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Human Resource Specialist is unable to add Incumbents or add candidates into succession planSummary: The Human Resource Specialist has View All Data role. While trying to create succession plan, the HR is however not able to search for employees in Incumbents f…Shilpa Shanbhag-Oracle 61 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Sambhavi Balasubramanian Career and Succession
Can we create custom values in Talent ratings?Summary: Can we create custom values in Talent ratings? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Can we create custom values in Talent ratings? Ver…
Editing the condition in Data Security Policy of Data RolesWe have a requirement - Line Managers should be able to create their Succession Plan and add Internal Candidates from their direct reports and candidates across the orga…
Succession organization chart securitySummary: I need to restrict the visualization of the manager view of the "Risk of Loss" and "Impact of Loss", our requisition is to hide those fields to the manager see …
Talent Rating Page is Blank but we have the role in content access and data role addedSummary: Hi Experts, HRBPs are not able to see any data in the Talent Rating page. Me > Directory > employee > Person Spotlight. we have added it in the profile content …Sudita 13 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Suman Chenumalla-Support-Oracle Career and Succession
Can a Line Manager create a succession plan for their own position?Summary: Before moving to HCM we had a home-grown succession planning tool. In that tool managers were allowed to create succession plans for their own role. In HCM it s…
potential assessment error.Summary: Hi Expert, I am getting an error when I am trying to do the for my direct reports. My team> Talent Review> Click …. dot potential assessment. I can edit here bu…
Prevent a user from viewing ALL succession plansSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi experts, we are working with custom job roles and creating data roles based on various types o…
Succession Plan DFF not visible on the Plan Info screenSummary: Succession Plan DFF not visible on the Plan Info screen Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all, I have created a DFF in "Successi…
Human Resource Specialists are not able to see private sucession plans?Summary: Succession Plans created by the employee with the "Private" flag are visible only to the succession plan owner? The Human Resource Specialist/ Administrator is …
HR Specialists not able to view all succession plansSummary: HR Specialists not able to view all succession plans Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All, when I login as HR specialists, and …
Manager not able to view succession plan his direct reports are added to as candidatesSummary: Manager not able to view succession plans his Direct Reports are part of Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All, please consider …
Succession Plan Analysis IssueSummary: Hello, When trying to create a master analysis to see who are the incumbents and candidates for the succession plan (position based) the data is not separating …
Succession PlanSummary: Receiving error when selecting Candidate while creating Succession Plan- Attribute PersonId is required. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inform…
Super User for Talent PoolsSummary: This is part of a series of Quick Reference Guide "Frequently Asked Questions and Answers" Content (required): Requirement: Talent Pools View All superuser Busi…Dr Surlina Yin-Oracle 71 views 3 comments 7 points Most recent by Heather Tinnes Career and Succession
Line Manager unable to view Talent pool detailsSummary: Line Manager unable to view Talent pool details Content (required): We are using seeded LM role and for the direct reports of the LM, we have added them as pool…
Unable to view if an employee is a Succession Plan/Talent Pool candidateSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi experts, I'm working with a custom job role that should be able to view if other employees are…Elena_Panniello98 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Melanie Mahon-Oracle Career and Succession
unable to search non primary assignments in talent reviewSummary: In our Core HR configuration, employees can have multiple assignments. In the talent review meeting we have search options for Reviewer participants or Populati…
Last Updated date from Talent Pool/Talent Review/Succession planSummary: The last update date seems to be incorrect for Talent Pool/Talent Review/Succession plan in both OTBI subject areas and tables/Views (BIP) Content (please ensur…
Career Management Custom ReportsRequest if someone can share custom reports for below modules: Career Management Succession Management Talent Review Profile management
The Degree field in LinkedIn does not map correctly to the Degree field in OracleSummary: The Degree field in LinkedIn is a free text field, so it does not map correctly to the Degree field in Oracle. Now, the users need to make some changes to the E…Joycieee 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Suman Chenumalla-Support-Oracle Career and Succession
Succession Plan autocomplete rule is not working from the Talent Reveiw DashboardSummary: We have to create succession plans from the talent review meeting also, since the same rule works from the succession plan page, we expect the same behavior her…
Line Manager cannot view all succession plansSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Line Manager is trying to add his direct report in a succession plan but is enable to view all th…Pranjal Mohla 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Suman Chenumalla-Support-Oracle Career and Succession
Talent Review - Population Filters - Proficiency Filter and Subordinate levelSummary: Hi All, In Talent review template config, I could see Proficiency and subordinate level filters in the population filter section. Can you tell me what these 2 f…Sridevi Kuttalingam 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Suman Chenumalla-Support-Oracle Career and Succession
Option to select only specific positions from the list of values of Position succession plan typeSummary: Our client has the need, when creating the succession plan of the Position type, for the list of Position values to include only specific positions (Gratuity Po…
Succession planning of type incumbent not populating job and department automaticallySummary: On Oracle Demo environment, Incumbent's job and department is automatically populated when we choose the Incumbent name but on a client's environment it is not …IRFAAN_CAMALOODEEN 33 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Suman Chenumalla-Support-Oracle Career and Succession
Succession Plan Implementation With Redwood PagesWe are implementing Succession Plan with redwood page and our requirement is that only HR Specialist should be able to add development goals to the employees individuall…Shraddha_Karanje 113 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Shraddha_Karanje Career and Succession
Issues with Succession Redwood UI & Visual BuilderSummary: We have had an SR open for almost 3 months with no resolution and almost no updates on an issue we're facing with the Redwood UI for Succession Plan pages. Spec…Karlie Backman 231 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Juan Pablo Gonzales Career and Succession
succession plan owner - Security profileSummary succession plan owner - Security profileContent Hi, Today, by default, all the succession plan owner cannot see a candidate if that candidate is outside of their…User_2025-01-28-02-27-44-513 56 views 7 comments 1 point Most recent by User_QIDIR Career and Succession