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Uncover the power of data with the Analytics Hub —your ultimate guide to mastering NetSuite Saved Searches and Reports. Simplify the complex and unlock your organization's true potential. Dive into the Analytics Hub now and soar to new heights!
Go the message, just need to test it out. Thank you
I'm a bit confused with the JSON part?
This tick box to notify attendees, I want to mimic in code.
Richard Thank you for your response. I get the same as you, but I want to insert a percentage e.g. -10%. I can do this in the interface, but not via code.
If you change the price level to custom it is editable.
Richard Its the sublist field.
The quotation record. I've managed to get a little further. By using the forceSyncSourcing It now seems to allow me to change the price level to Custom. try{ currentRecord.insertLine({sublistId: 'item', line: i+1}); currentRecord.setCurrentSublistValue({sublistId: 'item', fieldId: 'item', value: '978', forceSyncSourcing:…
Amanda, i've switched it around. I think this is working now, but will expand the saved search and check the results. Thank you for your help. Couldnt of done it without you !!!
I'm getting the full count for this week, last week, etc it does not seem to like the filter.
Yes, wanting to show late orders.
Thanks Amanda!! That worked. For the KPI to work though, what date field would I use for the filter?
Expected Receipt Dates are on each line, yes. Created From: Due Date/Receive By is empty.
Able, tried that, still blank.
/** * @NApiVersion 2.1 * @NScriptType UserEventScript */ define([], function () { var exports = {}; function beforeLoad(scriptContext) { //IF RECORD IS BEING VIEWED, SHOW EMAIL HANDOVER BUTTON if(scriptContext.type == scriptContext.UserEventType.VIEW) { scriptContext.form.addButton({ id: "custpage_emailhandover", label:…
Hi I did try this and still did not work. Eventually I created a Suitelet and called this from the Client Script instead. I passed the current record ID to that Sutelet and then loaded the record from there.
Yes have tried that too.
Hi, i am using the correct syntax, but the sublist does not refresh unless you click on it. Thats my issue. case 'Consultancy Fees': currentRecord.setValue({ fieldId:'custrecord_reqtypedescription', value: "Training, business advice, customer generation, non-advertising design or software services.", ignoreFieldChange:…
Richard, the sublist showing or hiding of fields depends on the main field being changed. How can I affect this on a beforeload event?
What other script? I need it on field change. I cant think of another way of doing it. It cannot be on record save as the change needs to happen prior to that.
Hi Richard Yes, I did raise a Support Case and they could find nothing at fault. Oddly enough after that the code worked!! Dont ask me how, but it did.
Would NetSuite look at a Support Case as its code i've written?
Deployments are the same and workflows are the same between production and sandbox....
Exactly the same script is being used, so it cannot be the script. I will check any work flows and deployments and see if there is a difference.
I have checked and they seem identical, but obviously something is not aligned.
Richard, thank you for this. I have managed to resolve it! My saved search criteria is this: And the results are this: My code is this: //Load saved search for serial numbers and apply filter so it only shows records matching the delivery note var serailnumbersearch = search.load({id:…
Thank you Richard
I did not think that NetSuite would respond to support cases for custom scripts?
Just removed the lines you mentioned and ran again. This time i'm getting lots of results with no serial number.
Thanks Richard, this does not error now, but it is not returning any results. My saved search is as follows. I'm trying to filter on the transaction internal ID, hence my code is this: /** *@NApiVersion 2.x *@NScriptType UserEventScript */ define(['N/record','N/search'], function(record,search){ function…
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