Inventory Cloud
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Over receipt ActionIn PIM for an item: Overreceipt Quantity Control (Item level): Reject. In manage receiving parameters: Overreceipt Action (Manage Receiving Parameters): Warning. Now I a…
Replenish inventory using min max planning without considering demand qtySummary: I have a request to run min max planning so that the inventory gets replenished at a subinventory based on the max qty.But while calculating the reorder qty it …
STOCKS NOT TO BE CONSIDERED IN PLANNINGHello and good day! Dear everyone, Is there a way for stocks (possibly reserved in certain locator?) so as not to be considered in Planning module and create work order?…
Responsive Receiving - 'My Receipts'Summary: We are testing the responsive self service receipts and observed this behavior. After we navigate to the 'My Receipts (New)' work area, we see two sections - Or…
Inventory organization with associated customerSummary: I have a question about the functionality of associating a customer with an Inventory organization. Content: In Oracle help center documentation it defines what…JOSE.GONCALVES.4458 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Prakash.Subbiah-Oracle Inventory Management
Requester name in pick slip formSummary: Need Movement Request Requester name in the Pick Slip Form Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Our business requirement is to see the…Immanuel Abishek 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Prakash.Subbiah-Oracle Inventory Management
Restrictict all transactions for the item in a particular Sub when its picked for cycle countWhen any item is picked for cycle count in a particular area, then all other transactions against that item should be bl;ocked till counted and cycle count is postedChaitanyaBarge 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Adnan Siddiqui-Oracle Inventory Management
Cycle count - Generate count sequencesHi, The "Generate count sequences" Job ran successfully in the cycle count but in the "Record cycle count" UI items are not available. How to solve this . Any parameters…
Limit the Mapping of UOM list while receiving the itemSummary: we need to restrice the UOM to certain UOMs while receiving certain items ex item x the available UOM is (KG.PC,10 KG box) Item Y , the availble UOM is (KG,20 K…Mohamed Ibrahim Badawy 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Piyush Potdar-Support-Oracle Inventory Management
Lot Picking Rule for FIFO & FEFOSummary: In one inventory org the picking for LOT-FIFO should work for Specific customer and in same organization LOT-FEFO work for remaining customers. We have the item…KOTTHURI ASHOKBABU 59 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by KOTTHURI ASHOKBABU Inventory Management
UI COLORHello and good day! Dearest everyone, Is there a way to change the color of the interface environment because I am using two instances (TEST and PRODUCTION) to different…
Split transfer ordersSummary: Our warehouse bhas been receiving split transfers for kit lines recently and I was hoping you could identify why. 2 Transfer orders have both been generated fro…
Shipment Confirmation using ShipmentTransactionRequest REST API is auto closing the ShipmentWhen a Shipment is created using ShipmentTransactionREST API (REST API for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM - Create one request) with ActionCode as 'CreateAndConfirmShipment', t…
Document for the transaction: Create Interorganization transferThe business needs that when transferring between organizations with the transaction 'Create Interorganization transfer', a document should be generated with the transac…
Query Child Request Links in SCM REST APISSummary: I am looking for a way to query the child links and get information - for instance, we have the following REST API for /inventoryMovementRequests https://docs.o…Shravan Kumar Chelika 25 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shravan Kumar Chelika Inventory Management
Cross docking to inventory org A but destination is inventory org BSummary: May I ask on how to configure or capture a transaction in which it will only pass or cross-dock to inventory org A (but will not receipted) and the destination …
What is the logic for shipment number generation?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): What is the logic for Shipment Number generation in Oracle? Is it unique for each instance? Versi…
What is the impact of updating the Profile Option 'INV_QUANTITY_DECIMAL_PRECISION'?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We want to have the value as 4 for Profile Option 'INV_QUANTITY_DECIMAL_PRECISION'. We would like…
Migrate on hand as consigned using FBDISummary: I would like to get a clarification. Reading this MOS note from 2019 I understand it is not possible to migrate on hand stock as consigned using FBDI for invent…
How can we restrict Source list of values based on transaction type for miscellaneousTranscation .Summary: The requirement is to restrict Source List of values (Account Alias) based on transaction types for Miscellaneous Transaction. Content (required): Version (incl…
Shipments grouping shipping lines from various clientsThe business needs shipments to be created that contain shipping lines from different customers. In the Inventory module, is there the functionality of being able to gro…JOSE.GONCALVES.4458 11 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management
Is there a way to group packed lines in receiving?Summary: There’s a Transfer Order for an item: After picking process, in the shipment work area, we have the line for the item: Then we pack the line using the Pack Auto…
Create Miscellaneous Transaction - Account field segment is disabledSummary: Account segment is disabled on Create Miscellaneous transaction (Miscellaneous Issue/Receipt), and it gives error on submitting the transaction. Content (please…
Error while importing Location file in FSMSummary: When I am trying to import Location file to create location in the test instance, I am receiving below error (PFA error file excel & screenshot as well) Can som…
Receipt lines infolet has no dataSummary: Receipt lines infolet has no data Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, For some of our Storekeepers, when they navigate to Supply …
Inventory Lead Time Days are Business Days or Calendar Days?We wanted to confirm whether Inventory Lead Time days are Calendar Days or Business Days in Oracle Cloud Fusion. We are managing the Lead Time Days from Item Sub Invento…
Inventory transaction mode Profile Option to be selected for quicker processing of the TransactionsSummary: Hello Oracle Experts! We have developed a custom bolton using Oracle Apex for creating the Inter ORG- Shipments and from there the shipment records gets interfa…
Setting up multiple email addresses "Manage Shipping Document Output Preferences" for custom reportOur business requirement is to provide multiple email id's in TO/CC fields for Custom Print Pick Slip Report. Could someone please advise which delimiter character can b…
What is the impact of deleting item subinventory mapping?Hi Team, We have a business use case where item sub-inventory mapping need to be end dated but unfortunately end date option is not available. When we are trying to dele…
Ship Confirm Rules dont come into Effect in External WMS integrations. Expected Behaviour?Summary: Hi Team, We are using Generate Shipment Request to send Order details to WMS. Ship confirm is happening via FBDI. We have noticed in our internal testing that S…