Discussion List
Switching from BI Publisher to Alerts based notifications in JourneysSummary: When changing the processing mode from BI Publisher to Alerts based notification, there is a warning message popping out. What does it warn about? Content (requ…
Journeys guidanceContent (required): After Journeys Go Live with regions, we received 2 requests: 1.How could HR see only active tasks in Assigned Journeys (without the tasks that requir…
Assign Journey task to indirect manager (LV 2 Manager)Summary: Assign Journey task to indirect manager (LV 2 Manager) Content (required): Hello All, I'm trying to assign a task to the Indirect manager or as other calls is '…
How to assign a journey without an HDL load and without triggering the allocation from an event?Summary: How to assign a journey without an HDL load and without triggering the allocation from an event? Content (required): In the organization we have the need to ass…
Journeys - Is it possible to trigger the journey without any employment change taking place?Summary: We have a group of employees that we need to assign a journey to. They just need to read some legislative info. They are not having anything change on their emp…
Journeys Report Task not returning any dataSummary: We have built a Journey Task with Type as Report We have used the Report Path URL as follows: /Custom/Employee/Employee Consent Forms/DORLifeInsurance.xdo?P_ALL…
New entity type AllocateChecklistTaskEO cannot be created when reassigning task on Journey?Summary: Error occurs when we attempt to reassign a task in Assigned Journeys reassign-0 failed: oracle.jbo.JboException: oracle.jbo.RowCreateException: JBO-25017: New e…
Using radio button as response in Questionnaire to activate a taskSummary: Has anyone successfully used a radio button as a questionnaire response for activating a task? Glad if you share the value set and fast formula you used. Thanks…
How to make a journey available to all employees in Explore areaSummary: Hi, how can we make a journey available to all employees in the Explore area? Employees must have in the explore area some journeys that can "add to their Journ…
Journeys why can’t find change photo task under journeys?Hello , We would like to have in journey tasks , a task to have the employee using the journey , uploading his own picture. I’m logging from a learning specialist user i…
Bug? - In Contextual Journey Manager is able to perform the task being assigned to someone elseSummary: In Contextual Journey Manager is able to perform the task being assigned to someone else. Is this a bug? Content (required): I have a contextual journey created…
Removal of Journey HR tasks Of Terminated FolksSummary: Removal of Journey HR tasks Of Terminated Folks Content (required): Hi Experts, as part of the onboarding, as we know, Employees, HRBP, and Line managers, every…
To show Journeys to Assigned EmployeesSummary: To make the journey available for employees even if they have no tasks to be performed although HR and Managers have tasks which needs to be completed in that j…
Is it possible for the task to be assigned to new Line Manager prior the effective dateSummary: Is there a way for the new LM to receive a task prior to the effective date of the transfer of the employee? Is it possible for the task to be assigned to the n…
SQL script to extract Journey allocation detailsSummary: SQL script to extract Journey allocation details Content (required): Does anyone have a SQL script or a report to extract Journey allocation details? Version (i…
Guided Journey Analytics Task Type - Implementation Guide Provides No GuidanceSummary: Hello, We want to incorporate an analytic task in a guided journey but the implementation gives little to know guidance on the parameter step: Based on what lit…Alexander George Demczak III 51 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shweta Ganguly-Oracle Journeys
Task assigned to future Line ManagerSummary: There is a task for the new Line Manager to complete. Scenario: An internal employee is moving to a new position. We need the task to be assigned to the new Lin…
Automatic checklist assignmentSummary: Content (required): Hi everyone, we are implementing the onboarding module for a client. In this regard, we were asked if it was possible for a particular count…
How to restrict Document Type in ME, MY Team and My Client Group which is created for Checklist PurpWe are creating a New Document Type to be used at Task Level, but this document type is also showing in ME, My Team and My Client Group while adding the new Document of …
Application task for the line managerContent (required): Hello, I would create a new performance journey with employee tasks and line manager tasks. I can create a first task (application task -> Performanc…
Journey flow configurationSummary: Content (required): Hello experts, we are configuring Journeys and some tasks are assigned to HR Representative. In case we have more than one HR Representative…
Expire box appearedHello, in the checklist tasks, two new mandatory boxes have appeared on tasks already set up and also when creating a new task. These boxes are "Expire" and "Days". How …
We have alerts for Incomplete tasks. But do we have an alert for an 'Incomplete Journey' ?Summary: We have alerts for Incomplete tasks. But do we have an alert for an 'Incomplete Journey' ? Content (required): We have a requirement to send the checklist perfo…
Journey Configuration - "archive after months" and "purge after months"Hi, I would like to know what is the difference between archiving and purging a Jouney? Where is the journey moved once archived? Thanks for the support, Mara
Is there a maximum amount of days for Task Expiration?Summary: Is there a maximum amount of days that the Task Expiry field can be set to in a task? Content (required): This would be helpful to know if there is a limit for …
How can i activate task notification before the activation of taskSummary: We have a business case where we need to start sending notifications of the journey tasks to the performers prior to the start date of the task. In more details…
Recruiters task in Onboarding JourneySummary: Is there a way an onboarding journey task can be assigned to the Recruiter? Content (required): We have a requirement where Recruiters have tasks to perform in …
Making sexual orientation and gender identity available to pending workers pre hireSummary: We need pending workers to be able to edit/provide sexual orientation and gender identity as a task in the pre hire onboarding journey Content (required): I hav…Elizabeth Docherty 21 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by BogdanFarcasanu-Oracle Human Capital Management
What is the token to add/put Task Owner work email address in Onboarding Checklist NotificationsSummary: What is the token to add/put Task Owner work email address in Onboarding Checklist Notifications Content (required): Version (include the version you are using,…
Archive and Purge field have become mandatory on Journey Details pageSummary: Archive and Purge field have become mandatory on Journey Details page after 23B Legislative patch in our lower pod. Content (required): Archive and Purge field …