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Fusion ERP Analytics
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In Oracle fusion can we generate SAF-T data extract in CSV instead of standard XML output?Currently in oracle fusion when we run "Generate SAF-T Data Extract" in schedule process, the standard and default output is in XML format. Can we change the output to C…
2Add Supporting References to CAA for FAH Loaded SubledgersIt would be great if we could include the Supporting References loaded into each FAH subledger as optional columns in the configuration of your CAA subject area. I know …Cameron_Ross 18 views 0 comments 2 points Started by Cameron_Ross Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence Idea Lab
Why is the modified date changing on the seeded OTBI reports?Hi, I have noticed that modified dates on the seeded OTBI reports are changing. I do know that whenever there is a patch applied to the instance the modified dates may c…Shravani 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by MandeepGupta Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence
FDI ERP prerequisite- Exchange Rates setupIf there is no Exchange rate set up done in ERP as the only currency which will be used for accounting is USD. How this scenario can be handled as there is a prerequisit…
1Allow editing of the default width of OTBI folders sectionPlease add the ability to edit the default size of the Folder section in OTBI. The out of the box width cuts off most of the folder names and causes users to manually re…Mike Burnett 5 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Mike Burnett Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Idea Lab
1Procurement - Sourcing SAHi Team, As with the OOTB FDI content, there is no any SA for sourcing which is one of the question from the procurement user perspective during the UAT session. Does or…GTA 17 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Jamie Anderson-Oracle Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence Idea Lab
29Restrict FDI Users who have Author role from dropping a data file.Prevent FDI users who have "Author" from dropping a data file. Navigation: Home Page > Create > dataset then User should not be able to drop a datafile. We are told by F…Bangar Aaloori 169 views 14 comments 29 points Most recent by Bhaskar Konar Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence Idea Lab
14Export Data from Multiple Planning and Budgeting Applications from Data Export AugmentationCurrently limited to one application within a given PBCS data export data augmentation connection. We would like to see the ability to pull data exports from multiple ap…Cameron_Ross 91 views 4 comments 14 points Most recent by Bhaskar Konar Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence Idea Lab
Job - US - Oracle Product Manager FDI (with Oracle EPM Experience)Oracle Analytics is looking for a Fusion Data Intelligence Product Manager to join the ERP Analytics team in the US! Oracle EPM experience with CPA and/or MBA credential…Jamie Anderson-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Benjamin Arnulf-Oracle Oracle Analytics Career
3Ability to search by Company Code in Entity Name fieldRight now, company codes need to be included in the legal entity name for it to be searchable in the Entity Name field. This makes the LE name very long and there should…User_6Y3RO 41 views 0 comments 3 points Started by User_6Y3RO Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence Idea Lab