My Stuff
Note: I am the Administrator account :)
Seriously ... annoying and time robbing.
Ivy .... "I know I can individually pull up every one of these docs and print them .... but looking for a master SW program or tool to use..." ********************************************* Like most NS users who are perplexed at their inability to "backup" all data for archive purposes ... or selected data into a file…
Erick Case # 3913118 We passed a few emails back and forth with copies of the various functions I was running or accessing and the Performance Details log. This week it has been very slow opening functions - pages - -records ... and after I would save a record ... say a SO or PO etc ... the record would close but then the…
We have just (1) of our clients that their advanced email security measures are rejecting the enw Netsuite email servers - mail system at host and mail system at host They reported that the reputation was low on the older mail system at host -…
No popups are blocked at all ... nothing has changed in NS settings or Chrome. Just had a Windows 10 Pro update that could have been responsible - but unlikely ... I'm IT mgr of our company so I am up on most of these issues .... but this one is stumping me. MS Edge prints SOs & POs fine on my office PC-WS??
Same version here ... can't find the popups options?
Enrico - you directions are for someone who intimately is familar with what you are trying to do in the repoarts section. Can you please leave specific step by step instructions? What - menu - list - report etc. and where exactly is the box(s) that need to be checked or unchecked? Thanks Andy
Oliver We create the PO for the items being purchased from a vendor ... receive it when it comes in - then bill the PO ... there is no option to "Approve" the bill. When we got to that bill to make payment via check or credit card ... GL impact is as you stated - CR bank and DR A/P. So how is our COGS account - affected…
Thanks Kim Do you know anyone who is currently using this Nolan product?
Typed - SO and PO etc Not Working - Critical Issue but SO was left out of Post Title??
We are finding that it might be related to Oracle changing the server location and URL .... We have our customers reporting they aren't getting their emailed invoices??? HELP!
This is absolutely crazy ...what is going on at Netsuite? No status report or reply when filing an emergency message to them??
We are back up and running 2 hrs and 3 min ...
We are having the same problem - We enter data in a SO or PO and when trying to save it - that error occurs "An unexpected error has occurred. Please click here to notify support and provide your contact information." ... very frustrating. How can we run our business today???
Strange ... a few of my buddies who run NS in their companies are reporting ZERO issues saving records? How can this be an issue related to specific accounts??
Medelkow - what is this about? 361585 Save Sales Order