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MFA/2FA reset for Free-tier, Trial & Paid cloud accounts is now possible by Live chatMFA/2FA Reset Now Available via Live Chat for Free-Tier, Trial & Paid Cloud Accounts 📅Effective: January 28, 2025 Summary: If you have an OCI Free-Tier/Always-Free accou…
East West Firewall DeploymentSummary: Inside an OCI Hub and spoke architecture where we have a Hub and Spoke architecture deployed with DRG interconnecting the Hub VCN and the Spoke VCNs. Hub VCN co…
Lost account access because of person pretending to be meHello oracle community, Summary: Lost account access because of person pretending to be me. Both the call centre and Live Agent recommended to write here. Content: One d…
Delete account (oracle free tier cloud), lost f2a deviceHello, since i'm unable to recover my account (oci free tier) during lost f2a device / app i want to delete my account including my personal data entirely. The agent in …
Do OCI Identity Domain Authorization policies require a service request in order to actually work?Summary: We are working with/testing OCI IAM Identity Domain and can create Authorization Policies in the OCI console, but they do not seem to work (e.g., don't protect …
Unable to sign in to Free TierSummary: Every time I login the response is invalid user name or password. When I try to reset my password with an email link the email never arrives. Content (please en…
account estranged, lost access, Live Agent and people in tech support can't do anythingDear oracle community, I know… probably the most common problem here and since I have a free tier, I kind of expected that. What happened: One beautiful day I logged int…
Account disabled, account re-enabled, cannot add card to account, support will not engageContent So late Friday my account was disabled. I reached out through a few different avenues to see what happened, why the account may have been disabled, if it could p…User_2025-02-11-20-47-11-623 23 views 4 comments 2 points Most recent by Mohamed Ismath Khan Tajudeen OCI - General
password reset email link does nothingSummary: I cannot login to since this morning, so I tried a few times to reset my password by email. I get the password reset email → click on the butto…
I can't log in - I get message: Invalid username or password.Summary: Every time when I try to log in after a few weeks not log in I can't do it. I get message: Invalid username or password Content (please ensure you mask any conf…
always free tier mfa resetSummary: I have an always free tier account and have just changed my mobile phone - MFA no longer works Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I …
Lost tenancy accessSummary: I've been using an allways free tenancy where I had my first client. On thursday night I accessed the console normally. On friday morning our first client conta…
I need help.I can't login to my oracle account.Summary: I can't login to my oracle account.The Recovery Email reset it's currently an email that is not tied with me in any way. But MFA reset is going through the diff…
MFA reset is going through the different email not the registered email address.Summary: I can't use my own account, and I can't reset it. It seems that my account was stolen and bound to another email address. Even though the account was registered…
Error-SailPoint-OAuth token from Oracle Cloud HCM even though it's successful in PostmanException occurred in Test Connection. Error: Exception occurred while generating access token: Unable to generate access token. Response returned: {"error":"invalid_req…
what is the minimum role required to invoke API in IDCS : /admin/v1/Users/.searchSummary: I want to search users with email and check user is having role in IDCS or not with Rest API. Please let me know what is the minimum role required to invoke us…
Not receiving a password reset email/linkSummary: I'm not able to reset password Content (required): I tried to reset my password on forgot-password page (https://idcs-b0d9cdabc76d440881bdd800c020b2fe.identity.…
I tried to login in but received an error that my account was lockedSummary: I tried to login in and it required me to change my password. However, when I did, I received the message "You cannot change your password because your account …
I blocked my account due to a typo. Who can help me?it's been dealt with
I can't login to my oracle account...Recovery email was changed... Hacked Account ... Please AssistSummary: I need the Recovery Email reset it's currently an email that is not tied with me in any way, it seems that the account has been hacked "Alright, It seems like w…
Oracle Authenticator mobile lost | Disable 2FA | MFA | MFA BugHi Team, I am currently using the free tier Oracle Autonomous Database. Unfortunately, my phone was lost recently, and the MFA and two-way authentication were configured…
Does OCI Dedicated KMS support Code Signing Certificates issued by CAs like DigiCert or Entrust ?Summary: We want to know if we can use the dedicate KMS to store the DitiCert / Entrust issued code signing certificate and get our jar EBS files in OCI signed using the…
Export and Backup Features in Oracle Mobile AuthenticatorOracle Mobile Authenticator has any feature for exporting accounts or backing up credentials? I am concerned about potential issues such as phone malfunction or loss. I …
Unable to start instanceSummary: i can't start instance because it was blocked by security system due to password bruteforce attack on my server (port 22) and it says i need to contact customer…
Forgot password and cannot receive emailsS ummary: I cannot log in to Oracle Cloud and reset my password, but I did not receive an email. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I chose "…
Adding a Cloud native userid in OCISummary: We have several service admin userid accounts defined in OCI - is there a way to identify which are native without having to revert back to the company MSAD env…
Is it possible to do SAML user account creation for OCI and ResponsysHi There, Is it possible to do SAML user account creation for OCI and Responsys? Thanks Naveen
Can I add users to OCI (Gen2) / Oracle Cloud Console (IAM) via a batch process?Summary: Hello, Is there a way to import users to OCI, then to assign them to our applications? Currently, this is manually done and would like to eliminate these manual…
Can't Access My Account. My phone bricked and I lost the authenticator codesSummary: Can't Acess My Account. My phone bricked and I lost the authenticator codes Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): My phone bricked and …
Need Cloud Account Login HelpSummary: I registered an oracle cloud account on January 2 and bound a credit card.However, on January 3rd, I found that the e2 machine I opened could not be accessed, a…