Discussion List
Is it possible to restrict Absence Types by role or user (not specifically the Employee)?Summary We want the ability to restrict the Absence Type to particular AOR or Role NamesContent When creating Absence Types, we can see we can use Eligibility Profiles o…
Submit Leave to take Only from following Year Plan TermSummary We have a Plan Term of 1st May, if Employee is in current date of June 2020 but submits future Absence in November 2020, we want this to go from next terms Balan…
Administrator view in new Time Management UISummary How can an Administrator view/edit Time Cards in the new UI?Content We have turned on the new UI for Time Management. It appears the Administrator should be able…
Can we create a dependent flexfield based on Absence start date durationSummary In the Create Absence Page, We want to have an additional flex field to show when employee chooses duration as Half Day with the flexfield values to be AM or PM …
Disable auto populating end dateSummary Disable auto populating end date while applying for an absenceContent Hi Team, I have a requirement to disable auto population of end date while applying an abse…
Quarterly Absence PlanContent Hi All, We have requirement to have an absence plan with below requirement. Tried with Frond loaded and quarterly repeating period, couldn't succeed. Kindly give…
ALERTS using Alert Composer : ABSENCE RESOURCES ARE NOT SEEN IN ADD FILTERSummary ALERTS using Alert Composer : ABSENCE RESOURCES ARE NOT SEEN IN ADD FILTERContent Hi , I'm not able to create a absence resource alert using alert composer funct…Abhishek Sood HCM 108 views 0 comments 2 points Most recent by Abhishek Sood HCM Workforce Management
Learn how to use Master Report - Absence Data Integrity Detection Diagnostic Test in Absence ManagemSummary Learn how to use Master Report - Absence Data Integrity Detection Diagnostic Test in Absence ManagementContent Hi All, Please find the below URL; https://youtu.b…
How to make Attachment Mandatory While submitting an Absence like Sick Leave?Content Are there anyway to make attachment mandatory while submitting Sick Leave, so that employee won't be able to submit Sick Leave unless he attached a medical certi…
The analysis Report (Google Map) not appearing when attached to a page using page composerSummary The analysis Report (Google Map) not appearing when attached to a page using page composerContent Hi Experts, We took a google map to show each country headcount…
Combined Time Entry for Project Costing and Global PayrollSummary Combined Time Entry for Project Costing and Global PayrollContent Hi experts, Does anybody have experience using combined layout for project costing and payroll …Volodymyr Faranosov 75 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dheeraj Khurana-194000 Workforce Management
Using Hire date as a criteria in the Accrual MatrixSummary Need proper format to use hire date as a criteria in the Accrual MatrixContent Hi everyone, I am trying to use hire date in the accrual matrix. The express I use…Jaspreet Singh Kapoor 79 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Jaspreet Singh Kapoor Workforce Management
Creating Absence Adjustment reasonsContent Hi Can any one let me know lookup value for creating ' Adjustment reasons' for the absence plan?
How to Accrue Absence for every completed 18 calendar Days?Summary How to Accrue Absence for every completed 18 calendar Days?Content Hi All, We have a requirement like below. every 18 days after hire date employee 1 day should …Mithun Abhisheka 43 views 13 comments 2 points Most recent by Balamurugan.N-Oracle Workforce Management
vacation period/rules by one person for another person(not for himself)Content We know that a user can set a vacation period/rules so that he/she is removed from automatic task assignment during the dates specified (delegation etc.) Can thi…User_2024-12-06-22-48-37-902 137 views 6 comments 3 points Most recent by Catherine H Workforce Management
Unable to submit Absence - Balance IssueSummary Unable to submit Absence - Balance IssueContent Hi, When I tired to submit the Annual leave for a person getting below error but we have sufficient balance for t…
How to upload front load Absence balance through HDLSummary How to upload front load Absence balance through HDLContent Hi all, We need to front-load the absence balance through HDL. Please be kind to share if you have a …
Absence Front load fast formula ErrorSummary Absence Front load fast formula ErrorContent Hi All, We have absence requirement like below, * Every Month 8 days needs to front load * If an employee did not us…
Absence Management - OTL integration issueSummary Absence Management - OTL integration issueContent Dear experts, There is a need to have Absence Management integration with Time and Labor. But almost all absenc…
How to Date Absence Calculation Effective in to a Fast Formula?Summary How to Date Absence Calculation Effective in to a Fast Formula?Content Hire Experts, How to Get Schedule Process Running Effective Date for a Fast Formula. Becau…
How to Exclude One employee from Absence Type Eligibility Criteria?Content I need to exclude some employee from Absence Eligibility Criteria, The Eligibility is for any active assignment in the enterprise. If I need to exclude 1 or more…
HSDL for absence records loadingSummary HSDL for absence records loadingContent Hi colleagues,Does anyone have a working HSDL template to load absence records.I will be much appreciated.Thanks,VolodymyrVolodymyr Faranosov 106 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by AshishERPCloud Workforce Management
How to change Balance displaying to be 2 decimals instead of 3 decimals?Content In Absence Records, Balance Appearing in 3 decimals (As per the screenshot) while the client need it to be only 2 decimals? Any Advise?
I need "Absence Validation Formula" that prevents employee from getting more than 365 days as Sick lContent I need "Absence Validation Formula" that prevent employee from getting more than 365 days as Sick leave during to all employment period.
Absence Duration is not calculating correctly (Instead of 1 Day its calculating as 480 Days)Content Dear Team, When the employee submits for a day leave, the duration is showing as 480 Days. It was working fine till 19D. Version 20A
"Manage Work Schedules" no longer an option for Managers after switching to new UISummary When a Manager goes to My Team and clicks on the available options, "Manage Work Schedules" is no longer available to select.Content We recently switched to the …
Anniversary Event FormulaSummary Anniversary Event FormulaContent Hi there, We have a request to restart the accrual plan 3 years after the enrollment startDate, Does anyone set a similar Annive…
HDL For Absence History Data uploadSummary Hi all, we have a requirement to upload absence cutover data for 5 months. therefore, we need an Absence HDL template to upload absence balance, Absence entries …
OTL: Not able to find some table/field for the configuration pagesSummary OTL: Not able to find some table/field for the configuration pagesContent I am looking to build report to show all the data from the configuration pages for OTL.…
Remove LOV from Frequency Field in Schedule Absence ScreenSummary Remove LOV from Frequency Field in Schedule Absence ScreenContent Hello, Can you please let me know how to remove the highlighted value from frequency field in S…