Discussion List
Trigger a journey based on person EFF updateContent: I need to setup a journey that is triggered when a Person EFF context is updated. Do you know if it is possible? Version (include the version you are using, if …
Is it possible to send a notification once a Journey is completed?Summary: Is it possible to send a notification once a Journey is completed? Content (required): Our HR wants to receive a notification once the employee completed the en…
How to customize Journeys page?Summary: How to customize Journeys page? Content (required): Hi Experts, Please let me know how to customize Journeys page. We came to know that Journeys pages cannot be…
How can a pending worker gain access without SSOSummary: We are looking to use journeys for onboarding task for pending workers taking account that we can email to home addresses. Our issue is that we use SSO and ther…
DFF default Value not showing in Journey's tasksSummary: Hello team, I have created one checklist template and I am using Journeys. In Checklist templates, I am using Configurable forms which have some DFFs and I have…
View Configurable Form in next TaskSummary: We have a requirements to be able to see the answers that an Emloyee has made in a Configurable Form in the next Task where the Line Manager will review the ans…
Can we also remove the 'My Journey' section within Journeys?Summary: Can we also remove the 'My Journey' section within Journeys? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): 22D Code Snippet (a…
Notifications to HR do not always list all tasks (FYI list)Hello, We are facing an issue regarding the notifications that are sent to the HR. We are using the combine notification: And the notifications and reminder in each task…
Met error "You need to provide a value for the Signature Type attribute in abc task (PER-1532697)Summary: I'm new to Journeys, I need to create a Journey task to e-signature the document, e.g. "No Harassment Policy". I used the task "Checklist Templates" and created…
Replacing Onboarding deep-links in JourneysHi, has anyone come across the best way to do this? We are moving from enterprise Onboarding step checklists to Journeys and in our Enterprise Onboarding checklist step …
Why pending worker is not able to see all content sections of skills and Qualifications pageSummary: 1) We have a custom pending worker role. 2) As per business requirement - we have checklist task configured for Onboarding Journey. Checklist Task Type - Applic…Namrata Sonavane -Oracle 135 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Maria Croitoru-Oracle Career and Succession
Documents not visible to manager for future dated hireSummary: The first task we have in our onboarding journey is a document task type. When the employee is hired with a future date, the journey gets assigned to the manage…Jennifer McCloy 32 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Jennifer McCloy Human Capital Management
Guided Journeys - Background ImageSummary: Hi everyone, just a short question in regards to the new Guided Journeys feature (which we love!): Is there the ability to change the background image of the ba…
Can HR view Skills and Qualifications of pending workers?Summary: Can HR view Skills and Qualifications of pending workers? Content (required): HR can view Skills and Qualifications entered by employees. But is it possible for…Alona Aronov-Oracle 61 views 9 comments 1 point Most recent by Shikha Agarwal Human Capital Management
How to insert employee name in the welcome message of content in the Journey checklist task?Summary: When employee is triggered with pre boarding or onboarding checklist tasks, we have a requirement to capture message that says "welcome along with the " in the…
How can I change an existing Journey from BI Publisher based to Alert based?Summary: I have several onboarding and onboarding step journeys defined. I want to change them to all be alert based. How can I do that without having to manually create…
How to automatically update a Task From Task Library in a JourneySummary: We have created several Tasks in Task Library because they are the same tasks used for several Termination Journeys. When we do an update to a task in Task Libr…
How to use "BI Publisher based Notification" in assigning Journeys instead of Alert TemplatesSummary: Hello team, Can we use "BI Publisher Based Notification" in Journeys? If yes, can anyone share how to create custom BI Notification on Journey assigned to emplo…
Checklist/Journey Transactions not showing in Transaction SummarySummary: Hello team, I have noticed that transactions regarding the checklist/Journey not showing under Transaction Summary. Can anyone help me what can be the reason an…
Where do I find information on setting modal window properties for guided journey?Summary: Where do I find information on setting modal window properties for guided journey? Content (required): Where do I find information on setting modal window prope…
Journey-Notes section of task comprises of emoji? (Configuration - checklist template > create task)Summary: As per requirement, I have configured journey's tasks. Navigation: Setup and maintenance - task icon - checklist template While doing task configuration, I have…
Journeys - When creating a Document Of Record task is it possible to save to a folder?Summary: We're trying to put a change request form in a Journey for Managers to complete. Can the newly created document be saved to a location other than the Manager's …
Migrating checklists from one instance to anotherSummary: Hi All, Is there any way to migrate checklist from one instance to another ,without manually creating them.I see there is an option Export on the Checklists fro…
Journeys Video task - is there a knack to embed in siteSummary: I have been trying to embed you tube videos in a journey and I cant get it to play, I either get Error 404 or that my browser wont open the page. I have a direc…
How to enable Help Text for DFF in Oracle Journey Configurable FormsSummary: How to enable Help Text for DFF in Oracle Journey Configurable Forms Content (required): We would like to enable the Help Text for a DFF so when the user see th…Jesper Majgaard Jakobsen 61 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Jesper Majgaard Jakobsen Journeys
RUX Career Development - QuestionnaireSummary: Hi All, We are looking for a questionnaire in Career Development page but there is no option to place question and answers section. Please advise is there any f…
Contextual Journey - Termination (Not Working)Summary: Contextual Journey for Termination is not working. Content (required): I am doing research on enabling contextual Journey for a Fit/Gap Analysis and I tried to …
State Specific Onboarding TasksContent In configuring the enterprise onboarding, the client will need state specific tax and other legal forms. Right now it looks like we will need to create a fast fo…
Unable to view Journey tasks assigned to others after 22B upgradeSummary: Hi team, As HR, we were able to see Journey tasks assigned to Line Manager, other AOR earlier. But after 22B upgrade, we cannot see the tasks assigned to others…