Category 52-2
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What's the logic within Global Search ACTION search engine?Dears, What's the logic within Global Search action search engine? if i were to type "feed", I expect actions with "feed" name to appear, instead I got also action such …
Providing "Transaction Console" access excluding other Configuration accessSummary: Hi Folks, Can we provide access to "Transaction Console" with all status (Completed, Failed, Draft, Pending, Stuck and Submitted) excluding other configurations…
Autoprovision Line Manager Role to Dotted Line ManagerSummary: Autoprovision Line Manager Role to Dotted Line Manager Content (required): We have a requirement to Autoprovision Line Manager Role to Dotted Line Manager. I ha…
How can I set the scope of the employee security profile based on AOR to be department and locationHello, We need is for a user to see only the employees in his/her own location and department and make transactions for these employees. For example, to initiate a promo…
Can employee be given only person home email address to update or submit but not deleteSummary:Can employee be given for person home email address to update or submit but not delete @Mairina Can you please assist??? Content (required): Version (include the…Sreyash Jaiswal 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Chris Borsh-Oracle Human Capital Management
Understanding the Redwood ExperienceSummary: Would like to better understand the Redwood Experience and whether we are required to move to it. Content (required): Hello, all. As I read through the 23B rele…
Attachment uploaded should be visible to only HR Approvers, Non HR should not be able to accessSummary: While applying leave, employee attaches medical reports/proof. This flows for approval to Manager and then HR. Content (required): The access to this uploaded a…
How do we allow HR staff to add roles using Manage User Account?Summary: We would like to allow our HR staff to add certain roles to employees when they are hired or terminated using Manage User Account. When I go to add a Role Name …Emily Wilde 31 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Matthew Myers - Support-Oracle Human Capital Management
Getting Error while updating Lookup valueSummary: Getting Error while updating Lookup value Content (required): We are getting below error while updating 'Enabled' flag or country tag in 'Manage Common Lookup' …
Validity for User AccountSummary: Validity for User Account Content (required): We would like to set validity for user account for limit period. For example, we would like to have user account v…Dineshkumar Ramarao 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by MandeepGupta Human Capital Management
I am unable to create DFFSummary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
Which are the Finder Variables to Get all worker national identifiers?Summary: Using the NationalIdentifierNumber as a parameter in a GET request, what is the finderName that we need to use in order to get all the information about the wor…Priscila Banqueri 61 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Madalina Danis-Support-Oracle HCM REST APIs
SWP- data is not appearing in dashboardSummary: We are encountering difficulties in setting up SWP for our project. Despite following all the checklist instructions, the data is not appearing on the dashboard…
Data Storing for IP address and Device ID and Browsing HistorySummary: Data Storing for IP address and Device ID and Browsing History Content (required): Hi Team, Greetings! We wanted to have the details captured in cloud for activ…
Primary Mailing Address Auto Populate From Mailing AddressSummary: Ideally, I'd like to remove the Mailing Address option from the self-serve side, but I don't think it is possible, there a way to have the primary mail…
HDL to change the employee start dateSummary: Content (required): Hello experts, our customer should change the employee hire date by HDL. We noticed that in Work Relationship there is a field called NewSta…
How do I restrict HR Specialists from seeing other people in the HR Department?Summary: We would like to restrict our HR staff from seeing each other. I set up an exclusion rule and custom security profiles and assigned it to the role but it doesn'…
Modify assignment data in self serviceHi all, Based on a customer requirement, the employee should be able to change in self service mode his/her assignment data. Is that correct ? thanks,
Fields to populate based on reason selected on "Transfer" screenSummary: Hi All, when we transfer an employee (Navigation: My Client Groups-->Quick actions-->show more-->Transfer), in the when and why section we enter the date, actio…
Unable to create participant eligibility profileSummary: Hi Experts , We have a custom role , with has access to Eligibility Profile . When I try to create Participant eligibility profile , I am getting the below erro…
What is the role that enable the user to create announcement?Summary: What is the role that enable the user to create announcement? Content (required): Hello, we need to enable some users to create announcements without authorizin…
How to fetch the delegation original approver manager name?Summary: We have a requirement where we need to fetch the expense report's original approver's manager name from the approval workflow. For example, if A has submitted a…
Workflow Approvals RequirementSummary: The requirement is : When an Employee got hired, for the next 30 days whatever transaction we does on him/her It should be auto-approved. Can this requirement c…
Need to add the aditional Value.Summary: Hi Team, We need a two addition value under My client Group> Show more> Personal details> Search Person> Demographic> Ethnicity. For Employees in the United Sta…
Setup and Maintenance showing only Goals and Performance for all TasksSummary: Setup and Maintenance showing only Goals and Performance for all Tasks. We have using existing HRMS implemented instance and now we are implementing the Financi…
Custom Criteria-securityHi Team, I have a requirement that for the given role human resource specialist have three types of restrictions. 1.Full access of data 2.Excluding HR data (the person w…
Can we add a value to legal entity registration code.Summary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):Pranjal Mohla 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Brem-Oracle Financials – General (READ ONLY)
Transaction Console - control the access at transaction level for user or roleSummary: Transaction Console - control the access at transaction level for user or role Content (required): Hi All, Greetings! Is there a way to control the access at tr…
What is the purpose of 'Schedule Nudge Plan' checkbox?There is a checkbox called 'Schedule Nudge Plan' which we can see while creating a Nudge Plan, what is the purpose of this checkbox? I am unable to find any info regardi…