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Standard Header and Footer - HTML?..Summary Can you use HTML in the standard Header and FooterContent We are looking to make our TBE communications/emails a bit more colorful and more directly branded to o…Alison Gold 45 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Jessica Barry-9408 Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
Candidates e-sign Candidate Email TemplateSummary Are Candidates able to e-sign a candidate email template?Content Our business needs to present the FCRA form prior to hire, and currently it is embedded on the l…Matt Ruiz-Stupi-43477 26 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_UX3TO Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
Stop Automatic emails when candidate updates his/her applicationSummary Is there a solution for Career Center?Content Our managers and recruiters get inundated with emails when a candidate updates their record via the Career Center. …Matt Ruiz-Stupi-43477 22 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Vicki Moening-19535 Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
HTML Offer Letter - Successfully sending?.. With data fields?..Content I am hoping someone out there has the magic "code" to help me solve this issue.. The long and short is that we developed an HTML Offer Letter that merged and loo…Alison Gold 27 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Kathy DiPaola-Oracle Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
Keeping in Contact (Automatically)Content Is there a way to set the system to send candidates an email of they have been at a NEW (or any other) status for more than X days?.. We are finding that our rev…
Keeping in contact with Candidates - Easily..Content Has anyone devised a way to keep in semi-regular contact with Candidates easily?.. I would love it if I could sort out a simple way to identify Candidates that h…
Super Long Messy Link.. What did I missContent ..I am setting up Tier 2 and 3 applications as well as the invitations that go with them.. But the noted code to drop into the copy for the link ( ) is appearin…
Attach Candidate to Requisition EmailSummary Ability to email a candidate an alert when they have been attached to a requisitionContent Happy Friday afternoon! Does TBE have the capability to send an email …
Need to share Feedback data outside Taleo using Message TemplateSummary Is it Possible to share Feedback data outside Taleo using Message TemplateContent Hi All, Can we share Feedback detail to outside Taleo.i have a requirement in w…Bijay Singh-21413 33 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Bijay Singh-21413 Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
Dual Signatures Not Notifying UsersSummary Emails are not coming to Users when the Employee completes their portion of the dual signatures in Onboarding.Content This week my notifications stopped going to…
Troubleshooting help (please): Tier 2 and 3 Application InvitationsContent I have set up a cloned workflow to sort our Tier 2 and Tier 3 Applications.. I then followed the directions - a few times now - to set up the Tier 2 and 3 status…Alison Gold 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Paul Wagner-15891 Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
Edit Contact Logs TableSummary Is there a way to edit the content inside the Contact Logs Table - PlaceholderContent I cant find a way to get into the contact logs place holder. Can someone gi…
Yikes.. Offer letter issues..Content We have having 3 key issues with our offer letters - hoping someone can help me sort them out quickly.. 1. We have an open Text Area field where the Hiring Manag…Alison Gold 57 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Sebastian Kacza Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
New Applicants that match a saved search query?Summary Is there a way a recruiter can set up an email/alert that could come to them once a day/week/month that shows all new applicants that have applied that match a s…
What is the Merge Field Value for Comments & where are action comments storedContent We have put in place a new requ-based status and action within our Requ-Specific workflow to alert an admin to set up an interview for our hiring managers.. When…
Onboarding Using the Talent Center v. Employee Activities on the EWSContent We are working through testing our onboarding workflow (which was set up before the launch of the Talent Center) and I am now contemplating updating the Onboardi…
Mixing Data Sets for a Report on Candidate ContactSummary Need to know Candidate Status by Requ and Contact History TogetherContent Hello.. Does anyone know if it is possible to create a report that combines Candidate D…Alison Gold 35 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kathy DiPaola-Oracle Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
Odd communication (from TBE) is it spam?..Summary Recieved an augmented system email from a CandidateContent Hello.. I received the attached email from what appears to be a Candidate, via our TBE system.. The Su…Alison Gold 17 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kathy DiPaola-Oracle Taleo Business Edition (TBE)