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Need Table format for Salary Component Breakup on Offer Creation Page without summation
While Creating an Offer letter, we need to mention the salary components in table format so that the Components with respective values are visible in a differentiated manner viz in Salary Amount below the table should appear so it can explicitly describe the amount per Component similarly the Annual Salary and New Salary and we don't want the salary components to be added in Overall Salary since both Probationary and Regularization amounts are meant for different criteria i.e. while on Probation and after becoming Regular respectively.
Is it feasible to categorize it via Tabular grid, so each component would have its own Salary Amount and New Salary amount and Annual Salary amount without each component be added to each other like 18 PHP here, however we want Salary Amount - 10 PHP for Regularization and 8 PHP for Probationary.