Discussion List
OCI reports do not display the field indicating that a user is locked.Summary: In the user list you can see if the users are active, inactive or locked. However, I can't find a report that show me if users are locked. Content (please ensur…
My account has been hackedSummary: I received an email saying my password has been reset, however i did not reset it. Now I am trying to reset it myself and am not receiving any resetting emails.…
MFA lockout - can't get back into OCISummary: Phone that had oracle authenticator app was stolen and now I'm locked out of OCI Content (required): Phone has been wiped remotely so that's good from a securit…
No OCI Access - Default Email and Password ChangedSummary: This morning I received two emails, the first being an email that "The Password for Your Domain Default in ___ Account Has Been Updated Successfully" and two mi…
Bypass code not workingHallo, I am locked out from my Oracle Cloud account. My bypass code is not working anymore. I do not have access to my Authentication app since I changed my phone and no…
Request for Help to Restore My Oracle Cloud Account, Unable to login or Reset my account PasswordSummary: Request for Help to Restore My Oracle Cloud Account Hi, I am writing this post because I am unable to log in to my Oracle Cloud account. After investigating the…
Urgent Help Needed: Account Access Issue Due to Suspected Unauthorized ChangesBody: Hello Oracle Community, I'm reaching out to seek assistance with an urgent issue I've encountered with my Oracle Cloud account. It appears that my account may have…
OCI Admin Locked Out of 2FA (Free Tier)Hello! I have recently re-enabled 2fa for my organization, previously I used the oracle authentication app to generate the passkeys. However, after disabling 2fa codes f…
OCI "lost" my Customer Secret KeyTwo days ago, my service couldn't access an Object Storage Bucket anymore due to invalid login credentials. I discovered that there was no Customer Secret Key at all in …
Authorization failed or requested resource not foundSummary: I have Authorization failed or requested resource not found almost anywhere of OCI Console. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Autho…
Oracle cloud free tier MFA failed - urgent!I cannot login to my cloud account via MFA using the code generated by Oracle Authenticator app. It was still working a couple weeks back. I tried the hack posted in thi…
OCI invalid passcodeSummary: I cant login to my OCI instance as the passcode is invalid. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am on holidays in Europe (norally l…
Oracle authenticator mobile app missingSummary: I have enabled MFA for my OCI account. I changed new smart phone and forgot to backup the Oracle Authenticator mobile app and then lost my Oracle Authenticator …
MFA ResetHi Team, I am currently using the free tier Oracle Autonomous Database. Unfortunately, my phone was lost recently, and the MFA and two-way authentication were configured…
How do I see what Cloud services a group has access to in OCINeed a way to see what Cloud services access a group or user has in OCI like I could in My Services Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In My …
I can login to my account but can't see / edit anythingSummary: I have a cloud account with 2FA enabled and I can log into it. Once logged, I can see or edit anything in the account, every request to ends up with a 401 Unaut…
Bypass codeSummary: I can not login to my Oracle Cloud account (free tier account). This account has enabled 2FA, but I never installed and configured App for that. I believe the o…
I lost my bypass code for Free Tier AccountSummary: Like in the topic. Is there any way to receive any help in this case? I created Free Account in August and in the meantime i set up my device to default setting…
MFA ResetSummary: Unable to login due to not having the auth app on my mobile device anymore. Hi, can anyone help me on a way to reset the MFA authentication from my account, sad…
My Account Got HackedI have been using oracle cloud for about 2 years or less, and all of a sudden i can't login after i got a mail that my password and mail was resetted. I have tried conta…
Any way to recover my account?I bought a new phone and lost the MFA code, although I still have acess to the email, phone number, and I still can even SSH my VM, is there any way to recover my accoun…
reset MFASummary: reset MFA Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I've get a new phone but unfortunately forgot to migrate my OTP application and now I'm…
OCI function fails with NotAuthorizedOrNotFoun for user updateSummary: I would like to manage user with restricted to remove and create auth and couple of other secret management. This permission works when I have add to group and …
I lost my 2-step verification for my own tenancy "mennatullahshaaban" as I changed my mobile deviceSummary: I lost my 2-step verification for my own tenancy "mennatullahshaaban" as I changed my mobile device and I don't have Bypasscode Content (please ensure you mask …
delete cloud account definitelySummary: I requested to delete my free tier account but something seems to have failed Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, I wanted to com…
I can't access my account, I have oracle mobile authenticatorHello, I used to use the OMA to log into my account, and it worked well. After I renewed my account password, the login method was changed to input a bypass code, I had …
The following service limits were exceeded: project-count.Hi, hope someone can give me some advice. I have a Oracle Cloud Trial account and I get an error "The following service limits were exceeded: project-count. Request a se…
Lost 2FASummary: I have lost access to my cell phone and therefore I have also lost my 2FA applications. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When I co…
Managed SSH Session using Bastion fails in OCISummary: I am trying to create a Managed SSH session using the Bastion service in OCI. Have followed the Bastion Lab to the 'T'. Have created a Bastion, created a comput…Aparajeeta Mandal-Oracle 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Aparajeeta Mandal-Oracle OCI - General