Discussion List
Requisition Template - Job Advert Text FormatSummary How to ensure formatting is cleanContent Hello, We've been testing copy and pasting information from our job descriptions to ensure the text is clean from notepa…
Fusion & Taleo Single Sign OnSummary Need guidance or documents on Fusion & Taleo Single Sign on ProcedureContent Hi, Anybody could help me with a document on Fusion - Taleo (TEE) single sign on pro…Thousif Syed-47883 89 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Arun Kumar Krishnan [AK] Taleo Enterprise
Seeded Taleo to Oracle HCM IntegrationSummary Couple of important fields missing - anyone else using this?Content Hello, We are currently implementing Taleo and already have our Oracle HCM Cloud instance liv…
File Attachments limitSummary What is the impact of increasing the "Candidate maximum attachment" limit?Content Hello, Currently, we allow candidates to only attach maximum of 5 files when su…Rama Krishna Prasad Jidge 70 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Murthy Amirapu-Oracle Taleo Enterprise
Refreshing Evergreen RequisitionsSummary Need to refresh evergreen requisitions without changing the requisition idContent All of our requisitions are evergreen and have been open for a couple years whi…
Embedding videos / content in the welcome center pageSummary Trying to embed a video in the welcome centerContent Hi - Has anyone here tried embedding videos in the welcome center page? We usually have monthly videos we sh…Roy Paolo Paunlagui 109 views 16 comments 1 point Most recent by Roy Paolo Paunlagui Taleo Enterprise
Question: Updating Application Flow > Review and Submit Block TitleSummary Looking for the override path OR whether this is done via textoolContent Hi all, We're looking to update the Review and Submit block title from our Job Specific …
LinkedIn Authorization Page/Return messageSummary A white pop-up window opens with the message LinkedIn Authorization Page/ReturnContent Hello, We have currently configured LinekdIn Profile Upload feature in Sta…
Setting to deactivate ability to view the "Correspondence" event within General Profile?Summary Setting to deactivate ability to view the "Correspondence" event within General Profile?Content Hello - Is there a setting within the recruiting configuration (1…Valerie Reyna Villarreal 41 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Constantin Negrut Taleo Enterprise
Notifications - Split Out by Recruiting User? Idea logged, please read/voteSummary All Recruiting Users on a rec get notifications if turned on - how does your organization deal with this?Content Hello! We have notifications set up in our zone …
Interview Scheduling within TaleoSummary Is anyone using any type of scheduling software outside of Taleo to assist with scheduling interviews?Content I have been tasked with helping my Recruiters with …
Taleo CertificationSummary Like to know more about Taleo Certification questions pattern and study materialContent Hello Everyone, I would like to know your valuable approach for completio…
Multiple Languages and Feed to PeoplesoftSummary If multiple languages are enabled, what modifications are needed in TCC?Content If multiple languages are enabled, what modifications are needed in TCC export to…Ilona Simonini Currie 31 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Ilona Simonini Currie Taleo Enterprise
Can Internet Explorer 11 support Taleo 15 A and 15B releases?Summary Can Internet Explorer 11 support Taleo 15 A and 15B?Content Hello Team, Our company is moving from Internet Explorer 8 to Internet Explorer 11 browser. Can you p…
Diversity QuestionsSummary Does an international list of ethnicity exist for Taleo?Content Hi We are planning on rolling out Taleo TEE to a number of new territories over the next 12 month…
Taleo Social Sourcing - Facebook IntegrationSummary We are struggling to complete the Facebook integration with TSSContent Good morning, I am looking to speak to other customers who are using or are implementing S…
Assistance Needed with Branding FileSummary I need assistance with my branding file and having my company logo appear on the career sectionContent I am having some trouble with the desktop career section b…Chris Shaver - HEB 102 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by Daniel Havens | Camptra Technologies Taleo Enterprise
Deactivating a language on a requisition in bulk (via TCC or the UI)Summary Deactivating a language on a requisition in bulk (via TCC or the UI)Content Hello - We're in the process of creating TCC scripts to allow us to update certain fi…Valerie Reyna Villarreal 35 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Dina Gandikal-27398 Taleo Enterprise
CSW Step - Prospect / Pipeline Reference ModelSummary Do you use Prospect? Have you eliminated it?Content Hello! Recently we have been testing changes to our CSW and were looking at the Prospect step. The Prospect s…
TEE- Create candidate using SOAP Web ServiceSummary Integrations by SOAP WebServiceContent Hi, I'm in demand that I need to create a Candidate using the TEE WEBServices. I made the Requisition as user manual says …
Best Practice to feed to Job BoardContent Does anyone have best practices to share or advice on where to start with providing a 3rd party access to only certain job categories? They're asking for either …Michelle Graham-29105 139 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Michelle Graham-29105 Taleo Enterprise
Report on Taleo On-boarding Transition events along with datesSummary Report on Taleo On-boarding Transition events along with datesContent Hi, I would like to create a Taleo OBI report with Tasks name, Step names performed in On-b…
Schedule multiple interviews in one stepSummary We used to be able to schedule multiple interviews in 1 step using the "Schedule an interview" featureContent Hi, We used to be able to schedule multiple intervi…
Internal house icon not showing for internal employee, External showing as InternalSummary Internal house icon not showing for internal employee, External showing as InternalContent Hi - our internal employees get loaded over from our HRIS system via i…
Country & State on Work Experience for Background Check Vendor causing issues, TaleoSummary Country & State on Work Experience for Background Check Vendor causing issues, TaleoContent Hi Oracle Community -Under Work Experience in our applicant workflow,…
Mobile Branding FileSummary Looking for the mobile branding file for career sectionsContent I am in search of the mobile career section branding file. I am currently on 15A.8. I have tested…
Is there any OVI vendor who provide SMS facility to inform candidate for interviewSummary Is there any OVI vendor who provide SMS facility to inform candidate for interviewContent Dear All, Is there any OVI vendor who provide SMS facility to inform ca…
Limiting who can see/edit requisition UDF's in TEESummary Taleo Enterprise Edition, Recruiting: Seeking best practice on which method to use to limit which users can see certain fieldsContent We want to create a few req…Allyson Reid-Skagos 46 views 5 comments 2 points Most recent by Arun Kumar Krishnan [AK] Taleo Enterprise
Auto - Reject - > Recruiting SettingSummary Had anyone turned ON recruiting Setting -> Automatically Reject Candidates when Closing a RequisitionContent Hi Had anyone turned ON Recruiting Setting -> Automa…
Time fieldsSummary Are tie fields available in TaleoContent Hi, We are in a need to have a field for time in the recruiting candidate profile. Are there any standard fields availab…