Global Order Promising
Discussion List
To disable the Promise date and Original Promise date which is coming at order line level by systemSummary: To disable the Promise date and Original Promise date which is coming at order line level by system is there any setups we can do for this requirements for one …
How to make extensibleFlex filed mandatory based on business unit in sales order line levelSummary: How to make extensibleFlex filed mandatory based on business unit in sales order line level Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): How t…
After the scheduled start date.Summary: Scheduling can't be done because the plant calendar MPL Facility Schedule has an effective start date 2024-01-01, which is after the scheduled start date. Conte…
Unable to Update salesperson from OM ExtensionSummary: I am getting Salesperson from using SOAP serive call and it is returning the salesperson name. When I use this name to validate using SalesPersonPVO or trying t…Anantha Gantla-233198 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
Sales Order created with one line, but RMA split into Multiple lines.We have created Sales Order with one line and AR Transaction for that sales order got created with one line. When we created RMA order for above sales order it got spilt…Hemanth Buccapatnam Tirumala 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
Getting error while mapping the Sales order with the InvoiceHello Oracle Community, Good Day! I am currently working on mapping our sales orders with the Invoice interface. While the initial mapping process appears successful, I …
Do we need to run or schedule Net Change Data collection and schedule Refresh Promising Server too eContent We just completed our CRP2, The qty on hand on SO line does not show correct picture of on hand and availaibility until we run Data collection and Refresh Promis…Deepankar Patnaik 81 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
How to prevent line splitting in sales orders if there are on hand?How to prevent line splitting in sales orders if there are any on hand?, sales orders have the flag allow partial shipment of lines set to "Y" activated because if there…
Need to Insert original item number in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL table post sales order shippingHi, I have a Groovy script that runs in the backend whenever I enter sales order details and click the save button. The script flips the item in our system. However,when…B.Anil 3 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sairam Surampalli-Support-Oracle Receivables & Collections
we can't fix the Amount and Price at line level for sales order extension.We have a Requirement for sales order extension when we click on save button after entering mandatory fields the groovy script come into play for item flipping at line l…
Error when updating item post sales order shipment via rest apiSummary: Hi, I have requirement to update the item after a sales order has been shipped.i am using the REST API endpoint: /fscmRestApi/resources/{in…
How to default the timestamp of scheduled ship dateSummary: Is there any way to default the timestamp as 11.59 PM of Scheduled ship date which derived by GOP. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information)…
Tables to get resource consumption details from review supply availability form in HVGOPSummary: We can create views to understand the ITEM consumption from review supply availability form in HVGOP using below tables MSC_HVGOP_AGGREGATED_SUPPLYMSC_HVGOP_AGG…
Order management can't schedule the fulfillment line because item isn't associated with organizationHi All, I am facing below error while submitting an order in Fusion. "Order management can't schedule the fulfillment line because item **** isn't associated with organi…
Estimated Fulfilment Cost in DOO_Fulfill_lines_allSummary: Could you please help in understanding the Estimated Fulffilment Cost and Margin Values in DOO_Fulfill_lines_all. a. When is it calculated after the pick releas…
Multi level allocationSummary: We have a particular Business Case : We need to reserve the SO based on the Sub inventory and not on organization level. For this I was trying to achieve via Mu…
What is the calculation used for schedule ship date and Schedule arrival date by GOP?Summary: Content (required): How does the GOP calculate schedule ship date and schedule arrival date? Does the option request type; Arrive on/ship on has any impact on t…
How ATP Time Fence Specification is works while scheduling the sales order lineSummary: How 'ATP Time Fence Specification' and 'Infinite Availability Fence Definition' works while scheduling the sales order line? We want to understand with example?…
Back to Back Make to Order is always creating WO even though there is On HandSummary: Back to Back Make Order is always creating WO even though there is On Hand Local Sourcing rule is defined for make at org and global rule for transfer is define…
Availability of rest api to update itemnumber in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL table after shipmentcreationHi, I would like to know if there is any rest api available to update the item number in the RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL table after a shipment is created against a sales ord…
Can EFF from receivable be used in Order ManagementWe have a EFF in Manage Customer (Receivables) which indicates whether the customer account is Priority Customer or not. We want this EFF to be visible at the sales orde…
How to update itemnumber in AR_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL table after sales order shipmentHello, In our oracle fusion implementation , after a sales order is shipped, the data is inserted into the AR_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL table. we need to update the item numbe…
What is the exact set up for a back to back sales order to consider on hand stock?Summary: What is the exact set up for a back to back sales order to consider on hand stock? Even though on hand stock is there , it is generating a work order. In ATP ru…
View Pegging details for BLM recommended Planned DateSummary: We tested with one item one order line, no on-hand exist, GOP provided a SSD based on BOR lead times. We ran BLM for the same item same order line and BLM provi…
GOP splitting line in Decimal QuanititiesSummary: We have seen in exceptional scenario where GOP is splitting the line in decimal quantities. Although the item is never transacted in fractional quantity in the …
How the dates are calculated in sales order line levelSummary: We want to understand below multiple date fields present at sales order line level, How these fields are derived or how these fields calculated and populated wi…
Line Status supply Request CompleteSummary Some of the order lines gets stuck with the status "Supply Request Complete"Content Dear, Some of the order lines gets stuck with the status "Supply Request Comp…
If we define subscription item as ATO modelSummary: If we define the subscription items as ATO model, and when we place the order. will the downstream application subscription Management can pick the details? Is …
Can we have Extended warranty as CTO modelSummary: Can we have extended warranty as CTO model. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applic…
Which all Lead times does GOP consider for a Make and a Buy ItemSummary: We have added all the Lead times available in PIM and top of that we have also mentioned the pick pack lead time at org level and transit time. Could someone he…