content (required): Hi, somebody previously login my account (that's my fault) and tried to delete my tenancy. It does not…
Account upgrade to paid from free - still no access to paid resourcesSummary: I upgraded my account to paid few months ago, but now I stiil has no access to paid services and resources. Content (required): It still says I am using a free …
on free tier, unable to access "OCI Classic" menuSummary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):HrishikeshJoglekar-Oracle 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rahmathulla-Support-Oracle OCI - General
502 Bad Gateway errorSummary: Our client gets 502 Bad Gateway error while connecting to API Gateway endpoint after a certain time Content (required): Hello Experts, Most of the time our clie…