Case Management
Discussion List
Provide attachments and links to relevant information that can be viewed by external access.Summary: Is that possible to provide attachments and links to relevant information that can be viewed by external access. Content (please ensure you mask any confidentia…
Categorise requests appropriatelySummary: As a member of the employee relation team I should be able to Categories requests appropriately Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): V…
Remove the category and leave blankSummary: As a member of the employee relations team, I should not be able ton remove the category and leave blank so is that possible? Content (please ensure you mask an…
Select subcategories related to the selected categorySummary: As a member of the employee relations team, I should be able to select subcategories related to the selected category Content (please ensure you mask any confid…
Receive a request from terminated / inactive employeesSummary: Is that possible to receive a request from terminated/ inactive employees Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the ve…
Change the category of completed requestsSummary: As a member of the employee relations team, I should not be able to change the category of completed requests what is the possible way? Content (please ensure y…
Visual Builder duplicates not deletingSummary: I am unable to delete duplicates i have created in visual builder for the hr help desk form. I'm not sure if its causing the form to appear blank in the test en…
Next Gen:Please provide a sample Groovy expr for when the requester or agent responds to a ticketSummary: Hi Experts, I need help with a sample Groovy expression that when Email sent to the employee (Primary Point of Contact) when an HR (Resource) responds to the SR…
NextGen: Need a sample Groovy when SR closed by Agent/RequesterSummary: Hi Experts, When SR closed by Requester/Agent I want to send BELL Notification & Email as well, could anyone having sample groovy please share it with me. @Reet…
Reporting on Primary Contacts in OTBISummary: How can we join the CRM/Help Desk - Case Management Real Time (or Help Desk - HR Service Requests Real Time) subject area to another person based/Workforce Mana…Ben Gill 71 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Pallavi-Bhosale Reporting & Analytics for Fusion Service
Case Manager and workers are getting RestActionSummary: Our Case Managers and workers are getting "Exception during RestAction" They are not getting this error in Help Desk, only Case Management. This happened only i…
What is the maximum video size in Case Management?Summary: Client is looking to attach videos to cases that could be up to an hour long. What is the maximum size? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informa…
Case Type menu to produce a set of values using choice menuSummary: I want to create a choice list for the case type. I have been trying to do this in Visual Builder but with no success. For instance when a Case Type such as Dis…
case management primary point of contactSummary: Implementing case management for a customer. Not able to save page due to incorrect party id in primary contact field Content (please ensure you mask any confid…
Actions keep bringing up error when submittedSummary: Afternoon all, I'm not sure why this suddenly keep happening but when I create Actions for the Case form I keep getting an error message once its submitted. I h…
Once I've created an Action will I be able to change the stripe code?Summary: Once I've created an Action will I be able to change the stripe code? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the versio…
Visual Builder not showing the changes made in Case formSummary: When using Visual Builder to make changes to the Case form I can see the number of fields being displayed and ones that are hidden (as attached) When i selected…
Can I create tags that depend on the Case Type?Summary: Can I create tags that depend on the Case Type? So for instance if the case type was Disciplinary then a number of tags would contain reasons such as Breach of …
Audit not working in Case ManagementSummary: Audit policies are turned on and synchronized. We are still unable to produce any results in audit. Are there any additional processes we can run? Content (plea…
Assign to field does not list any values?Hi team, User have delivered case manager role and next gen helpdesk admin role assigned. But when he tries to create a Case , assign to field does not list any values. …
Oracle HCM Cloud: Human Resources Help Desk courseSummary: Good day all! I am currently doing the course : Oracle HCM Cloud: Human Resources Help Desk. I am learning alot but i was hoping it would look more into HR Help…
Help Desk Request formSummary: Good day all! Within the HR Help Desk request form it is displaying the category field but the options are not listed. When i select the drop down icon it appea…
How to check if email triggered to employeesFor HR transactions or journey related transaction, we can check if email triggered or not. We can check under transaction console or BPM workflow area or alert history.…
Next Gen HR Helpdesk Admin does not have access to Primary Contact and Assigned to fieldsHi team, When Creating/ Editing a case, Admin does not have access to these fields: Assigned To Primary Contact Already added HR Analyst to the role and ran processes Al…
Can we truncate Primary point of contact field to first name in HR Help Desk while triggering emailSummary: Hi All, We have a requirement to trigger an email, and the template goes like this Hi [$PrimaryContactPartyName$], Thank you for reaching out. We have assigned …
Implement Case Management Without HR Help DeskSummary: Customer only wants to track grievances. Is there a way to opt-out of Help Desk and just use Case Management? Would case workers need to be help desk agents any…
Teams/Contacts on Helpdesk agent viewHi team, Could you please clarify the purpose of the "Contacts" and "Team" sections in the agent view of the ticket? Can I add individuals who need to view the ticket de…