Discussion List
Generic Questions on OCI - VaultSummary: B90328 - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure-Key Management "Virtual Private Vault Per Hour" $XX Content (required): I). B90328 - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure-Key Manage…
OCI Resources Inaccessible & Tenancy InactiveSummary: My OCI always free resources (VM-s, LB, VCN) suddenly become inaccessible. Content (required): In the OCI Console all the views (ex. Instances, Load Balancers, …
"Your account upgrade is in progress"Summary: I attempted to upgrade my free account but it is stuck at "Your account upgrade is in progress" Content (required): I attempted to upgrade my free account but i…
Need to Login to Winscp/Putty apart for opc without pem keySummary Need to Login to Winscp apart for opc without pem keyContent Hi Team, I need to login to Winscp apart from OPC user. Like i have created one user with "applebs".…
(Still) Locked out of account due to 2FA "Sign in policy denied access"Summary: In the course of setting up 2FA for my account I got logged out and now it gives me the "Sign in policy denied access" error whenever I try to login again. I've…
How to download certificatesI created a certificate using the OCI Certificate Service,and attempting download certificate. I received the following error:"TypeError: Password was not given but priv…
MFA not working on IDCS federated accountSummary: I have enabled MFA for my tenant administrator on IDCS and it is not working, I get invalid passcode. I tried to reset my account twice and even if I changed th…
You don’t have permission to view these resources in this compartmentSummary: I am currently in Free Tier. Everything was working fine but suddenly server stopped working. Content (required): I had one VM instance under always free tier a…
After the account upgrade verification is passed, the account will be locked.After the successful verification of the $100 credit card, it prompts that you need to log in to the page again to continue the operation. Cause account to be locked? "Y…
Failing to delete tenantSummary: Unable to delete tenant Content (required): Some time ago (over a month), I attempted to delete my tenant `mortenlj`, as I no longer have an interest in running…User_2025-02-12-02-11-09-342 91 views 10 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-02-12-02-11-09-342 OCI - General
can not reset password for oci free tierSummary: can not reset password for oci free tier Content (required): can not reset password for oci free tier - when click on reset password link, it shows "unable to r…
How can I get my files back from an inactive tenancy?Summary: My servers got deleted - the tenancy is inactive Content (required): So I had a couple of servers with some important files in them (the tenancy was running on …
Oracle Cloud account compromised (changed email and password)Summary: Hi, I am writing for a friend whose account got compromised: her default email & password got changed, and the password recovery email never arrived. She just r…
Removal of Free Tier tenancy & accountSummary: I'd like to remove my Free Tier tenancy and all associated accounts altogether. Content (required): Steps I've followed so far: Navigate to…
I'm not able to connect again to my accountSummary: I'm not able to connect again to my account Your login attempt failed. The credentials you entered do not match our records.If you have unsuccessfully attempted…
What type of service should i choose creating oracle cloud SR ticketi can't login into my oracle cloud account and i don't receive any email about reset my password
How to create user with Service Integration Account with No Password ExpirationSummary: Hi I need to create a service user with no password expiration we have to set up a connectivity agent in OIC using that common user how can we achieve the same …
can some help me reset my password for cloudSummary: Content (required): My id is Can some one help reset my cloud password. I did reset my password yesterday but when i say forgot email i d…
How to forward a request to keep solutions active Web Application Firewall and Web Appacceleration?Summary: How to forward a request to keep solutions active: Web Application Firewall webappfirewall20221023155722 and Appacceleration: webappacceleration20221023154701 f…
Request tenancy deletion not workingSummary: when I press the button: Request tenancy deletion An error comes up that says: The work request to delete your tenancy could not be initiated. I really need to …
Apex app not accessible from Europe – 404; How to access apex from EU?Summary: Trying to deploy an app built for the European market. The access to the apex app works from the US but gets 404 when accessed from Europe (Latvia). The same is…
Cannot upgrade Free Tier to "Pay as you go" planSummary: Cannot upgrade Free Tier to "Pay as you go" plan Content (required): I'm literally doing this just to change the email address tied to the account. All attempts…
Why do I get 403 error when trying to access OCI Console?Summary: A few weeks ago I asked this question but didn't get any meaningful reply and the issue is still not resolved. I enter my cloud account name on https://www.orac…
I can't access my instances "You don’t have permission to view these resources in this compartment"Summary: First of all, Hello My account has been block for 17 days.. I am unable to view or access my instances (always-free tier). The issue being faced is having very …
How to solve the problem: Error: Cannot Add Support IdentifierStreszczenie: Nie mogę uzyskać dostępu do Oracle Cloud Free Tier Support. Treść (wymagane): Przedwczoraj utworzyłem nowe konto Oracle Cloud Free Tier. Nie mogę uzyskać d…
Why was my account terminated without any notice and reason?Content (required): When I logged into my Oracle Account on 20th April 2022, I found that my VM instance was deleted and I was unable to access any feature. On further i…
How to register JWT post endpoint API gatewaySummary: I have a token rest URL having x-www-form-urlencoded body parameters "client_id" : "****, "client_secret" : "xxxaavvbb", "scope" : "service.monitoringxxx", "gra…
Cannot Cancel OCI accountSummary: Tried and failed to change email address associated with OCI account. Now unable to cancel OCI account and create new account with new email address as appears …
i would like to delete my account free trier in order to gpdr lawSummary: i would like to delete my account free trier in order to gpdr law,I no longer have access to my account because the email associated with my domain was changed …