Benefits and HCM Extracts
Discussion List
Do we have a report/functionality to display the rate of an Employee based on their variable rate?Summary: Content (required): We are looking if we have a report/functionality where we can check the final rate of a plan for an Employee ? Eg, if the variable rate is b…
Do we have a report/functionality to display the rate of an Employee based on their variable rate?Summary: Content (required): We are looking if we have a report/functionality where we can check the final rate of a plan for an Employee ? Eg, if the variable rate is b…
Anyone having issue running the Archive End-of-Year ACA Information process for 2021?Summary: We have the ACA configuration setup and have run this process for 2019 and 2020 previously. When running the Archive End-of-Year ACA Information process for 202…Jeremy Meade - UPMC 23 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Abhishek Tiwari, CPP -Oracle Benefits
Coverage Reinstatement Set Up For Rehire Within 30 DaysSummary: Need to reinstate the coverage in the same plan types, plan, option along with dependents enrolled at the time of termination for someone rehired within 30 days…
HSA Deductions amount changed after Life eventContent Hi, One of our employee has pledged 1500 for HSA with 57.69 deduction for 26 PP. But when there a LE trigerred in May, the deduction amount changed to 78.95 in e…
OTBI subject area with element and benefit balance informationSummary: Our benefits department is requesting report to view payroll deduction and corresponding balances for audit purposes Content (required): Our benefits department…
How to mass back out unprocessed life eventsHello, We would like to mass back out the life events that are not processed. Is there a process which can be helpful? If yes, kindly share the parameters to be used. Th…
Schedule a Processes every day - with SYSDATESummary: Schedule a Processes every day - with SYSDATE Tried the one $Sysdate()$, which is used in reports - did not work Content (required): Version (include the versio…
Life Events Not Detecting After Completing HR Transactions Through Quick ActionsSummary How to make detect a life event for Benefits after a HR Transactions is completed through Quick Actions process flow?Content Hi, I completed a Promotion/Demotion…
Assign Benefits to an Employee only after approval from Manager and DirectorSummary: Content (required): We have a requirement where an Employee is eligible for Fleet vehicle when he/she enters a particular Band. However,there are two options, C…
Benefits HDLSummary: Can anyone please share me the dependent enrollment sample HDL file? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippe…
Benefits HDLSummary: Participant and Dependent Enrollment HDL Content (required): Hi, I'm trying to load participant enrollment data through HDL using ParticipantEnrollment.dat. But…
Table name to fetch Group Number in Benefits.Summary: Benefits table column "Group Number" Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that su…
Default FF based on the SalaryHello, We have requirement where if EE salary is less then $150000 then it should be default to Option 1 else it should be defaulted to option 2. We have developed a FF …
Benefits Contribution happening for 27 Pay PeriodsSummary: Benefits Contribution happening for 27 Pay Periods Content (required): I'm Updating benefits plan rates for 2022, While updating i have observed that benefits p…
How to compare and report the Benefit Program from the Test to ProductionSummary: Content (required): The Program got modified a lot since it moved to the Production and now we have to move it before the Open Enrollment. Is there anyway to Co…
Is Fusion HCM SHA2 compliant?Summary: Is Fusion HCM SHA2 compliant? Content (required): We have a new vendor that is requesting that I complete a transport questionnaire and I don't know if Fusion i…
Carrier Extracts - Oracle Integration CloudSummary Carrier Extracts - Oracle Integration CloudContent Hi All Would like to know if anyone has leveraged OIC to take the Carrier Extracts with enrollment data from B…
Impact Analysis Template - Open EnrollmentSummary Impact Analysis Template - Open EnrollmentContent Dear All, Greetings! We have been identifying the objects for the needful changes /remediation based on the ope…Parag Hiremath 20 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Cristina Greyling - Oracle-Oracle Benefits
Is it possible to evaluate a potential life event which is in unprocessed mode using HDL ?Summary Is it possible to evaluate a potential life event which is in unprocessed mode using HDL ?Content Is it possible to evaluate a potential life event which is in u…
EOI Integration with Lincoln FinancialSummary We have a new vendor and are considering doing an EOI integration for an inbound and outbound fileContent We have a new vendor and are considering doing an EOI i…
Benefits life event box and name not aligningContent A Marriage Life Event was created to allow the employee to make changes to their benefits. When changing their election, the selection boxes under the "who do yo…
HCM Cloud Patch CadenceContent Hi, We are currently on a quarterly patch cadence. We are trying to evaluate the benefits of moving to monthly. If we can, we also want to know if certain months…
Can we Handle Loans in HCM BenefitsSummary We have a requirement to implement ability for employees to request Car loan, Marriage loan.Content We have a requirement to implement ability for employees to r…
Can we change the Rate from 'Pretax' to 'Aftertax' after loading and enrolling the Employees?Content We had loaded the enrollment data from the previous system and now during testing, its found that some of the rates of plans should be 'Aftertax' instead of 'Pre…
Option change with Divorce Life eventSummary Option change with Divorce Life eventContent Hello, We have a requirement for Divorce life event where we want the coverage start date (cases where option has be…
For future dated Nonworkers not able to see in EnrollmentSummary Future dated hired Nonworkers not able to see in Enrollment PageContent Hello All, 1. I have hired an Non-worker with future dated (08/01/2021). 2. While searchi…
Payflex - FSA and HSA ChangesSummary Payflex - FSA and HSA Changes - Plans managed at Program LevelContent Hello Everyone We are runinng into some issues, with Payflex enrollments especially with th…
ACA - 1095C Form Line 15 (Employee Req Contribution Amt - All 12 Months)Not getting displayed-Summary ACA - 1095C Form Line 15 (Employee Req Contribution Amt - All 12 Months)Not getting displayed-Content Hi Team Customer went LIVE in July 2020 with benefits . las…
ParticipantEnrollment or BenefitEnrollment TablesSummary ParticipantEnrollment or BenefitEnrollment TablesContent Hi, I have loaded HDL BenefitEnrollment.dat file to Fusion HCM , now i want to extract same data using B…