Create Requisition
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Needing help with directions on building a new Order Type for requisitioningI am trying to build a new "Order Type" for Bill Only requisitions. I am attaching a screenshot of the Requisitioning page where I am needing to have the "Bill Only" ord…Denver Monteith 53 views 14 comments 0 points Most recent by Ifeanyi Katchy-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Why do no values appear in the Enter Requisition Line > Suggested Buyer field?Summary: When creating a req using Actions > Enter Requisition Line, the Suggested Buyer field is available. However, no values appear in the field. After entering a fir…Dawn Tilson 115 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by Shaik Rasul-Oracle Self Service Procurement
RSSP - Select text in Redwood UISummary: Our client the University of Navarra has found that in the new RSSP Redwood UI its not possible to select texts. This is useful to copy requisition numbers, req…
How does the system assign a buyer on a requisition converted to an orderSummary Buyer Assignment hierarchy on a requisition converted to an orderContent Customers I do hope this brief article helps clarify the logic of how the system compute…Ashok Sriniva-Oracle 130 views 12 comments 10 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Add approver error during requisition creationSummary: We are testing the Redwood new features for Requisitions whic we intend to activate in 25C. We are following this document…
Tool to assist in migration of self service application from Classic UI to RedwoodSummary: We are looking to migrate the Business Self Service Application to the Responsive UI. We have already completed the sessions with the users for the demonstratio…
Future start date BPA line showing up in shopping listSummary: For future dated BPA lines, expectation is that future dated line shall not show up in the shopping search for SSP as it has start date in future. Only current …
Is it possible to restrict more than 1 Cost Centre in Single Requisition?Summary: We have business case where requisition approvals happen from Cost Centre but business does not want to create a requisition with multiple cost centres as using…Naveen Kumar-283409 23 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Alex Tuteur-Oracle Self Service Procurement
We required to configure the Rule with destination type Inventory and ExpenseSummary: We required to build a logic for Requisition Approval Rules where there are multiple lines with different Purchase category and destination type with Inventory …Kardam Shastri 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Somya Saxena-Oracle Self Service Procurement
How to enforce the same project information at project billing and charge account level of Req/PO?Summary: When creating a requisition, a user has the ability to add project details in the project billing area. When a project is entered in there, we try to train user…Farah Zekria 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Self Service Procurement
Is it possible to restrict users from creating requisitions for only specifc items/CategoriesSummary: Hi All, Is it possible to restrict users from creating requisitions for only some specific set of Items/Categories, so that they shouldn't be able to create req…Nawar SCM 33 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Self Service Procurement
Expenditure Item Date is not defaulted during requisition creation in RSSP?In erstwhile Self Service Procurement, Expenditure Item date is defaulted based on the requisition profile option - POR: Requested Delivery Date Offset. Seems to be not …
Supplier bank account creation, Need to know how account owner is fetched with the organizationSummary: Customer is trying to add the bank account for the supplier in the supplier site level, After adding the supplier bank account, Supplier is try to add the accou…
Unable to Add Items from Catalogue to Public Shopping ListSummary: Since the 24A Quarterly patch, procurement users have not been able to add items to a public shopping list. This issue has occurred previously and was resolved …Nikka Galvero 79 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
How to edit the field name in Visual Builder Studio? - RSSPSummary: Customer wants to customize the field name of "Emergency purchase order request", but I couldn't find such configuration. Do you have any idea for this customiz…Kana Kutsukake-Oracle 12 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Kana Kutsukake-Oracle Self Service Procurement
P-CARD does not work for BCEA (budgetary Control Encumbrance)?Summary: P-CARD does not work for BCEA (budgetary Control Encumbrance)? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you a…Diego Schenquermam 6 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Not able to add ad-hoc approvers in RSSP requisition checkout.on the requisition cart, when we dropdown action and click on view approvers we can able to add additional approvers but we are not able to fetch approvers in the search…Lokesh Koppera 237 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by Narendran-Oracle Self Service Procurement
RSSP: Ability to Override BPA Price on Enter Requisition Line ScreenSome of our organization's requesters require the ability to place no-charge requisitions for certain items within the Enter Requisition Line screen. Their current proce…Chrissy Anderson 17 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Chrissy Anderson Self Service Procurement
Non catalogue on RSSP is not allowing add to list or cart for requisitionSummary: We have configured RSSP Procurement & buttons are greyed out Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I have attached screenshot FYI. We a…
Suggested buyer field unavailable in Responsive SSPSummary: The suggested buyer field shows up in classic SSP but it is not available in Responsive SSP. Once the user tries to create a non catalog requisition in classic …Tathagata Ghosh-Oracle 225 views 27 comments 1 point Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Requirement of Supplier and Supplier Site field mandatory while creating Purchase RequisitionSummary: When Creating Requisition through Noncatalog Item Request page for a specific BU the Supplier and Supplier Site Field are presently Non Mandatory.Once the Suppl…
Internal Requisiton change the statos from Approved To Return and transfer order is not createdSummary Internal Requisiton change the statos from Approved To Return and transfer order is not createdContent After internal Requisition was approved it change from APP…
negotiated checkbox to be controlled by buyerSummary: Hello, We have a request from client that negotiated checkbox should be conditionally checked by requester. For that we have enabled the checkbox and highlighte…
"Distribute Project Costs" option not available in new RSSP pageIn the Classic SSP "edit requisition" page, i see the option to "Distribute Project Costs" like shown in the screenshot1. However, the same option is not available in ne…Santosh Kumar,Rayudu 61 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Redwood - Is P-Card available in 25A?Summary: Redwood - Is P-Card available in 25A It is a new implementation, and I want to know if P-Card is available in Redwood Content (please ensure you mask any confid…Diego Schenquermam 10 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Attribute list under Information template not displayedI am trying to create an Information template and add attribute lists to the same. However, i am not seeing anything coming in LOV. I have tried creating a new attribute…Santosh Kumar,Rayudu 58 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Chinnam Siddartha Self Service Procurement
Restrict Attachments to Certain Users/RolesSummary: We have a requirement to restrict certain requisition and purchase order attachments to certain users or roles and I was thinking this could be achieved by crea…
Enable CPA Hyperlink when viewing requisitionHi Everyone, Does anyone know if it's possible to enable a hyperlink in the CPA Number when viewing a requisition? The approvers wanted to be able to see the agreement b…Jessica Santos 37 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Responsive Procurement- Cannot duplicate a line in RequisitionSummary: Creating a fresh post in order to keep track of the same- In Classic Procurement, we can navigate to cart and click on actions and then duplicate line, in order…
REST API to get details of Labor code for RequisitionSummary: I am reaching out to get some assistance on how to retrieve the labor code of requisition using REST. I would greatly appreciate any guidance or examples you ca…gauri dudhane 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sunder.Velagala-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace