Case Management
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Steps to be followed after refresh helpdeskHi Team, After the refresh, the helpdesk is not working properly. The agent page is not opening, and notifications are not being triggered. They are triggered in some ca…
Understanding communication on Helpdesk messageHi Team, I would like to understand the message concept. We do not have inbound email configuration. Employee has to enter the helpdesk tool and update the content. Howe…
Auto Assign the case to the employee line managerHi, We need to automatically assign the case raised by the employee by email to his line manager for initial investigation before involving the case manager. Regards
Delay in assigning Queues to the CasesSummary: Sometimes there is significant delay in auto assigning the Queues to the Cases in the Case Management. But it is not every time. We have 'Service Request Queue …
Add line manager to CaseSummary: Is there a way to add Line Manager of the Person who has raised a case or his/her service request has been converted into a Case Content (please ensure you mask…
2Auto Convert Service Request for certain Category to a CaseHi, We have a requirements to auto-convert Service Request for to a Case if the user choose certain category while creating Helpdesk service request. Is this functionali…
How to prepopulate a date fieldSummary: We need to automatically set a custom date field to 5 days after the creation date or open date of a Case. Does anyone know the expression for this?
Case Management web channel conversationSummary: In Case Management, when we do the Create Conversation smart action and select Web as the channel it only allows me to select resources/ those with the case man…
Need to rename Primary Contact field to Employee Contact on redwood pageSummary: Need to rename Primary Contact field to Employee Contact on redwood page Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the ver…
Case Management: Requirement for Cases to be Restricted to certain Case managersSummary: Our customer has a requirement for Cases that are related to HR employees to only be visible to specific Case Managers. We've tried creating a custom field and …
HR Helpdesk attachmentSummary: We have a requirement to migrate the service request from HR Helpdesk into casework cases. Is there a way to migrate the SR attachments to case documents? Conte…
Redwood: How to hide Product Group in HR HelpdeskSummary: Hi Experts, How to hide Product Group in HR Helpdesk Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, …
In Case is there a way to add an existing employee as a contactSummary: In Case is there a way to add an existing employee as a contact rather than creating the same person again in Contact creation page? Content (please ensure you …
Can we Auto Assign a task in Action Plan Template to an owner dynamicallySummary: Hello Experts, We have a requirement where we need to auto-assign a task in Action Plan Template to an owner dynamically other than the one who adds the action …Vinod Kumar Ummadisetti 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Lisa Wilkes-Support-Oracle Help Desk
Tasks in Case ManagementSummary: If I add an action plan, I'm expecting the Tasks type actions to show under the Tasks section in the Case Details page, however it's only showing Tasks that I'v…
Redwood - Purging Cases - Case ManagementHi All Is there a process availalble which will purge Cases in Case Management? Thanks in advance for your help. Thanks Martina
Category Hierarchical PickerHi, I want to make Sub-category as required and user shouldn't be able to select just category. we are using "Category hierarchical picker" format from VB studio. Exampl…
Can an SR be routed based on Affected Partys attributes Ex.Affected party's Legal Entity or LocationSummary: Hi All, We have a unique requirement where an SR should be routed based on the person selected from Affected Party field using the Affected Party’s attributes l…
Can we have a flag on an employee record to show there is an active case?Summary: This may be an idea but I just wanted to clarify there was nothing OOTB. Our client wants to be able to flag to HR Help Desk Agents when an employee has an open…
Action plan due dates are incorrectSummary: Our action plan due dates are defaulting to today. When we move to the next action, instead of 7 days out it is showing as due today. Can anyone advise? Content…
How to export the resource detailsHi Team, To add the agents, I heard that we have to add a resource first. But I couldn't see the tasks to identify the resource. 1.Is it possible to see the existing res…
Can we add multiple Case Managers (Identify resources ) for one Organizations?We need add multiple Case Managers (Identify resources ) for one Organizations.Prathap Reddy Devarapalli 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Prathap Reddy Devarapalli Help Desk
Can we migrate Service Requests from Legacy System to Nextgen HR HelpdeskSummary: Can we migrate Service Requests from Legacy System to Nextgen HR Helpdesk. If so is there a HDL or RestAPI which we can utilize Content (please ensure you mask …
Case Management access group- based on contact relationshipSummary: I have requirements for case management for 2 access groups: Group 1 - Employee Relations team have full access and can see all cases- assigned the OOTB Case Ma…
Case Workers should only see their caseSummary: In previous releases, case workers only saw cases assigned to them. Does anyone know how to achieve this? I am having difficulty with access groups. Content (pl…
Feedback process in Helpdesk requestPlease let us know if there is any feedback process present in HR Helpdesk . Once a helpdesk request is closed is there any feedback process present in HR helpdesk throu…
WhichRestAPI should be use for migrating Service Requests from Legacy System to Nextgen HR Helpdesk?Summary: Which Rest API should be use for migrating Service Requests from Legacy System to Nextgen HR Helpdesk? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…Samarth upadhyay 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Daniel Placinta -Support-Oracle Help Desk
Where do SRs live when they are "soft deleted?"Summary: The profile option SVC_SR_IN_DELETED_DAYS description states: "The number of days an SR has been soft deleted before it will be purged from the database. Must b…
HR Help Desk Category - would like to have Help Text about that Category appear when user selectsSummary: We have many Categories, for some of them we would like the User to attach certain documents, is there any way of creating Category help text Content (please en…
Internal help desk customizationHi, Can anyone please advise if its even possible to customize Internal help desk via VB studio? We have a requirement to hide a few fields on "Create internal SR" page …