Workforce Compensation
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Search not working on Redwood Administer Compensation pageSummary: Hi, After the redwood config migration the Administer Compensation page is not showing any search results. Can you please advise if there is a process we need t…
Print Employee Statements for Multiple employees as individual PDFsSummary Print Employee Statements for Multiple employees as individual PDFsContent We need our Managers to be able to print Employee Statements for multiple employees as…
Very Quick questions on Compensation Plan DesignDear Experts, we have 18 countries and it is becoming impossible to have one combined plan at the enterprise level. Please help me answer these simple questions through …
How to hide Ineligible workers while exporting the worksheetSummary: Hi Team, We have checked in to hide the ineligible workers, but we when we download the worksheet via View administration report>worksheet export even the ineli…
Length of Service - Fast Formula Compensation and OverrideHello expert, we are trying to develop a fast formula in the workforce compensation plan in order to extract the length of service in year based on seniority date. We no…
Can an intervention on one plan restrict or impact an intervention on a different plan?Summary: Hi experts, we are trying to understand if an intervention in a compensation plan can restrict or impact another intervention on a different plan. Is it feasibl…
Error message when updating salary basis valueSummary: Content (required): Hello experts, when loading the new salary basis value for some employees the following error message appears: You cannot create an entry fo…
Market Composites in Compensation PlanSummary: Hello Team, We're attempting to mask the 'market data composite' column in compensation plans for certain roles. While role-based overrides are usually effectiv…
No Updates Allowed even for Topmost level managerWe have manager level budgeting in the Budget display, we have marked everything as Updates allowed. Not sure why this is still not allowing budgets to be updated. Pleas…
Percentages published from one global model are vanishing when another global model is published.In a Workforce compensation plan, we have 4 components defined, off them we are using 3 of them in Global Model publishing, 2 of the global models with old components ar…
Is there a way to default 'All managers' view in Allocate budgets screenSummary: While defining Workforce compensation plan, Worker-level budgeting is chosen. So when we try to act as Proxy manager and check thru —> Manage Budgets —> Alloca…
How to enable the Available Budget - Filtered by Team Hyperlink in the Summary for Group View.Summary: How to enable the Available Budget - Filtered by Team Hyperlink in the Summary for Group View. Content: We enabled Group View for the Summary and we would like …
Compensation worksheet approval cycleSummary: Can we build an approval for the compensation plan where after all the managers approve it goes to the HR as a final approval?
Generate Compensation Zone and Address Mapping is not working as expected"Working at Home" is No in Employment screen for Person Number#991392 I am unable to get any data from the 'CMP_ADDRESS_ZONES' table, however we are able to see the data…
Salary Range not DisplayingSummary: We have some associates in our system where the salary range is not displaying in Compensation Info or in Change Salary page. I have checked the salary basis, s…
Admin Redwood Page - Understand logic of employee list available on Admin or MSS pagesSummary: Hi, We are enabling Comp Admin pages in redwood, while testing it we observed that Employee list is available once we open any Admin page (e.g. Change Salary, V…
Role Based Override and Dynamic CalculationSummary: A User Defined Numeric field has a Dynamic Calculation configured. In Properties, a Role Based Override is configured to allow a specific role to be able to upd…
Approval of WorksheetSummary: Hi Everyone: Need some help in how to configure below: We have created a compensation plan and need to set the approval. The plan needs to be accessed by the HR…
Years Employed Column Based on Hire Date?Summary: Looking for a way to include years of service based on original hire date within compensation plan. Content (required): Hello, We have a fair amount of global t…
How to switch salary basis when using salary Basis ' Determined by rates'.The requirement is to have different salary basis for each grade. I am using Salary Basis 'Determined by Rates'. However, while trying to promote/change the grade of the…
How to add LOV in Notes column in the worksheetSummary: Customer is looking to add a fixed set of comments as List of Values for the notes section. How can I add List of value there Content (please ensure you mask an…
Cannot View Open Compensation PlanSummary: I have duplicated an existing compensation plan and added a new name. I have run the start batch process. The plan is showing under active plans as state open, …
Enter annual salary to calculate hourly salaryIs there a way for us to enter Annual Salary for the hourly salary to be automatically calculated, as opposed to the other way around? The use-case here is that Recruite…
ICP Transaction tableSummary: We need to validate on ICP level, when the employee is raising 2 requests on the same Start Date, it should go in error. Using ICP, employee is clicking on "OK"…
Workforce Compensation plan Line manager not able to see all his teamSummary: in Workforce Compensation plan Line manager not able to see all his team. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I have created Workforc…
View all performance calibrationsIs there a way to view all the calibrations being done at the moment? for example the HR wants to view all the calibrations that are in progress even if they are not sub…
Mark the Workforce Compensation spreadsheet as confidentialSummary: We have a requirement where client wants to hide the 'Manage in Spreadsheet' option from the workforce compensation based on role, in order to prevent the saved…
FF for Eligibility based on SENIORITY DATEHello experts, We are trying to develop a Fast Formula on eligibility. The eligibility determines the worker eligible for compensation plan. The logic is that if the emp…
Fetch comments from performance documentSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We need to fetch comments from performance document to the compensation worksheet like we are pul…
How to apply rounding rule in the 'rates definition' page.I am using the salary basis as 'Determined by rates' for the auto calculation of salary components. In the 'rates definition' page, i need to the rates returned value as…