My Stuff
What are you referencing the form object from? In regards to referencing the sublist, you'd reference it in your client script like you would any other sublist in any other client script, just pass in the custom ID you gave the list. Example: nlapiGetLineItemCount("custpage_sublist");
If you use the form.setScript() call to set the client-script on your Suitelet form then you can attach client-side event functions like Page Init, Save Record, etc. You just do not deploy the client script like you normally would; however, you can have the functions run.
Is there a script running trying to set a field that is not setup for use with Kit items? It seems as if its looking for a field that is not defined for the Kit record type.
File a case with support. I had the same issue and they emailed me version .166. Apparently it is not available to the public yet.
Hi Jim, In order for the second checkbox to be checkable, you need to select a vendor. The list will then show all items that have that vendor regardless of whether it's preferred or not.
You cannot update weights with a mass update unless you create a mass update script. I usually do an export of the products I need with either internal ID or item # and then update the weights in Excel and CSV import them back into NS with an update.
You'd almost have to add two custom item number fields - for build/receive date and ship/sell date and utilize some logic to record the dates of the corresponding transactions in those fields. 2011.2 opened up the S/N records a bit so it might be feasible now - wouldn't help for past records though unless there was some…
You might be able to write a script that checks certain values such as MPN, etc. and searches for existing values in the system. If a match is found, it could alert the user and/or prevent the record from being saved.
I struggled with this particular report/search for a while and was frustrated it was not directly accomplished via NetSuite. By following the recommendations of Olivier, I was able to come up with the following: Formula (Date): CASE WHEN ({transaction.type}='Cash Sale' OR {transaction.type}='Invoice') THEN…
Have you tried using a Formula (Date) field and just subtracting the two values? You can do this using standard integers but not sure how it works with using a field value. {contract_end_date} - {notice_period}
You should be able to use a Before Load event on the Message record.
Yes, you can do this with a small script that runs after an order or quote is saved.
You could achieve this using a standard Suitelet without needing extjs using the file UI input object and then saving the file to the file cabinet (although there are size limitations). You might have a specific need for extJS but figured I'd mention anyway.
When creating the field, do not check the Sale Item box on the Applies to. When finished either do a Save & Apply To Forms OR click Apply To Forms once saved. This will let you select the specific form(s) the field should appear on.
You could use TO_CHAR({date},'D') which will return the day of the week (1-7) and add some custom logic around that so that if it returns a 1 or 7 (Sunday or Saturday - don't quote me on those values) you can then take the appropriate action on the field you need to manipulate.
You can use a user event SuiteScript on the Message record; however, you cannot use client scripts. You can use a Before Load user event script to trigger the changes you're looking for like automatically checking Include Transaction and setting the appropriate template. The trick is finding the field IDs of the fields you…
You should be able to write a script for this. There is a function in the API for disabling a line item field (can't remember what it is off the top of my head) and you could add in logic to check for role.
What if you create a new custom field on Record A that is type List/Record and the record type would be Custom Record B. In your sourcing/filter options, select the field on Custom Record B that references custom record A (parent reference field) and use the criteria Value Is = Current Record.
There is a bundle called Reference My Account that gives you more flexibility in customizing the customer center/my account interface. You can look it up in the help section and see some previews.
Terms is currently not yet supported. The only real payment method that works with the reference cart is credit cards. Paypal and Google Checkout support aren't even there yet with the current bundle.
Yes, there are a number of ways to house/store the data and what can be shipped with what. In the end, you'll need to use some JS to remove the DOM elements on the page of the shipping options you want to remove.
You could probably add a custom link to recall the function in site.js that displays the CCV prompt. You'd also have to use one of the Credit Card Model functions to pull out the CCV value because it is cleared from the DOM when you click Apply.
Also, some items, like the one mentioned above, ${addressItem(obj.defaultAddress)}, are references to macros.
From reading over the documentation, it looks like the templating language is based off of Trimpath which looks to be a javascript templating engine
SSP is available in beta as of 2012.1 release. You can probably do what you want right now by using some custom JS and CSS on the My Account tab to remove the links, change styles, etc.
You could add a custom tag to your checkout tag populated with some jQuery code that checks either the page URL or another unique element on the page which identifies it as the shipping page. Once that is identified, check the UPS/More dropdown box to see what the value is. If the value is UPS, then add your disclaimer…
SuiteCommerce has a nice module to add custom sorting and filtering to item lists that allows you to sort on a custom field, etc. which can be defined different per category, etc. We use it more for the filtering side, but it may have what you're looking for in terms of sorting. There should a link on their website to some…
This is possible using a combination of custom records and SuiteScript.
It looks like in 2010.1 there will be some level of scripting available for the NetSuite checkout. We have other use cases for this type of functionality here some of which revolves around shipping. Hopefully this will be a step in the right direction for NetSuite ecommerce package.
Any updates as to when this will be released to all accounts?