Setup and Configuration
Discussion List
Display Performance Rating History in the Performance DocumentSummary: Ability to view previous performance rating inside the performance document for line managers and HR. Content (required): I understand that the "previous perfor…
Can the Annual Goal Rating depend on the monthly ratings?Summary: Content (required): I've requirement that: A. Certain employees have monthly Objectives evaluations B. Certain Employees have quarterly Objectives evaluations A…
Calculate Overall Rating based on another performance documentSummary Calculate annual rating based on mid year ratingContent Hi, Is it possible to calculate overall ratings of a performance document based on the ratings provided i…
Mass Goal Plan and Goal Upload usinf HDL or HSDLSummary: Mass Goal Plan and Goal Upload usinf HDL or HSDL Content (required): Hi Team, We have a requirement to load the goal plan and goal (without Person Number/Assign…Vasanthakumar Ravi 703 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Gabrielle Ungaro Performance Management
How to set 'Name A to Z' as default Sort By criterionSummary: How to set 'Name A to Z' as default Sort By criterion Content (required): Hi, we created a Performance document including 'Set Goals' task in the Process Flow. …
Can we selectively set email/Bell/both notifications for different events?Summary: Hi , Is there a possibility to set only email notifications for some events, only bell (in app) notifications for some other events and both for some? Content (…
Journey task Questionnaire - questions do not show instructions on question configSummary: I have a Journey task that is a questionnaire. When building out the questions for the questionnaire, I had added instructions for some of the questions on the …
Translating Ratings dropdowns from Performance DocumentSummary Need the ability to translate theseContent We have configured our 2020 Performance Documents. We have went through the process of translating and everything but …
Second Level Manager Approval for Goal PlanSummary Second Level Manager Approval for Goal PlanContent Dear Community Members, We have a business requirement to add second level Line manager approval for goal plan…
Rating Model:-Significance Distribution Threshold and Minimum Threshold Percentage and Maximum ThresSummary What is the significance of the Minimum Threshold Percentage and Maximum Threshold PercentageContent I have the following 2 questions related to rating model 1) …
Limit Facilitator visibility when in Review PopulationSummary: Content (required): Hello everyone, I have a question regarding the Talent Review Meetings. Currently our client has some Talent Review Meetings Admins, that ar…
Accessing Transferred Employee's Performance DocumentSummary: Our managers are looking for an easier way to access a transferred employee’s Performance Document other than through notifications. In my research, I have foun…Viviane Beaudoin 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mandala Venkata Naga Rajesh -Oracle Performance Management
Unable to add or edit competenciesSummary: I am trying to add/edit competencies under content items, but the create and edit options are greyed out. How do you create new competencies under content items…Tiesha Jones 67 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Rambabu Laveti-Oracle Performance Management
Where do we set email notifications for Performance Management?Summary: Hi everyone, The notifications that appear in the bell icon can be managed at My Client Groups --> Performance --> Talent Notifications but I'm clueless about t…Shubham Shree 61 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Maria Croitoru-Oracle Performance Management
Why does confirm review meeting held has a comment section?Summary: Our client has a mid-year performance document. "Confirm review meeting held" is the only task in the setup. I am wondering why it has a comment section, what i…Christian Suarez 71 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Christian Suarez Performance Management
How to include submit button in questionnaire pageSummary: Hi all, Is it possible to include submit button in questionnaire page can we remove the Edit button on below screenshot and Employee Questionnaire region should…Sowmiya Velusamy 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mandala Venkata Naga Rajesh -Oracle Performance Management
Performance Template sections and Order- placement of overall summarySummary Performance Template sections and Order- placement of overall summaryContent Hi All- We set our Performance template up in this order Performance Goals Competenc…
View Entire Goal Library and Delete/Deactivate?Content My customer are completely overhauling their goal library and want to start again. They would like me to delete the contents of the existing library. Is there a …
Displaying other fields in Goal Plan main PageSummary Displaying other fields in Goal Plan main Page apart from status and WeightContent Dear All Please let me know is there a way to display other fields in Goal Pla…
Asking for a Workaround: Ability of Line Managers to approve specific goals from a transactionSummary: Content (required): Currently, when an Employee adds 5 goals to his goal plan, then sends it for approval, the Line Manager will only have two options - Approve…
Test to Production configuration migrationSummary Lower environment to production environment configurations movementContent Hello Experts, Please suggest how to migrate final Performance document templete confi…Sudhakar Kaluvala 31 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Karthik K-Oracle Performance Management
Scheduled process to synchronize goals to performance document?Summary: Hello, We have a Performance Template built out in the system. Oracle has very limited configuration available for Performance Templates once they are created. …
Default a value into Request Feedback Questionnaire drop-downSummary: We only have 1 Feedback Questionnaire and would like to default that into the What do you want to ask? Section Content (required): Look for a way for the feedba…
unable see to Career and Performance sectionSummary: Do i need to run any process Content (required): Roles have access for these section Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (a…Sowmiya Velusamy 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Sowmiya Velusamy Performance Management
Goal Plan Error You can't complete this transaction because your person information is incompleteSummary: You can't complete this transaction because your person information is incomplete. Contact an HR specialist or other HR administrator. (HRT-975099) Content (req…Sowmiya Velusamy 353 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Mandala Venkata Naga Rajesh -Oracle Performance Management
Unable to search for assignees in the Performance DocumentHi, I ran the eligibility batch process (department) and the log said that the performance document got assigned to all the 100 employees in the department. However , wh…
How we hide or remove "show more"Summary: Hi Team, We are facing an issue. My client group> profile> Talent Profile> search for an employee> We hide everything under the show more through HCM experience…
Performance Tile Appearing twice under Me post 22CSummary: Performance Tile Appearing twice under Me post 22C Content (required): After 22C is applied over the weekend, I see the Performance tile appearing twice under M…Manivannan Ramar 51 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Gala Meyerovich Performance Management
Upload Participant detail in Perf DocumentSummary Upload Participant detail in Perf DocumentContent Hi All, Do we have an option to upload participants directly in the Performance Document. In our case, the clie…Priyanka_Kumari 34 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by Pragya Chawla-279837 Performance Management
Talent Implementation Guides Now Have a Table for Implementing Tasks in the Beginning of the GuidesSummary: As of Update 22C all of the Talent Implementing guides now have a table at the beginning of the guide to help you get a head start on implementing the HCM Produ…Cindy Klymov-Oracle 101 views 0 comments 3 points Started by Cindy Klymov-Oracle Performance Management