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Do we require separate SQM license to ask questions during supplier registration (External)Summary: We have a Supplier Portal license along with SSP and Purchasing. The customer wants to ask some questions (around 10) to the prospective supplier during the sup…Sandesh-Oracle 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sandesh-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Can a supplier intiate an update to Active Qualification?Summary: Can a supplier initiate an update to Active Qualification? Content (required): I'm aware that suppliers can View Qualifications and Manage Questionnaires via th…David Stanfield 41 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Angie Ni-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Best Practice to Share SQM Questionnaire to Supplier Not using PortalSummary: Best Practice to Share SQM Questionnaire to Supplier Not using Portal Content (required): Hi I would like to understand what is the best way to share the questi…rajesh.patil 112 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Supplier Qualification Management
Surrogate responses for supplier qualificationsSummary: Surrogate responses for supplier qualifications Content (required): Hi Team - we have a requirement for a client to collect compliance information from supplier…Abhishek Gattu 135 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Faustina Setyadi-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
How to disable/hide the option 'Add section' in Supplier Questionnaire (without using page composer)Summary: In the Questionnaire page Initiative we can modify the questionnaire that was built using the questions in the qualification areas defined for the initiative. T…Shashikala K-Oracle 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Angie Ni-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Ability to customize SQM email notifications based on Qualification/AssessmentContent Can SQM email notifications to Suppliers be customized based on Qualification/Assessment? Depending on the qualification or assessment that is being done we may …Meghan Steele 76 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Angie Ni-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
How to set up an enterprise user to be an internal responder to internal questionnaires?Summary This post illustrates how to set up an enterprise user to be an internal responder to supplier qualification internal questionnaires.Content To qualify suppliers…Angie Ni-Oracle 377 views 11 comments 15 points Most recent by Angie Ni-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
qualification outcome does not allow scores in decimalsSummary when creating qualification area, we are unable to enter from and to scores in decimals.Content Client has a decimal score cutoff to get the outcomes for their q…
is there a way to send supplier a questionnaire whenever we are promoting them from prospective to sSummary is there a way to send supplier a questionnaire whenever we are promoting them from prospective to spend authorized?Content we have configured qualification rule…
Questionnaire to internal Responder in Registration Approval ProcessSummary Questionnaire to internal Responder in Registration Approval ProcessContent Is it possible to send the Questionnaire to the internal Responder in the Registratio…Sandeep Nihalani 37 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sandeep Nihalani Supplier Qualification Management
Automatically default the current date as the qualification start dateSummary Automatically default the current date as the qualification start dateContent Hi Experts, kindly let us know if this is achievable - When the evaluation owner tr…Jaya Chandra-Oracle 27 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Angie Ni-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Unable to add Supplier level DFF date type attribute to Supplier Qualification QuestionSummary We want to map the response of a question (a date) to one of the newly added DFFs (date) in the Supplier profile.Content We want to map the response of a questio…
Multiple ReviewersSummary Want multiple people to be able to review and accept responses to questionnaireContent Hello, We use SQM for some internal questionnaires in relation to vendor m…User_2025-02-04-19-45-49-438 20 views 7 comments 1 point Most recent by user12232237 Supplier Qualification Management
SQM Supplier Questionnaire Response HistorySummary Does SQM maintain a Supplier Questionnaire Response History?Content The client requires a Supplier Questionnaire Response History within SQM? Is this functionali…User_PIHZA 41 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Faustina Setyadi-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Load Supplier Qualifications to SQM Cloud.Summary This post illustrates how to leverage existing SQM capabilities and supported REST APIs to load supplier qualification information from other systems into SQM cl…Sujith Vadaks-Oracle 278 views 0 comments 5 points Most recent by Sujith Vadaks-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
How To Create Hyperlink In Register Supplier:Summary How To Create Hyperlink In Register Supplier: Questionnaire ?Content We need to create the three hyperlinks in the Questionnaire section of Registering a Supplie…User_YD0RV 44 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Angie Ni-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Critical Question FlagSummary Is there any functionality or behavior related to Critical Question flag?Content Is there any behaviors associated with setting the Critical Question flag on a q…John Lay 60 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Angie Ni-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Auto-Submit supplier for Spend AuthorizedSummary Auto-Submit supplier for Spend AuthorizedContent initially, Supplier register as a prospective supplier and having Questions with the supplier and based on the o…Sandeep Nihalani 53 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Sandeep Nihalani Supplier Qualification Management
Supplier unable to view qualification summary shared by buyerSummary Supplier unable to view qualification summary shared by buyerContent Supplier user is unable to see the option to view qualification summary shared by buyer, the…Vijay Karuppiah-Oracle 46 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Bhavik Shah Supplier Qualification Management
Is it possible to default 1) Initiative type as 'Assessment' 2) Specific procurement BU when creatinContent Hi There, Do we have an option to default the following parameters whilst creating an initiative in R13 cloud? 1) Default the Initiative Type as 'Assessment' 2) …Vijay Karuppiah-Oracle 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Federico Pérez Carnevali Supplier Qualification Management
how to send a supplier an initiative when the supplier registration approval is in progress ?Summary how to send a supplier an initiative when the supplier registration approval is in progress ?Content Dear All, Please suggest how we can send a questiannaire to …User_6KBM4 28 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by user799189-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Recommended Actions (Respond to Questionnaire)Content we have added an internal responder for a few questions but the Respond to Questionnaire is not showing to the internal responder in the email body, I have alrea…Sandeep Nihalani 51 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sandeep Nihalani Supplier Qualification Management
Drop-downs/LOVs in QuestionnaireSummary Can drop-down/lovs' be setup in a questionnaire ?Content Asking for help here whether we can have drop downs or LOV on a question. Will prefer the supplier to ch…Narendra Karambelkar 56 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Faustina Setyadi-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Supplier Qualificaiton FYISummary I need 2 Supplier Qualification FYIContent Hello, I need 2 Supplier Qualification FYI. I created a "Internal Qualification" (Internal Responder needs to answer s…User_08YER 42 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Angie Ni-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
how internal Responder pickupSummary how internal Responder pickupContent We have defined Question for internal Responder at the Supplier level and then defined Qualification Area, it has assigned t…Sandeep Nihalani 26 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_08YER Supplier Qualification Management
Setup supplier contacts to manage questionnaires and view qualifications from Supplier Portal work aSummary This post provides information on configuring supplier contacts to manage supplier qualification task flows from Supplier Portal.Content Supplier user provisioni…Sujith Vadaks-Oracle 53 views 0 comments 1 point Most recent by Sujith Vadaks-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Question mapped to Supplier Profile Table type DFF attributeSummary Is it possible to map the Table type DFF with the Question?Content I have created one DFF at the supplier header level using the table type value set where I hav…Zehra Merchant 127 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Angie Ni-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Customize Supplier email content for Qualification and Re-Qualification QuestionnaireSummary Do we have the capability within Standard SaaS application to Customize Supplier email content for Qualification and Re-Qualification QuestionnaireContent We hav…Vijay Karuppiah-Oracle 61 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Faustina Setyadi-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Changing "Setup Enterprise" name in Supplier qualification emails and now no supplier notificationsSummary Changing "Setup Enterprise" name in Supplier qualification emails and now no supplier notifications being sentContent Hi I have had to change the name of the "Se…User_2025-02-01-07-22-56-194 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Alan Ng-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management