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Field Service
Discussion List
Property for linking activitiesContent Hi Gurus, I am new to OFSC. I am trying to link two activities, I have created link templates and in Activity -> Link Tab, when i try to link another activity by…
Getting response from external system in OFSCContent Hi All, With OFSC, i am trying to integrate another external system. Is there any way from OFSC to send the request to other systems and process the response we …
Pinned JobContent Hi All, I was looking for a pinned job solution in OFSC. In some of the business cases, business would like to pin a job to a technician at a particular time in …
XSL Transformation - Breaking a String into Separate Lines and ValuesContent Hi. I'm new to OFSC and XSL Transformations. Our ERP sends a value to a custom property in OFSC called "a_parts_installed" This property holds a list of all part…
Inventory and parts catalog linking settingContent Hi All, I am trying to implement parts catalog in application for which I am not able to find the linking field between inventory and parts catalog. Whenever a s…
OFSC Documentation in different LanguagesContent Hello, As OFSC supports multiple languages, is there by any chance that the documentation is also available in these languages? We are specifically looking for O…
Company boundaries in business rulesContent Hi Gurus, We have to give company boundaries in Business rules. We have the below queries on it. 1) Should we specify the company boundary as the whole country b…
Shape files not working with google mapsContent Hi All, I am facing some issues where work zone shapes are not getting populated in our instance where I am using google maps. I have followed the same methods t…
Retrieving data submitted in Mobility FormsContent Hi Gurus , We are working for a use case in which a forms are created in Mobility module in which the End users are needed to submit the feedback forms .Is there…
Service Cloud (right now)Content Hi. I need delete the yellow color from the service cloud (right now) calendar, when the agent select the time intervals, I just want the red and green colors ¿a…
Double work zonesContent Hi. I have this scenario: We have one technical resource with 2 different work zones, sometimes been created 2 work orders (activities) for each work zone, but i…
Link templateContent Hi There, How can we link activities automatically. I could see that using link template i m able to link activities manually. Can anyone help me with this. Than…Mohana Gopal S-Oracle 23 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shaun Nicely - Helix Business Solutions
part availability search and multiple part request using mobilityContent We have a requirement in OFSC mobility where we need to call external system to get data on parts availability search and send multiple part request to other sys…
Theme copyrightContent Hi Srs. I´m trying to create a theme in OFSC with the custom logo organization, but ask me a "copyright" field. Sincerely I don´t know whats the copyright date, …Braulio Rodriguez 30 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shaun Nicely - Helix Business Solutions
Not able to view all inventory Type in Resource inventoryContent Hello experts, We have created a new inventory type" Volume_Test" in configuration ---> inventory types . After creating it , we tried adding the newly created i…
Custom Field for RoutingContent Hi, I would like to know if a custom field can be used as one of the criteria for routing. Will two or more custom fields be used for routing purpose. Thanks
Link activityContent Hi There, Any suggestions on how this scenario can be done. Scenario: Once activity A1 is completed by Tech1, A2 activity should be assigned to Tech2 if in-case …
Passing Activity Group ID in Outbound MessageContent We have successfully integrated and passing all activity info back to our upstream system. However, we have use cases where our mobile resources will be creating…
No Time Slot and Non-Ordered activitiesContent We have a unique implementation in that we need the mobile resources to have the flexibility to work on activities in random order so that if they have 6 activit…
Configuration/Customization of OFSCContent Dear Experts, I am new to OFSC and trying to figure out configuration and customization flow, requirements to setup OFSC and relation between OFSC and Oracle Rig…
Tracking CodeContent Like Google Analytic how to add own tracking code Version Service Cloud, Customer Portal,
Use of linked items in upload_catalog request of parts catalogContent Hi All, Can anyone explain me the practical use of linked_items in upload_catalog method of parts catalog Version 17.8
Field Service two factors authenticationContent Hello, We are interested in understanding if Field Service Cloud (TOA) can be accessed with two factor authentication (login and one-time passcode) both login pa…
Unable to update the Status of Message Sent from OFSC to AcceleratorContent Hi Gurus, We are currently working on integration of OFSC to Service Cloud . We are using accelerator as middleware and are using simple workflow (mentioned in O…Prashant Singh Bhadauria-122022 24 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Prashant Singh Bhadauria-122022
Remove OOB status from Activity hintContent Hi, We have a requirement to remove system status(OOB) field from activity hint. I searched in user types-->Screen configurations-->Activity hint but could not f…
Removal of Add (+) from Resource Information screen for Work skill fieldContent Dear Experts, Can we remove Add(+) sign from work skill field and keep the Modify button on the resource information screen. There is a requirement where the Dis…
Inventory requiredContent Masters, I would like an help for a requirement. In creating an activity through the inbound, it is possible to put the inventories required to carry out the act…
Resource Cloning in Field Service CloudContent Dear experts, Can we clone a Resource soft skill information into another resource, I mean the one resource workzone, workskill into another. Regards, Vivek Kuma…
Mobile Extension FrameworkContent Hi All, Any idea about Mobile Extension Framework and how is it associated with OFSC. With 17.2, Oracle has suggested our customer that customized plugins and ex…
Authentication Error: 403 While Trying to Create Part CatalogContent Hi, I am trying to Create Catalog using SOAP API . And getting the Following Response 403 Authentication…Prashant Singh Bhadauria-122022 26 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Prashant Singh Bhadauria-122022