Discussion List
Has anyone integrated OLC with Learning Alliance?Content If so, can you provide the steps you took to setup the integration in OLC? We want to implement a 2 way integration between OLC and Leaning Alliance.The Learner …
Requesting noncatalog learning looks different in different podsContent Two different pods, two different clients. Both are on 20D, naturally and have RUX enabled. Comparing the roles/privileges and HCM Design Studio results in ident…
Can Learning Initiative have more then one learning item?Content We have the business need to create a learning initiative with 3 course items. But it appears only one learning item can be attached. Is there a way to do this? …
Learning Cloud Training Series - Invite Session 56: New features for Learners, Managers and AdministSummary Webcast presenting all the new and enhanced features in Oracle Learning Cloud release 13.20DContent You are hereby invited to the next training session for the n…Anders Northeved-Oracle 83 views 7 comments 3 points Most recent by Anders Northeved-Oracle Learning
Need Training Calendar Report FormatSummary Need Training Calendar Report FormatContent We have a requirement where we need to present a training calendar to employees for upcoming ILT offerings month wise…
can we reset the sandbox? if anything saved wrongSummary can we reset the sandbox?
Transaction analysis for Learner critera not showing up in the search pageSummary Transaction analysis for Learner critera not showing up in the search pageContent Created a course and an offering Created an analysis and saved it in custom BI …
Learning Request not appearing in Transaction ConsoleSummary Learning Request not appearing in Transaction ConsoleContent Hello there I'm trying to stablish a new process and to do it, it's needed for employees to request …
20C Learning not appearing in Transaction ConsoleSummary 20C Learning not appearing in Transaction ConsoleContent Hello, In 20C Releases notes was said that Learning would start usingTransaction console. But i've tried…
Learning transactions stored in BPM Worklist not in transaction consoleSummary Why are Learning transactions under BPM but all other transactions are in Transaction consoleContent Hi, I noted that all transactions and where they have gone f…
How to Create an initiative with a dummy destination objectSummary Need a dummy initiative with a linked analysis(in OTBI) so that we can use this initiative in migrating midstream assignments from legacyContent We are trying to…
Created course but can't see itContent Hi, a couple of issues: * I've uploaded a number of content > not visible in the list or searchable * I've created courses > not visible in the list or searchabl…
Custom Alerts | Brackets appearing around linksContent I've created a custom alert that's triggered when a user enrolls in an ILT/VILT course that contains date/time/meeting link/calendar invite etc. The problem I am…
Unable to "add to calendar" an instructor led activitiesContent Hello, When trying to add to my outlook calendar a learning event, I receive back this: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "null" It is not worki…
Learning for Employees on Secondment or Temporary AssignmentSummary If an Employee is on a Temporary assignment then Learning still gets assigned based on primary assignment attributesContent Hi All, We have a requirement where i…
System does not mark a reassigned course as completed after failing the course for first timeContent Hello Experts, When a learner fails a course and is assigned the course once again the system does not mark them as completed even if they successfully pass all …
20D - Is It Possible To Add Attachments To A Question?Summary 20D - Is It Possible To Add Attachments To A Question?Content Hi - I'm trying to view an attachment from a course using a Question. This attachment contains a ca…
How to add a Manager's DashboardContent Hi all, I've seen it somewhere I am sure. We want to display a dashboard report to the managers with all overdue members. Has anyone done this? And what's the be…
Field to update score for Learners for Activities with AssessmentContent Hi Team Its been found that the Score field option in learners activity page Manage Learners don't capture score for the activity especially if it has an Assessm…
What is Planning - Tab in Learning Setup used for?Content What is Planning - Tab in Learning Setup used for? You access it via My Client Groups > Learning > Setup > Planning i have read the implementation guide and am u…
Is there a way to include an acknowledgement for learners to verify a learner item has been reviewedSummary Is there a way to include an acknowledgement for learners to verify a learner item has been reviewed - for compliance/regulatory training?Content We launched a l…
Since NUX unable to add newly built courses into specialization sectionsSummary Courses not appearing in the add activity search boxes on specializationsContent Since we moved to NUX, any newly built courses do not appear in the search when …
Implement "Confirmation of GTA" before registering for a courseContent Hello all, we have the following requirement for our customer and need ideas how to implement it in our system. The requirement is, that every time learners regi…
Hide "recent items" when searching in the Learning CatalogContent Hello all, we have a problem regarding the Learning-catalog-search funtion in the employee's selfservice. When clicking on the field "Search the Learning catalog…
Learning NONCATALOGUE request for My Team - Not possible to add attachmentSummary Add Attachment to Noncatalogue request form as a managerContent Hi All, As a manager, I would like to add attachment to the Learning noncatalogue request form. H…
Learning Withdrawal approval not working as expectedSummary Manager approval required if the course or offering cost is more than zeroContent I am trying to configure course/offering withdrawal approval rule if the cost i…
Add New Content Section to Profile Type: PrerequisiteContent I am attempting to add additional content sections to prerequisites in Learning. Path to take: My Client Groups > Profiles > Profile Types > Prerequisite > Add C…
DEEP LINK TO OFFERING DETAIL PAGEContent This is regarding the new enhancement mentioned in the 20D readiness document. https://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/tutorials/tutorial/cloud/r13/wn/talen…
Audit Information on who has marked completionSummary Audit information for marking Activities complete on OfferingsContent Hi All, We have a scenario where we have a large number of Offerings for a course and these…
4-Level Kirkpatrick EvalutionSummary Has anyone been able to get this type of evaluation to work?Content There is desire to get a 4 level Kirkpatrick style evaluation to work within Oracle Learn. Ha…