Getting error while creation of Sales order using REST API for Manual Price Adjustment
Error :
SourceTransactionLineNumber 1, SourceScheduleNumber 1: No matching charge definition was found for the manual price adjustment 300,000,025,412,308.
Manual Order is getting created and there we are allowed for price adjustments over UI, when we create the order using REST API it gives us above error, without manual price adjustment, order is getting created but with MPA not?
Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
"BusinessUnitName" : "TEST",
"BuyingPartyContactId" : 100000085670024,
"BuyingPartyContactName" : "ilbvcqnyd eoriakqpx",
"BuyingPartyId" : 100000085650539,
"BuyingPartyName" : "TEST",
"BuyingPartyNumber" : "99500",
"CustomerPONumber" : "PRICE_ADJ_13",
"FreezePriceFlag" : false,
"FreezeShippingChargeFlag" : false,
"FreezeTaxFlag" : false,
"PartialShipAllowedFlag" : false,
"PaymentTerms" : "NET 30",
"PreferredSoldToContactPointId" : 100000085714572,
"RequestedShipDate" : "2024-12-14 09:37:11",
"RequestingBusinessUnitName" : "TEST",
"RequestingLegalEntity" : "TEST",
"SourceTransactionId" : "PRICE_ADJ_13",