Category 52-2
Discussion List
Effective Start Date for Additional Assignment Info is defaulted to Employee Hire Date in RUISummary: We want to add date-tracked information in 'Additional Assignment Info'. However, if we add data from Responsive UI, after clicking 'Add', the 'Effective Start …
How to change standard notification content in BPM WorklistSummary: Content (required): Hello experts, which are the steps to edit notification content in BPM Worklist page? We need to change the notification test for the follow…
Need to correct a DOB for an employee's child, but getting a (PER-1530408) errorSummary: We have an employee who just noticed that his child's dob is incorrect (off by one day). When we try to correct it, it gives us an error msg: "You need to enter…
Labor Agreement; Qualification; Level database items for Fast Formulas (Contract Info)Summary: Content (required): Hello experts, we should retrieve by Fast Formula Labor Agreement; Qualification and Level which are Contract Info attributes. How can I ach…Valerio Curzi 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Jeremy Miller-Oracle Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Can we use a virtual printer to upload documents into Document records on HCM?Summary: To enhance and ease the use of document records, was hoping to get insight on virtual printers being used to automate uploading documents into Document records …Sangeetha Jeyakumar 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Aliasgar Khambhaty-Oracle Human Capital Management
Impact of end dating Legal Entity.Summary: Impact of end dating Legal Entity. Content (required): Hello, What are the steps we need to perform before End Dating any Legal Entity which is having employee …SS552 71 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Aliasgar Khambhaty-Oracle Human Capital Management
Is it possible to restrict lookup value with respective to role specific.Summary: We are trying to restrict the Email type lookup value to Employee role. May I know the best possible way to do it. Content (required): Version (include the vers…
Does Workforce Modeling work when you do not use positions?Summary: Content (required): Hi all, I am seeking advice regarding the workforce modelling tool. Our business are considering moving from a position HCM structure to sim…
My Team>User and Roles - System Error on Email even if we remove required in Page ComposerSummary: Using Page Composer, we removed 'required' for Email field however, we are still encountering an error that an email is required when a user tries to Save and C…
Is there a way to extract filter criteria for multiple extracts in one goSummary: Is there a way to extract filter criteria for multiple extracts in one go Content (required): Hi Team, Greetings! We are checking for the HCM extracts which use…
Getting an access error while accessing additional person info for a pending workerSummary: We have a custom role to access additional person info for pending workers. We provided access to one particular Person EFF through design studio for the role. …Srikanth Ramaraju 81 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Ramaraju Human Capital Management
Assignment Vs Worker NumberHello, What is the difference in practice between Assignment and Worker Number? When it is worth using Worker Number in addition to Person and Assignment Numbers? Thanks…
Exclusion Rules Applied to Historical RecordsSummary: Is it possible for exclusion rules to apply to historical records? Content (required): We would like to use the exclusion rules to prevent visibility for HR tea…
How to fetch only Active Employees through Rest APISummary: Even though I have used AssignmentStatusType='ACTIVE' but still it's giving INACTIVE employees data also Content…
Is it possible to Mass Add (18K) Users in FND_READ_ONLY_MODE? Any application performance issue?Summary: Is it possible to Mass Add (around 18000) Users in FND_READ_ONLY_MODE and if so, what could be the potential impact on application performance? Content (require…
HDL Worker dat file loadHello Community, I am trying to upload a New Hire dat file via HDL and I am running in to some errors concerning the ACAFullTime(PER_ASG_LEG_DDF=US) field. Below if my s…
Looking for a solution on Value Set for a DFFSummary: Hi Experts, We are looking for a solution to one of our configuration requirements. Below is the set of problem summary. Current Scenario: We have DFFs (Vacatio…
Is it possible to change remitent in system notifications?Summary: Hi, due to corporate policies we need to change the remitent of all internal notifications generated by the system (workflow, etc) to a corporate emailbox inste…
Default Payroll Details on Global Transfer FlowSummary: Default specific payroll details using design studio and/or autocomplete functionality Content (required): We often have employees that transfer from one compan…Becky Mixon 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Abhishek Tiwari, CPP -Oracle Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Manager hierarchy other than line manager in AORHI Team, Currently supervisor hierarchy in AOR is working based on the line manager type. How to bring other manager types in AOR? Thanks,
Search bar for quick actions not visible anymoreSummary: Search bar for quick actions not visible anymore Content (required): Hi Experts, the search bar that appear in all the available quick actions is not visible an…
Change Location Approval - auto approve after 5 daysSummary: Can the system approve a change location approval after 48 hours, if there has been action by the approver? Content (required): Can the system approve a change …teresa.marciano 32 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by ROOPESH MADAN-Oracle Human Capital Management
Looking for Best Practice when integrating Kronos Dimensions with Oracle HCMSummary: We currently are utilizing Kronos as our time keeping system and we currently have it integrated with Oracle. We are moving the Dimensions and are looking to un…
Application error on Termination PageSummary: We are attempting to execute TERMINATION using HR Login. Role used is a copy of HR Specialist Role Content (required): Navigation: My Client Group > Termination…
Is it possible to add show person number/ Job name in workforce Model Hierarchical viewSummary: Hierarchical view by default shows position, occupancy and person name. Is it possible to amend/ include additional details i.e. Person Number/Assignment Number…Nidhi S 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Julian Challenger-Oracle Human Capital Management
Is it possible to load the Workforce Model in expanded state without using expansion clickSummary: Currently Workforce Model opens with 1st level of reporting hierarchy automatically. Is it possible to load the workforce model with all levels based on the top…
How to get the Generic Password reset link for users?Summary: We have a specific requirement to open up enterprise onboarding journey only to a specific location. So to enable the pending worker access to the HCM system, w…
Restrict person security by Position HierarchySummary: We have a requirement to secure the person security by Position Hierarchy. I do not see the Position Hierarchy as LOV in the Manage Person Security Profile > Sc…
privileges HRC_REST_SERVICE_ACCESS_SAVED_SEARCHES and HRC_MANAGE_SYSTEM_SEARCHES gives access to?Summary: The following privileges HRC_REST_SERVICE_ACCESS_SAVED_SEARCHES and HRC_MANAGE_SYSTEM_SEARCHES gives access to allow for searches to be saved in the Redwood lea…Kavya Veluri-Oracle 91 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Kavya Veluri-Oracle Human Capital Management
FTEs are not getting autocalculated after Standard working hours are added at LE levelSummary: The legal employer didn't have any standard working hours added. I added 48 hours in the configuratin using the correction mode. However, after this change the …