Category 452
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Hide the Range values appearing below Rates Name in Change SalarySummary: Redwood Experience for Change Salary displays range values below rate names while changing salary for employee of a rates-based salary basis Content (please ens…Gaurav Bhagwandas Bhojwani 4 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rajesh Jupudi-Oracle Compensation
Hide column on Salary Section - Salary defined by RatesWe are utilizing Salary Basis defined by rates. On Salary Details Sections in redwood flows we would like to hide annual amount column. However, in VB we do not see the …
Get plan and option IDs in bulkSummary: We have over 100 compensation plans and options. Is there a way we can gather option IDs in bulk? We have a SQL query but it requires us to type each option nam…
How to remove workers from active compensation plans?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, we removed work relationships for some workers included in compensation plan, but …
"Transfer Workforce Compensation Data to HR" process is not working as expectedI am getting error Currency Mismatch (The allocation currency does not match the base salary currency. Adjust the salary manually) once i ran "Transfer Workforce Compens…
How to end date salary (rates based salary basis)?We are using Salary basis defined by rates. Limitation of it is that salary does not get end-dated with termination. Documentation suggests to do so manually. However, w…
Filter by team in compensation worksheet doesn't display all teamsSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, we noticed that the final approver having lots of team under him cannot see all of…
Best Practices for Combining Promotion and Annual Merit IncreasesHi everyone, I’d like to understand the best practices for integrating promotions with an annual merit increase plan. Specifically, should we create a separate "Promotio…
How to get the field "When does this award start?" in fastf formula for ICPSummary: We are trying to fetch the award date under Individual compensation plan in the fast formula for defaulting the element entries. We tried with "EARNED_DATE", it…
Worker does not meet required number of hours workedWe have a workforce compensation plan and it has an eligibility profile. The only criteria in that eligibility profile is Grade and Assignment Category. But some employe…
how to setup a payroll element with icp to automaticaly end date on transfer event in hrSummary: We have a requiremtn to end date a recurring individual compensation plan on transfer to a new department Can this be handled in ICP eligibility profiel level o…
How do you handle awarding individual compensation from a different department codeSummary: How do you handle awarding individual compensation from a different department code? for example, a manager wants to award a bonus to an employee in a different…
Showing Description for Attribute_Number using sandboxSummary: We have consumed all of our Attribute_Char and now we are storing some integration values in Attribute_Number. How can we show a description of that number eith…Aqeel 51 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by mbukhari.dicetek Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Talent Review Meeting massive data uploadSummary: On HCM is there any possibility to work on a talent review meeting definition and load massively the list of employees who are the subject of the talent review?…Claudio Marini-Oracle 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Naga M -Oracle Performance Management
Request Release Confirmation on Fast Formula Support in Redwood ICPSummary: Request Release Confirmation on Fast Formula Support in Redwood ICP Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Oracle Team, For the below…
Exclude certain employees from workforce compensation plan after plan is liveSummary: Exclude certain employees from workforce compensation plan after plan is live Content: I have a requirement, where one of the workforce compensation plan is alr…
Due to this Error, we are unable to terminate employees.Summary: Due to this Error, we are unable to terminate employees. You can't use the process because your HR administrator has already run the Migrate Employment Data pro…
How to you add multiple individual payouts for a bonus plan on an offer letter?Summary: How to you add multiple individual payouts for a bonus plan on an offer letter in ORC? For example, a sign on bonus that has a payout in 90 days and then again …
How can the Total Reward Statement be customized?We are working with a marketing team to enhance the look of the Total Rewards Statement. Are there any limitations or guardrails associated with and of the elements belo…
Syntax error in my Fast formulaSummary: We have created a validation fast formula for our new absence plan, but we encountered a syntax error. We are seeking assistance from knowledgeable individuals …
COMPENSATION - VIEW ADMINISTRATION REPORT ISSUEHello everyone, we have an issue regarding the visibility od administration report in workforce compensation. THe compensation manager should access to the administratio…
Use Module Identifier in Redwood VBCS ConfigurationSummary: We have some quick actions which are common for Line Manager and HR Specialist for the Compensation module like Compensation Info, Change Salary etc Is there a …
Workforce Comp - Dynamic column is not calculating correctly in Administer WorkersSummary: I have a dynamic column in my compensation plan that calculates correctly when I test it but it does not show correctly in Administer Workers after refreshing t…
Compensation - How to add the "View Compensation history" page to Compensation?Summary: We would like to get to the View Compensation History page from My Client groups → Compensation Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): H…
Individual Compensation Plan - 'Dates' not working as expectedSummary: The dates selected on the Individual Compensation Plan (ICP) are not functioning as expected. Currently, the start and end dates of the ICP plan are being set b…
redwoodSummary: When should we change to redwood appearance and is it mandatory to switch? Also any steps or via oracle SR this would be done. Content (please ensure you mask a…
Possible security options for ICPSummary: Possible security options for ICP Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, I am aware that visibility of ICPs are completely cont…
How to List a Blank Value in LoV attached to Input Value?Summary: How to List a Blank Value in LoV attached to Input Value Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, We have a unique ask where the …
Compensation Items inserted in descriptive text tab under Compensation Categories are blankSummary: When we generate a statement, the inserted compensation items in the descriptive text do not appear. (This compensation category is Time-Off, and the table, sup…
Hide addition Share typesSummary: We are not using the other types of share and would like to hide it. We don't see an option in VBS. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information…