Benefits and HCM Extracts
Discussion List
Employees on LWOP - What's the recommended approach or best practice to get benefit deduction reportSummary: We would like to generate a benefit deduction report specifically for employees who are on LWOP (active but payroll ineligible) but they are benefit eligible so…
How to update Benefit Plan Coverage Start Date using HDLI am trying to load Benefit Enrollment (GUL Data) for the Participants. I am facing issue with updating GUL Coverage Date. Is there any HDL scripts, we can use to update…
Payroll Definition Impact to Benefits Calculation?We need to update our Payroll Definitions for 2026 and 2027 due to the way our pay dates fall on bank holidays. Week 1 for 2027 should be Week 27 for 2026 as the origina…
No records are returned when running the 1094 process for California. Any ideas?Summary: No records are returned when running the 1094 process for California even though there are over 400 employees in California. This has worked in prior years. Not…Karl Neff 54 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Eric Geddes Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Evaluate Life Event Participation - Error Report Export - BIPSummary: Hi All, I am able to export the error report from Evaluate Life Event Participation process. But is there a way I can fetch it via BIP? I am unable to locate an…
Same Benefits Designation for 2 plans.Summary: We have a requirement where we need to ensure that the employee enrolls same dependents for 2 different plans. For example: We have Plan A and Plan B with famil…
Restrict New Hire Life event for part time employees.Summary: We have a requirement, where in we do not need the 'New Hire' life event to trigger for part timer. We tried using the below formula, attached it to data change…
Error importing programSummary: Getting this error importing a program: JBO-27024: Failed to validate a row with key oracle.jbo.Key[300000079664097 ] in PayrollCriteriaV2Logical EligibilityPro…
Error when Evaluating Life Event - Termination (PAY-1635003Summary: Hello, Encountered the error below when trying to Evaluate back dated Termination Life Event. Resignation is 10/1/2024 What might be possible reason for this? T…
Can we update coverage end date for mass population?Summary: I need to update the Waive Option coverage end date for mass population via batch or other means. We end dated the plan already. Therefore, when I run a life ev…
Getting "One or more valid dependent for the participant could not be found" error in Data loadingSummary: We are trying to load Benefits Dependent Data but facing the error of "An error occurred. To review details of the error run the HCM Data Loader Error Analysis …
Facing a unique issue in 25A where preexisting eligbility is no longer working?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): So we had this requirement like this Grade A,B,C - Plan X Grade D,E,F - Plan Y Grade G,H,I - Plan…
COBRA Qualifying event sample ExtractSummary: Hi I am writing a extract for benefits Strategies for COBRA Qualifying event. Does anyone have a sample extract that I can use. If not can someone share what, u…
Archive End-of-Year ACA Information file number of records does not match with 1095C .pdfIt is observed that after running Archive End-of-Year ACA Information process, it has generated ACA file with unique 3318 records, however after running Run US 1095-C Em…SarikaC 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by SarikaC Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Request for process to create and evaluate life event for those employees coming on the vendor fileSummary: Customer has an Inbound integration requirement where they must load participant enrollments for GUL plans for those employees coming on the vendor inbound file…
We ran the 1094 process and got two submissions for the same legal entity in the xml. Any ideas?Summary: We ran the 1094 process and got two submissions for the same legal entity. There were 6 1095s in one submissions and 56 in the other Any ideas? This is likely a…Karl Neff 1 view 0 comments 0 points Started by Karl Neff Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Best Approach for Evaluating Open Life Event for 19k employeesSummary: We are using below-mentioned approach and Parameters used to kick off 'Open' Life event enrollment window for 19 k employees. We are facing in-stability in kick…
Fast Formula: ESS_LOG_WRITES NOT WORKING in Evaluate Formula and Eligibility ProfileSummary: Hi Experts, I am creating Benefits Person Selection Fast Formula, however my logs are not displaying, is there other way around to check the logs? Content (plea…
'2G' code of Section 4980H Safe Harbor Codes and Other Relief gets displayed on 1095C form?Summary: Does 2G code gets displayed on 1095C form for ALE Members. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a requirement that for the Wai…
In ACA Report some employees and their dependents are populated in the same lineSummary: In ACA Report some employees and their dependents are populated in the same line. However, in majority of the cases employees and dependents have their separate…BHAVANA SINGH 1 view 0 comments 0 points Started by BHAVANA SINGH Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
SQL query enrollment end date when employee Opt out from the planSummary: How to benefit plan enrollment end date when existing plans opted out by employee. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Employee opted…
Seeded Audit report unable to view audit data for Employee Enrollment relatedSummary: Hi Team, I have enabled the audit report for Benefits, I can able to view data for Potential life events, evaluate life events audit data but I am unable to vie…
OTBI Analysis/SQL Query to return Benefits Rates, Plan Ids, descriptionsHello, Looking for an OTBI Analysis (tables)/SQL Query to return Benefits Rates, Plan Ids, description etc.? Version 23C Thanks Gail
How to get the ESS log write of Fast FormulaSummary: We have created the Benefits Fast Formula and wanted to check it is working or not with help of writing the ESS LOG WRITE. What is the best way to test the form…
Historical Participant Enrollment Data LoadSummary: Business requirement is to load the history and current plans/option employee has from legacy to Cloud. Is there a way to simplify the data load for this type o…
the life event is not getting deleted from plan levelSummary: I want to configure the LE at program level, but for that i have to remove it from the plan level. When i am trying to delete it from enrollments section it is …
Termination Life Event Trigger Fast FormulaSummary: We are creating a fast formula for the termination life event where Life event is triggered when the employee is Terminated, and/or with Action: Transfer from U…
Context Values for BEN_PEN_BNFT_AMT DBII am using BEN_PEN_BNFT_AMT to get the employee benefit amount for a given effective date. The routing information (SQL) obtained from below query shows 7 bind variables…
default waive coverage in supplemental spouse lifeSummary: Hello, We have a requirement where when Divorce LE is triggered for employee he should be defaulted in waive coverage in supplemental spouse life Currently i tr…