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@Angelica Mae Segador-Oracle, Thanks for the reply. The problem is that I can't set both 'width' and 'height' values, because every image we have is different. Some are more portrait, some are more landscape. So when setting both width and height with hard values the images will get skewed/stretched. At the moment we're…
I can confirm this worked for me. It now shows correctly on the Invoice PDF who created the Invoice.
Hi, The content comes from 'Lists --> Relationships --> Groups'. But yes, The tab on the Customer 'Customer Group' is a Custom sublist.
Yes, ofcourse. Here it is!
Hi @Angelica Mae Segador-Oracle , Ofcourse. Below is the code. The record has been placed just below ${statement.billaddress} on line 188. <?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE pdf PUBLIC "-//" "report-1.1.dtd"><pdfset><#if statements?has_content><#list statements as statement> <pdf> <head> <link…
Hi @Angelica Mae Segador-Oracle, Thanks for the reply! I've unchecked the store value box. But once I do that the Print on Statement checkbox greys out. After trying to save the Statement PDF/HTML template I get the same error
I've just figured out that the field ${statement.trandate} gives me the correct value. I just didn't refresh the page good enough last time. So i'm leaving this as an answer for everyone here. If you need the Statement Date you can use ${statement.trandate}
Hi @Angelica Mae Segador-Oracle Below are the screenshots. The same error occurs with all the different ways of trying to get the field in the PDF template.
Hi @Kristoffer Viray-Oracle , Thanks for your time! Not really sure why it's not working on my end, but in the end we've settled with calling the fields individually.
Hi @Kristoffer Viray-Oracle, Thanks for the reply! It might be that I'm not explaining it correctly. In that area it shows the right information as well. My issue is that when you print the Advanced PDF template and you use the ${record.billaddress} to show the Address, it doesn't use the custom ordering from the Address…
@GauravAgrawal Yes, calling the fields individually works. But i'm wondering why the Address Template of the Address forms has no influence on that record. What's the use of the Address Template then?
Hi, Just a quick follow-up question :-). I've tried to recreate the WMS Inventory Report by checking SuiteAnswer #72220. Step 2 of this solution states to Create Inventory. We don't have this option in our Searches. We're running Oracle NetSuite WMS 2022.2. Do we need a different version?
Hi @Patrick Fresnosa-Oracle, Thanks for the reply. The checkbox is unchecked. (i can't enable it because we're running SuiteTax). I just saw that I didn't include the settings of the Custom Transaction field. Just to have everything shown, i've included it below. Maybe we need to use a workflow to get the contents of the…
@Dominica Sevilla-Oracle , Thanks for the reply! Is there a way that I can follow the progress of that Defect? I tried looking for it, but couldn't find it.
Thanks for the patience and responses @Joy Noreen Magoling-Oracle , I've reproduced the problem through the UI of NetSuite, and I've replicated it today again with a new invoice, with a different Lot Numbered Assembly item (0111.02.0080.330). I got the exact same results (first it's 79,23 until the Invoice, then it's…
Hi @Joy Noreen Magoling-Oracle, I've checked this immediatly, and thought that might be the case. But the price is just a custom label for the recod 'Rate' I've also checked if there are some workflows who might be interfering, but couldn't find any which did something with the rate/price
Hi, Yes, rows with the same items should be added together. quantity / total pricing included. So in above example it would be:
Hi @Dominica Sevilla-Oracle, That is correct. That's exactly what i'm looking for ☺️
Hi @Joy Noreen Magoling-Oracle, Here is a screenshot of the product. I see it's a Lot Numbered Assembly item. The steps that I make to reproduce are as followed: I'm creating a new Sales Order, and enter the item. I'm putting in a fractional quantity of 71,6. As you can see the Rate here equals 79,23. Then I approve the…
Hi @Dominica Sevilla-Oracle Here are screenshots of an Invoice. As you can see there is the same product on page 1 and page 2. The orderline on page 2 is the one that coincides with the second bullet. The Customer orders 20 cartons of the product, but for the production process it's easier to create 20,6 cartons instead of…
Hi @Joy Noreen Magoling-Oracle, We have no Contract Renewals Module in the account. I've just checked the workflows but there isn't any that would change one of these fields. Regards, Robert
@Joy Noreen Magoling-Oracle , Thank you! That was it! Everything is working in order now.
Hi @Joy Noreen Magoling-Oracle, Thanks for the clarification! I see now that i am getting the right amounts, but I have different account names, which is weird. I'm guessing there are more variables in play in our situation than that I know of. Saved search Example Production Variance Example As you can see the amounts are…
Hi @Joy Noreen Magoling-Oracle, Thanks for the reply. Yes, i've tried those, but they weren't giving me the expected results. The results didn't match the 'increase' & 'decrease' fields from the Production Quantity Variance Register
@Kristoffer Viray-Oracle, Last friday & today everything seems to be working again. We didn't change anything on our end, but are happy that it's working again. I'll be filing the support case soon. Thanks for all the help!
HI @Kristoffer Viray-Oracle, In this case it's a custom invoice template. There are quite a few User Events Scripts that are running on the Invoice records with before load. The ones that aren't from a bundle have been inactivated but to no avail.
Hi @Kristoffer Viray-Oracle, Thanks! If we undeploy the script, the error message doesn't display. So yeah, we need to look into the Script first. Thanks again!
HI @Kristoffer Viray-Oracle , I've changed all the Send Email Actions to After Record submit and tried to create a new invoice but got the same message. I could try to check the Script. Maybe the problem lies there?
@Kristoffer Viray-Oracle Ofcourse! Workflow Workflow Action The other 2 actions are the same, but with a different Language condition (DE / NL)
@Dominica Sevilla-Oracle Sorry for the long time between replies. I managed to get quite a bit of info through the Group Saved Search. But now I can't seem to find a couple of fields. I'm trying to get the field "Salesrep" (id= salesrep) & the field "Partner" (id= partner) on here from the Customers. These are default…