Benefits and HCM Extracts
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Can we have 1094c in printable format just like 1095c?The 1094c Manifest and the xml file is generated and uploaded in IRS. We have a query form the customer to get the 1094c in almost the same format as 1095c.
How to find out the unprocessed after running the employee event life even participationSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi there, We ran the event life even participation as a scheduled job. In the log file, there are…Michelle Tsang-Oracle 41 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Monica Vijayashanker -Oracle Benefits
24B Additional Certification Types (Minimum Attachments = 1)What impact will this have on those EE's who had their Certifications verified/approved, but not uploaded? (Examples below) Content (please ensure you mask any confident…
Inbound Integrations - Options to Automate File Upload in UCM ServerInbound Integrations - Options to Automate File Upload in UCM Server a) I have a requirment where the Vendor sends us a Inbound file to HCM which has Benefit Deduction E…
how to write a sql query to fetch details of terminated employees in the prior calendar yearOracle Fusion Cloud Applications24A (
Looking for an Open Enrollment Report that displays employees that have completed or not completed eSummary Open Enrollment ReportsContent Hi, I am using the Open Enrollment Disclaimer report to identify employees that have completed their Open Enrollment but I'm wonde…
How to Add verbiage to Me->Benefits->Contact US tileSummary: How to Add verbiage to Me->Benefits->Contact US tile Thanks M Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add …
How does an employee view benefitsSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, I am new to benefits module and i am still figuring out the process. However my question i…
Send process log by email from an Evaluate Life Event Participation runSummary:Hi I have run the "Evaluate Life Event Participation" job, it generates a LOG. Is there a way to send the LOG file via email? or to put it in a BI report? Conten…
Need DBI for getting the coverage amount while enrolling into the plan.Summary: Need DBI for getting the coverage amount while enrolling the plan for triggering EOI(Enrollment Certification Required) Content (required): We have implemented …
Getting "You must enter a value for publish date because it's required for this document type" errorHi All, We are processing ACA 1095C process and while running the final 1095c report generation process (Run US 1095-C Employee Report), we are receiving below error. Th…Satyabrata Nanda 61 views 2 comments 5 points Most recent by Jesus N Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
ex-spouse for one stateSummary: We have employees with locations in multiple states of USA. For One state we have the requirement to allow EX-Spouse also into the Medical Plan. For all other s…
Coverage level not changing for the dependents that aged off.Summary: The process is partially working, it removed the dependent(s) that aged off but it did not change the coverage level, it should have updated to waived as there …
ACA Localization: How to run and maintain the customize 1095 report from the custom folderSummary: Hi All, As per Oracle documentation for ACA (localization), we clone and updated template of reports US0195c and 1095cPrint. Then place to Custom > Human Capita…
Oracle Extract Output with Duplicate Dependent Rows due to Multiple LegislationsSummary: Benefits Extract is returning multiple rows for dependents where there is legislative data for multiple countries. Content (required): We have several participa…
The Pending Action for EOI is stopping other life events from processing.Summary: The Pending Action for EOI is stopping other life events from processing. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When an employee submit…
New Hire cannot see the ESS Medical OptionsHello Community, We have a new hire that cannot see his option for Medical Program Navigation: Me Tab - Benefits - Start Enrollment - Continue - (Options)- The Medical P…
Deferred Comp Eligible Hours YTD querySummary: We have a need to send YTD hours to our retirement vendor for vesting purposes. There is a delivered balance of "Deferred Comp Eligible Hours" but it only retri…
Setup of COBRA plan in fusion hcm cloudSummary: Hi, Does Fusion hcm has the capability to administer COBRA setup? If yes, what are the things that we can do in COBRA or what are the steps to configure COBRA i…
A Report to show Employees who decline BenefitsHello All, Is there a report to show employees that decline benefits or coverage. 23A
Debugging HCM extract - Extract Rule - FF has debug ess_log_writeSummary: I have an extract rule Fast Formula being called HCM extract. The FF calls a validation set, where Person_ID is being passed using if DATA_ELEMENTS_EXISTS('Pers…
Need help in identifying table which stores dependent line number informationSummary: We are loading benefits dependent information using DependentEnrollment.dat file. In DesignateDependent File Discriminator , we've line number attribute. we wan…
Read Only/View Only Job Roles - Benefits and PayrollSummary: Read Only/View Only Job Roles - Benefits and Payroll Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All - I am looking for developing job rol…
Query not picking emp rec when only %age distribution of covrg amt is changed btwn emp & beneficiaryPlease help us to identify tables and columns (and relevant joins for that table too) that gets populated when an employee just changes the percentage distribution of th…
Can Benefits Cyclescheme Plan be built as a reducing balance ?Summary: Our Client wants one of their plan, CycleScheme which is their own plan to be built as a reducing balance and we've not configured any plan like this before. So…
query picking up blank submit and missing the dependent amt changes in benefits life event1- we have 2 different queries written for Open Enrollments and New Hire, Unrestricted & Other Life events . 2- we want employee records to be pulled when employee final…
Evaluated Life Event HistorySummary: Is there a way to pull all historical Life Events on an employee? We specifically want to find evaluated Life events that are not closed. Content (please ensure…
Total Life Event used Year to Date ReportHello All, I am trying to determine a YTD report of all the Life Event that was used , is there a report out there? any help would be appreciated ! Version 23D Thanks, G…
LE event to show transfer and benefit eligible dateSummary: What LE would take place when a employee changes position under the same assignment and goes from a non benefit eligible role to a benefit eligible role? Conten…