Setup and Configuration
Discussion List
Release 13 Configurable Email Notifications for Talent Management (Doc ID 2331021.1)Summary This is part of a series of Quick Reference Guide "Frequently Asked Questions and Answers"Content Configurable email notifications provide customers with the abi…Dr Surlina Yin-Oracle 291 views 0 comments 8 points Most recent by Dr Surlina Yin-Oracle Performance Management
Not able print self review for employeeSummary Not able print self review for employeeContent We are not able to print self review document because of some special identify the issue I ran the re…User_2025-01-28-23-32-02-981 37 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Andrew Gillibrand-Oracle Performance Management
How to disable Send Request option for empl if participant added by mgr in new Participant feedbackSummary How to disable Send Request option for empl if participant added by mgr in new Participant feedback UI?Content Hi Team - When employee tries to send request to a…User_2025-01-23-23-27-49-795 58 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by Andrew Gillibrand-Oracle Performance Management
Organization Goals - provide access to specific org leaders not entire orgContent Hello, We would like to provide just a small list of org leaders access to create Org Goals (via the My Organization Goals tab). With our current configuration, …
How to use fast formulas in talent eligibility profiles?Summary Write a fast formula in related to the performance managementContent I need to write new a fast formula to define eligible employees to a specific performance do…User_2025-01-28-21-18-43-496 106 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-21-18-43-496 Performance Management
Performance Template - Competencies section limitSummary Performance Template - Competencies section limitContent Hi all, Does anybody know whether it exists a limit of maximum competencies can be added as content item…
is there a way to show calculated rating description on a performance form?Summary A calculated rating description shows up only when I click on the Calculated RatingContent A calculated rating description shows up only when I click on the Calc…Gala Meyerovich 82 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Andrew Gillibrand-Oracle Performance Management
Team Performance in Goal Plan and Performance ReviewsSummary We are in the process of redesigning our performance process to have a Team rating in addition to Goals and Competency ratings.Content We are in the process of r…
Deleting a Performance Review processSummary How to delete a performance review processContent We are getting ready to roll out our performance review process for the first time. I made some changes in our …User_2025-01-28-20-43-56-568 44 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Andrew Gillibrand-Oracle Performance Management
Add ratngs to performacne documents centrally bypassing manager hierarchySummary Is it possible to add a perfromance rating to an employees performance document as an HR specialistContent Hi We have a requirement to add performance ratings to…Michael Smith-2253 48 views 6 comments 2 points Most recent by Andrew Gillibrand-Oracle Performance Management
Additional Access After the PatchSummary Additional Access After the PatchContent After the Nov patch HR has got additional taks in Performance Reviews. I believe these are part of the aggregate privile…
Load PDF document and link it in HTML Area in Performance documentSummary Load PDF document and link it in HTML Area in Performance documentContent Hello, My requirement is to have an hyperlink on performance document that open a PDF. …
MBO in Oracle HCM Cloud: Compensation VS Goals & Performance ManagementSummary What is the best solution to manage MBO: Compensation VS Goals&Performance Management?Content Hi All, in the following business context: -XYZ is an Italian Compa…
Performance Management - Evaluation cannot be performed concurrentlySummary November Quarterly PatchContent Following enhancement came with the November Quarterly Patch. I tried to validate this but did not find any difference. Has anyon…
Participant Feedback Task Is Causing An ADF Error - After Nov PatchContent We have included a Participant Feedback Section in our Performance document template. When a user clicks on the button to Begin the feedback process. It causes a…
Is using goal plans necessary?Summary Don't want to use goal plans, just goals.Content All, I am wondering whether the HCM system (Goal Management) requires to use a goal plan for each employee? When…Inge Marinus 97 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-21-18-43-496 Performance Management
Attachments in Cloud Performance (Fusion)Summary Distribute same attachment out to all participantsContent I know that in Goals you can attach a URL to a specific goal, and then access that from the Performance…
completed Worker Final Feedback comments are not visible in Admin SearchSummary HR is not able to see Worker Final Feedback commentsContent A worker signed the performance form, and submitted it to the manager. The Worker Final Feedback step…
Implementing a Performance ScorecardSummary Need assistance with how to create Production related scorecardContent I am looking into how to create KPIs around Quality (email and phone reviews) and Producti…User_2025-01-28-20-43-56-568 62 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-29-00-14-38-548 Performance Management
Hiding Share and Release button for few managersSummary Would like to hide Share and Release button available in performance document for certain period for certain populationContent We got a requirement from one enti…Janaki Ramana Reddy Vayyala 100 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-29-00-14-38-548 Performance Management
Assigned Goals % CompletionContent Morning all, I've searched the forum but couldn't see an answer: If a manager assigns a goal to 5 employees, do they all still count as separate goals to the ind…User_2025-01-28-05-39-23-766 47 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-29-00-14-38-548 Performance Management
enabling a goal field only for a specific goal planSummary is there a way to show a Goal field only on a specific Goal Plan?Content In 2016 we simplified our goal setting process and hid many fields on the Goal Details p…
Retention and Business RiskSummary Is there a way to change the color coding between the Retention and Business Risk ratings?Content Is there a way to change the color coding of the Business and R…User_2025-01-29-03-33-30-795 32 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-29-03-33-30-795 Performance Management
How to control page content via login languageSummary How to control page content via login languageContent Hi team, is it possible to control the visibility of a page content via login language? Has anyone ever tri…User_2025-01-23-23-27-49-795 34 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-23-23-27-49-795 Performance Management
Do not want certain category of goals to be pulled through in a performance documentSummary Do not want certain category of goals to be pulled through in a performance documentContent We have a category of goals for Probation and Performance Improvement…Ruzwan Akram 68 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-22-19-43-38-766 Performance Management
hide Line Manager Ratings and Comments for Matrix ManagerSummary Matrix Managers should not see ratings and comments submitted by Line ManagersContent we have a requirement to hide Line Manager's ratings and comments fro Matri…
Goals added to Performance Document as an optionSummary I don't want the goals to be pre-populated on the form but an option to be addedContent I see that there is an Action box where we can pull in goals as opposed t…Denise Jo Crangle 44 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Denise Jo Crangle Performance Management
Print Workers Performance GoalsContent Hi, Just wanted to see if there is a delivered print functionality available to print performance goals as an HR like we have one to print performance documents …
UDF Selection fields and TCC importSummary UDF Selection fields and TCC importContent Hi has anyone tried load a UDF that is a selection type into the Talent Profile or in any Taleo module using TCC? It s…User_2025-01-28-04-05-14-166 48 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Bianca Williams Performance Management
Person Spotlight - Performance Tab is emptySummary Person Spotlight - Performance Tab is emptyContent The performance tab is empty and does not show any data, even if the person has a completed/pending performanc…