Benefits and HCM Extracts
Discussion List
Participant Report with Variable Rate Profiles - Benefits ReportSummary Participant Report with Variable Rate Profiles - Benefits ReportContent Hi All Could you please help me with the report or sql for all Participants for a plan wi…
Shifting first Pay Period for 2021Summary deduction amounts less one pay periodContent We need to have an extra pay period for 2020 (27 instead of 26). Which means we want our 2021 Open Enrollment rates …User_2025-01-23-21-24-21-434 51 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-23-21-24-21-434 Benefits
Remove Rate from Benefit Plan for 2021Content Hi, Currently our Medical Waive plan has a credit associated with it. As of 1/1/21 the credit goes away. Question 1. I thought if I end dated the rate as of 01-0…
Open Enrollment - Display Message - Self ServiceSummary Open Enrollment - Display Message/Announcement - Self ServiceContent Hi Folks, How do we add announcement for Open Enrollment. The ask is when employees are enro…
Analytic using Benefits - Potential Life Events Real Time and Benefits - Enrollments Real TimeSummary Issue getting data when using both subject areas in one analyticContent Hello all. Another developer and I are trying to create an analytic using these two SA's:…
Notifications to Benefit Admins when Certification Submitted for ApprovalSummary Notifications to Benefit Admins when Certification Submitted for ApprovalContent Hello - We are working on configuring the self service life event functionality …
Conversion IssueSummary How can you load either using the spreadsheet loader or HDL a ‘Coverage Start Date’ and the ‘Original Enrollment Date’?Content I'm working on moving the enrollme…