Discussion List
Absence overlapping allow more than 1 absences?Summary "Content We enabled concurrency for all 3 absence type (ABC, XYZ, 123). In Person Management record, when we request absence on same date (Eg: 6/1 - 6/5) for ABC…
Time Entry Rule Added for Responsive Time Card but it is not working properly when we edit the timeSummary Time Entry Rule Added for Responsive Time Card but it is not working properly when we edit the time cardContent Time Entry Rule Added for Responsive Time Card to…
Few links in Absence Administration are not visibleSummary In the Absence Administration page where I am not able to see Schedule and Monitor Absence Processes and Configure Absence Batch Parameters .Content Hello Expert…
Integrating HCM with E-VerifySummary Is there an integration between Oracle and e-verify?Content Is there an integration between Oracle HCM Cloud and e-verify? I found some really old topics about t…User_2025-02-04-20-01-47-761 312 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-20-01-47-761 Workforce Management
Abs Plan > Vesting Rule Fast Formula > Probation PeriodContent Dear All, Our client has the following requirements: The new Hire cannot take leave before the 3-months probation periods ends. We started to work on the Vesting…
A Worked-Out Example of using message token in Oracle HCM CloudSummary A Worked-Out Example of using message token in Oracle HCM CloudContent I hope that most of you are already aware of defining a static message and using the same …
Process to run to update OTBI reporting of time card dataSummary Process to run to update OTBI reporting of time card dataContent Process to run to update OTBI reporting of time card data: Hi, is there a process that can be ru…
Restrict Absence record to delete from Time Entry PageSummary Restrict Absence record to delete from Time Entry PageContent Hello Experts, We are having an issue. Employee Submitted Absence and Line Manager Approved. Now, T…Chinna Reddeppa-110484 35 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by David_Nelson Workforce Management
Link to view team absences at a single placeSummary Link to view team absences at a single placeContent In the responsive UI, is there alink where manager can view the absences of his/her direct reports and approv…
Not able to add time card field to the time layout setSummary Adding time card field to time layout setContent Hi All, I have created a new time card field and tried to add it to time layout set after using the scheduled pr…Yal Prabhakaran-28110 90 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Selvam Kandasamy Workforce Management
Is it possible to restrict Absence Types by role or user (not specifically the Employee)?Summary We want the ability to restrict the Absence Type to particular AOR or Role NamesContent When creating Absence Types, we can see we can use Eligibility Profiles o…
Get a time record API - ClarificationContent Hi Team We re using the below API - Get a Time record to fetch time records from Cloud to a third party app. In this API, there is a parameter called - groupType…
Submit Leave to take Only from following Year Plan TermSummary We have a Plan Term of 1st May, if Employee is in current date of June 2020 but submits future Absence in November 2020, we want this to go from next terms Balan…
Consolidated List of Known Issues of RUX across module (Core HR / Absence / Payroll / Talent / TimeSummary Consolidated List of Known Issues of RUX across module (Core HR / Absence / Payroll / Talent / Time and Labor)Content I guess we all understand that RUX is the w…
Existing Absence Deeplink by PersonSummary Is it possible to pass the person number as a parameter for the Existing Absences DeepLink?Content We are trying to create a deeplink using the format provided b…
OTL Notification is not responsiveSummary OTL Notification is not responsiveContent Hi All, We have enabled the following profile options : 1.BIP_ONLINE_NOTIFICATION_HCM and 2.BIP_ONLINE_NOTIFICATION_HCM…
Sick Plan Re-Enrollment Not WorkingSummary Sick Plan Re-Enrollment Not WorkingContent Hello Everyone, We have a scenario where an active full time employee with normal working hours of 40 was eligible and…
Disable auto populating end dateSummary Disable auto populating end date while applying for an absenceContent Hi Team, I have a requirement to disable auto population of end date while applying an abse…
Absence Management > How to create Absence Plans respectively for Locals and ExpatriatesContent Hello All, Your support is highly appreciated on the point below: As per our customer requirement, Locals and Expatriates Employees have different annual leaves …
Quarterly Absence PlanContent Hi All, We have requirement to have an absence plan with below requirement. Tried with Frond loaded and quarterly repeating period, couldn't succeed. Kindly give…
How to transfer balance of 1 plan to other accrual plan in fusionSummary how to transfer balance of 1 plan to other accrual plan in fusionContent Hi Team, We have a requirement where the Employees will be enrolled in new Accrual Plans…NishthaBajpai 65 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-11-34-54-753 Workforce Management
The agreement can''t be processed because the entitlement used by the source absence doesn''t matchSummary The agreement can''t be processed because the entitlement used by the source absence doesn''t match the entitlement defined in the agreement''s target plan. (ANC…
Absence entry via Time card - Current/Potential issuesSummary Absence entry via Time card - Current/Potential issuesContent Dear Experts, I am looking for potential/current issues in enabling Absence entries via time card. …
20B NewFeature Session_Absence_For China CustomerSummary This is reply and material of 20B NewFeature Session_For China CustomerContent Hi, All This is replay of HCM Cloud 20B NewFeature Session held by China CSM team,…
Global Absence Plan Use Rate Formula Shift rate calculation for absence pay rateSummary Global Absence Plan Use Rate Formula Shift rate calculation for absence pay rateContent Is any used Global Absence Plan Use Rate Formula for shift rate calculati…
Time Layout component Hours Type is not displaying in Responsive UISummary Time Layout component Hours Type is not displaying in Responsive UIContent Hi All, We have input the value for Hours Type field(which is timecard layout componen…
Does Anyone has a Worked-Out Example of Loading Person Absence Entry using Transformation FormulaSummary Does Anyone has a Worked-Out Example of Loading Person Absence Entry using Transformation FormulaContent Does Anyone has a Worked-Out Example of Loading Person A…
API for Work schedule AssignmentSummary Need to know is there is any API service available to employee work schedule AssignmentContent Hi Experts, Here I have attached a screenshot of the Work schedule…
Create an Absence Record using APISummary Create an Absence Record using APIContent HI Team, I want to create an absence record using REST API. I am using postman application for REST API services. http:…User_2025-02-05-04-17-04-394 64 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by krpatel Workforce Management
Setting default duration value for an absence typeContent We have requirement to set a default time duration for an one absence type without affecting for other absence types. Is that possible?Ayesha Thilakarathna 91 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Bhavani Shankar Workforce Management