Benefits and HCM Extracts
Discussion List
Beneficiary designation using HSDL is not working when Beneficiary percentage added for person selfSummary: Uploading Beneficiary designation using HSDL is not working when Beneficiary percentage added for self Content : We are trying to upload Benefits enrollment usi…
can we define rates based on band/grade of an employeeSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, We have benefit plan where in rates needs to be visible to an employee only based on the b…
Add button is not available for Beneficiary Organizations /Personal InfoSummary: Add button is not available for Beneficiary Organizations /Personal Info We have enabled the Beneficiary Organization /Personal Info in Me=⇒Benefits=⇒Before you…
Request for Setup Extractor file for Benefit Module to prepare Configuration WorkbookInviting inputs from experts about setup extractor file available to export Benefit Components in the system, directly in excel format. Setup Extractor is available for …
Life Event condition not getting evaluated in Fast FormulaCreated the Plan with option spouse and Child, Validation for the addition of spouse and child vary as per the life event. Example :- For life event marriage and Child E…
Calculate age as of first of calendar year in Age Determination Fast FormulaSummary: Hello Experts, I want to modify an age determination ff we have. There are 2 conditions, for some life events, I want the date to be the 'occurred date' and for…
Open Enrollment - Date Question - Enter OE for Test PurposesSummary: @Aurora_Adams Any help is appreciated. I have created an Open Life Event in our Test environment for the following Dates 11/4/24-11/27/24. I am attempting to ad…
Renaming the label "Covered by another plan"Summary: How can we rename the change "Covered by another plan" and Personal Info under Me ⇒Benefits ⇒Before you Enroll" We want to change "Covered by another plan" to s…
Payroll Deduction after the Termination dateHI Community, I have an issue where an employee was terminated on 07/22 they can use that benefits until 07/31. The Elements are end dated on 07/31 per the termination d…
Dependent Name Change not being picked up in extractSummary: In Benefits, we have a Domestic Partner with coverage as of 1/1/2024. This person gets married on 6/5/2024. Since our benefits begin at the beginning of the mon…
Benefits HDL Participant EnrollmentSummary: Loading Participant Enrollment through HDL Content (required): Hi Everyone, I am trying to load the Participant Enrollment data through HDL. The plan im loading…
Duplicate ContactsSummary: Hello, We are seeing duplicate contacts for employees and unable to delete them. The Duplicate actually happens when we delete one contact then it weirdly adds …M. S. 31 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Monica Vijayashanker -Oracle Human Capital Management
how to prevent employee from selecting supplemental life insuranceSummary: how can employee not increase limit if EOI is rejected and also he can see coverage during open enrollment but cannot increase limit Content (please ensure you …
Benefits Extract - Ability to pick enrollments for closed life eventsSummary: Hi All, Does Benefits extract (using plan carrier setup etc.) offer the ability to pick enrollments for closed life events alone? Our current file feeds are cau…
Best practices for integration with disability vendorsSummary: Hello - we recently implemented Oracle HCM and have a very manual process regarding disability pay. We are hoping to hear from other customers on how the integr…
HDL load errorsSummary: We did an HDL on stop benefit deductions and restarting. one employee we received the below error on his benefit (element). This employee has two assignments. O…
Using ben_fn_get_char_value function to get plan and option enrolled for this period onlyHello experts, We have a customer requirement where we need to define a primary amount (Employee Contribution) and a secondary amount (Employer Contribution). Further de…
With a Life event how to auto drop the dependent option to minimum plan option based on the EE hoursSummary: we have a Benefits Requirement, where for a certain Life Event ( Requal Semi Annual) , Medical /Dental/Vision Plans should Auto Drop to Associate-Only option if…Swathi Anantharaman 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Monica Vijayashanker -Oracle Benefits
Is it possible to validate Element entry Start Date and End Date using Element Input Validation FFWe have business requirement to make user to enter Element entry Start Date and End Date of on element as per the business rule, To achieve this we are trying ‘Element I…
Post Election FFSummary Post Election FF validating previous enrollmentsContent Post Election Edit Formula is validating previous enrollments when a new life event triggered , client wa…
How to add Hover text for Field "What is the start date of this relationship?"Summary How to add Hover text for the field on ESS PageContent Hi Everyone, Requirement - Want to add the text box for the field "What is the start date of the relations…
Evaluating event issueSummary unable to evaluate the potential event for new hire employee.Content Hi All, I'm receiving the below error message when I'm trying to evaluate the potential even…
I dont have permission to access the Benefit Relationship tabSummary: I would like to access the benefit relationship tab. I'm unable to do so at the moment and I need to terminate an employee that has two benefit relationships se…margherita bonfiglio 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Monica Vijayashanker -Oracle Benefits
Fusion Benefits - Submit 1094c data file for the corrected employeesWe have submitted 1094C file to IRS and it was accepted with error. Now we have to upload 1094C file (replacement one) in correction mode, what will be the approach for …
can we add pre-tax and After-tax to same element which is employer paid (secondary) ?Summary: I have a requirement from the client, where in For a single plan, Group A Variable profile - Employees will have Pre-tax and Group B Variable profile- Employees…
Table name for Database Item BEN_PHB_CVRD_IN_ANTHR_PLSummary: We have employees who are in Medicare and they have entered data into Me==⇒Benefits==⇒Before you Enroll⇒Other Health Insurance Coverage It seems database item B…
Override Enrollment Rate ChangeHello Community, I have an employee with a rate change for the upcoming pay period for his life insurance, without incurring a retro on his account can I override his en…
Is there a way for term reversals not to void all benefit life events?Summary: Our Benefits team reported that when a term gets reversed, the individual's benefits disappear from the benefits screen as in the new hire enrollment or open en…
Can we have Collapsing Rules to manage conflicts of Open Enrollment with other Life EventsSummary: Collapsing Rules in Oracle do not support Open Enrollment in particular for building logics. Need understanding from Experts on how to manager conflicting life …
Benefit - Salary Change not triggering correctly with FFHello Not sure what changed in the last couple of weeks but the Assignment Change is not triggering the Salary Change Event for the employee correctly, its opening and a…