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Bank account type is not available for any country except USHi!! We're wanting to enable the "Account Type" field for every country, however it's only available for US country only. Can someone please help me understand on how to…
How to setup Travel Request in Oracle FusionHi Dears, I want users to be able to apply for travel request different from travel expenses in Oracle Fusion, and what does the Role Travel Manager used for in Oracle f…Oluwaseye Dairo 10 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Volodymyr Faranosov Human Capital Management
Employment contract task is missing for most users in checklistSummary:. We checked in the Checklists field that they were assigned, and it said that the journey had been assigned. We were able to locate the assigned Journey. howeve…Sumathi Sivaraj-Oracle 6 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Monica Boita-Oracle Human Capital Management
What privileges is required for allocate checklist and person detailsSummary: Hi, We have a requirement where we need to create a custom role so that HR can view allocate checklist and person details of an employee when HR search from My …
Fast formula for transfer and add assignmentsHi Team, We are in the process of enabling checklist tasks for Transfer/Promote and Add Assignment actions. The eligibility for most of these tasks is based on the emplo…
Pending worker unable to fill onboarding journeysSummary: Employee who can fill out the personal information in the journey of Oracle. When they tries to enter in the link the page put in blank. Could you help us pleas…Sumathi Sivaraj-Oracle 9 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shikha Agarwal Human Capital Management
Embedded Journey Task for Document Records, Document Record is not being createdSummary: Using Embedded Application Task Type to create Document Record directly on the Journey Task Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We ha…
what is the token to print legacy email in alerts in oracle cloudSummary: what is the token to print legacy email in alerts in oracle cloud Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All, We have a requirement t…
Page break in BIP E-Signature RTF OutputWe've created a task which captures employee's digital signature which is being referenced to a BIP RTF template. The file has been made in reference to all the availabl…Akshay Aiyer 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Lucidio Moura-Oracle BI Publisher Learning Center
Journeys - i9 Section 1 - No assignment exists for this assignment IDContent Hi all, We keep getting this error message when a user has complete the i9 and is now clicking on the Done button. This is a retro hire and the assignment is alr…
Update Assigned Journey Attributes Based on Modified Journey Template Scheduled ProcessSummary: Update Assigned Journey Attributes Based on Modified Journey Template Scheduled Process Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): What is t…
Is it feasible to use duplicate quick action as a contextual action in contextual journeysSummary: We have a requirement where we would like to create Change Assignment duplicate quick action and use it as a Contextual Action in Contextual Journeys. However, …
cannot view the checklist cardsDear Team, We’ve encountered an issue with triggering configured checklists through checklist cards in Oracle HCM Cloud (as shown in the attached screenshot). The checkl…
Autoprovision Areas of ResponsibilitySummary: Currently in Responsive UI we have hundreds of Location Support colleagues that already have AOR assigned. As I'm building and testing the AOR templates in Redw…
Owner of second Journey task should be able to see the response of the First taskSummary: Hi Team, We have requirement were we have configured some Journey task which consist of various type of task (i.e. Questionnaire, Configurable form, Application…
Responsive UI Checklists and Onboarding pages will be affected after 25AWe got a notification saying Responsive UI Checklists and Onboarding pages will be affected after 25A. Recently we implemented ORC and here we are using Journeys. Howeve…
Unable to Perform Reassign and Reopen Actions in Triggered ChecklistsDear Team, We are experiencing an issue where the Reassign and Reopen actions are frozen and cannot be performed in Oracle HCM Cloud triggered checklists. This issue is …Charuka Wijethunga 4 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Charuka Wijethunga Human Capital Management
How to update Journey's due date dynamicallySummary: We have a requirement, where for Off-Boarding Journey(Separation Journey), we need to set the target completion date for few tasks as Pay period end date. How t…
Onboarding checklist closure upon terminationCurrently we are having an issue with onboarding checklists for rehired workers. The system does not automatically remove the previously allocated checklist so rehired e…
Could you please let me know which Business Object is used for loading Nudge translations?Summary: We would like to use Nudges to send Journey reminders, and upon checking, Nudges is currently not supported by the translation editor. Could you please let me k…
Assign a Journey to all employees in the companySummary: we wanted to assign a Journey to all the employees in the company. we have tried to assign Journeys to the CEO of organization - But it says the Journey has bee…Sushma Matta Venkata 22 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Sushma Matta Venkata Human Capital Management
Offboarding Journeys for Line managerSummary: Hi We have noticed Offboarding Journey is not getting allocated to Line manager when we terminate an employee with back date (When does the termination take eff…
Embedded Application Task - Family and Emergency ContactsSummary: When using the embedded application task type and I select Family and emergency contacts, I lose the ability to configure Completion Criteria. Will this be avai…
How can notification alerts be sent for Journey tasks using Alert Templates?Summary: Worklist notifications not sent for journey task per the associated template Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We set up a special …Alona Aronov-Oracle 16 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Alona Aronov-Oracle Human Capital Management
Guided Journeys on Redwood pages: Auto-scrollingSummary: Is there an option to make the Guided Journey banner at the top of the page auto scroll when there are several tasks within that journey? Instead of having the …
Pending Worker Unable to Add Bank Account or Payment MethodSummary: The custom pending worker role we have created enables user to access the Payment Methods screen, however the add button is missing for both the bank account an…
Is it possible to secure people search when reassigning Journey taskHi, I am curious if it is possible to apply security to the Person search when someone is reassigning a Journey. In my testing, I have confirmed in Person Management tha…
The Activity tab in journeys will be controlled through a functional security privilege.Summary: i am trying to follow up on journeys tasks but the page keeps empty even though we have assigned journeys could anyone advice about this issue, i have found wha…
How employee can view Journey Task details completed by othersSummary: How employee can view Journey Task details completed by others We have 2 task in a Journey. First manager will provide a feedback for the employee under the fir…
Checklist be triggered without any actionThere is a business requirement to trigger the checklist for the employees after the merit cycle. Is i possible to trigger the trigger the checklist to employees who wer…