Discussion List
Is there any OTBI report that I can include the Employee bank account informationSummary: Is there any OTBI report (subject area) that I can include the Employee bank account information? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):…
INVALID_VENDORSummary Expense report invoices rejected due to reason INVALID_VENDORContent Hi Team, I am unable to create invoices for expense report which are Approved and Audited, s…
Query/Web service to extract the Payment Methods for all employeesHi, I have a requirement to find the employee's Payment method. Is there a table which stores this data or a web service which can be invoked to extract this information?
OTBI report showing Expense Items Not in Expense ReportsSummary: Is there a way to create an OTBI report showing expense items not in expense reports? I tried to create one using the subject area Expenses - Expenses Transacti…
Is there Report of expenses showing all transactions in all statuses?Summary: User is looking for is a report of expenses (all status e.g. not approved) at the end of the month in the Fusion Expense Module that have not been processed thr…
can we override the accounting based on DFF in expensesSummary: Currently, we enabled account field at expense line level, which will be auto defaulted based on expense type selected. I have created a DFF at report level wit…
Expenses - Expense Transactions Real Time "The specified criteria didn't result in any data.I am facing same issue not able pull expense details from Expenses - Expense Transactions Real Time " Subject area. Only details from Employee folder are populating. if …
Report output to send in Team channelSummary: Do anyone know if a report output can be transmitted to a MS team channel? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the v…
Document Sequence category Expense Report vs Payment Request (Document Sequence Category Name)Summary: I am configuring the "Document Sequence" for the Expenses module. Under the Assigment section, I see two categories : "Expense Report Invoices" and "Payment Req…
Expenses Module: Specific tables and fields where the employee banking information is stored?Summary: I've been asked the following 2 questions by one of our internal auditors, specific to the Expenses Module: List the specific tables and fields where the employ…
Employee information is blank in Expense-Transaction Real TimeThis is a question about OTBI Expense - Expense Transaction Real Time. When the status of a corporate card transaction is "Inactive Transaction", the employee informatio…
Expense report with attachment informationHello All There is an option in BI to inform that the expense report was created with an attachment, we need to create a report with this information. Has anyone had thi…
OTBI Payment Dashboard ErrorsSummary: Error Codes: OAMP2OPY:OPR4ONWY:U9IM8TAC:U9IM8TAC:U9IM8TAC:OI2DL65P:OI2DL65P Error during query processing (SQLExecDirectW). State: HY000. Code: 10058. [NQODBC] …User_O0197 71 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Lucy Cui-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Does Masked/Token Corporate card Numbers for loaded transactions are stored in Oracle Backend?Summary: There is a business use case to create a custom report which will pull the employee's card numbers. I am not able to view any Corporate card Numbers for the exi…Manisha Sen Gupta 53 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Ramalingam Muthaian Pillai- Support-Oracle Expenses
Custom Expense Approval Notification template is not working correctly.Wyoming customized our approval template to include funding information directly on the approval notification in the UI and in the email. When we run the example from OT…
how to remove ESS Job "Create Uninvoiced Receipt Accruals" from user so that they cant runSummary: Business is not performing "Create Uninvoiced Receipt Accruals" So we want to remove this so that nobody will not run by mistake Content (please ensure you mask…
Need Expense table that stores the itemization detailsContent I am trying to create a BIP report that shows the Itemization data for accommodation expense type like Hotel Room Rate , Hotel Room Tax etc where the daily room …
Spend Authorization created by the user in the past is not visible in SA DashboardSummary: Spend Authorization created by the user in the past (Approved) is not visible in Employee's Spend Authorization Dashboard. But the user is able to see when he c…Prasad Kumar S 23 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Emma Gabriela Tanase - Oracle-Oracle Expenses
Expense Notification Banner for Global TransferSummary: Expense Notification Banner for Global Transfer Content (required): Background - Post Global Transfer, employees are unable to submit expenses for the previous …
Expense Authorization along with expense report matched in Expense module reportSummary: Expense Authorization along with expense report matched in Expense module report Content (required): Expense Authorization along with expense report matched in …
Expense MileageSummary: Expense Mileage Missing Fields Content (required): I am not seeing some of these fields when creating expense mileage on my expense Item page. Not seeing; Locat…
How to delete field in Oracle Fusion table using SOAPUISummary: Content (required): How to delete field in Oracle Fusion table using SOAPUI (cc_prepaid_invoice_id from exm_expenses) and (expense_report_id from exm_expenses)?…
Notification upon Assigning Expense Report to AuditorContent Hi All, Does anyone know if there's a task notification sent to either BPM or email once a user has an expense report assigned to them for auditing? I don't see …
Access to Expense Transactions Real Time Subject Area for Employees and ManagersHi, I wanted to assign secured access to Oracle Fusion Expense Transactions Real Time subject area for Managers and Employees. Following is the requirement: 1. Managers …
Why are expenses in my OTBI report multiplied?Summary: I'm trying to build a report in OTBI that details the status of corporate card transactions. We would like to see what transactions have not been placed on an e…
PDF and doc / docx document types not supported as attachments to Expense ReportsSummary The expense report printed from the system using “Print Preview with Attachments” shows blank pages in place of the so called “unsupported” attachment formats (P…
Custom role to access Expense Transactions Real Time subject areaSummary: I need help creating a custom role that grants access Expense Transactions Real Time subject area in OTBI. We don't want the users to have access to Expenses in…
Can we display DFF value in OTBI, Expense Transactions Real Time subject area?Summary: Display DFF value in OTBI Content (required): Hi, We have defined a contextual DFF segment in the standard Expenses DFF. This was setup as "BI enabled" (checkbo…
Expense Line DFF specific to BU or Expense TemplateContent Hi, We are looking for an option to capture additional information using a DFF, however, we need the DFF to be only available for a certain Business Unit and/or …