Discussion List
Ubuntu Instance DegradationSummary: We have an application running in our currently free cloud account on an Ubuntu VM. This isn't an application that we use often and we don't have recent backups…
Problem with upgrading accountSummary: Upagrade plan to Pay as You Go hangs on "Your account upgrade is in progress" Content (required): I've upgrade account about one week ago. Since then I've been …User_2025-02-12-19-52-20-409 51 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-12-19-52-20-409 OCI - General
Missing Public IP AddressSummary: Program can't bind to public IP address Content (required): I'm running a Waterfall (A fork of Bungeecord for those in the know) proxy on OCI for my Minecraft s…
Account still says upgrade in progress after 24hSummary: Tried upgrading my account from a free tier to a paid account yesterday, the status is still "Your account upgrade is in progress." Content (required): I upgrad…
How to delete leftover Ipv6 resources?I completely deleted everything in my account last night so I can test with Terraform. However, there are 3 leftover Ipv6 resources shown in Tenancy Explorer that I cann…User_2025-02-12-18-35-59-850 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-12-18-35-59-850 OCI - General
I cannot terminate an instanceSummary: Content (required): I'm trying to terminate some instances I have to remake them, but the instances are not terminating they have been this way for the past hou…
cannot connect to one of the two instances on the same VCN subnet using its public IPSummary: I created two compute instances on the same VCN public subnet. Both were assigned a public IP. I am able to connect to one of the instances without issue. Howev…
Install KaliSummary: Hi Does any one know how to install Kali on Free Server? The image is available but if i try to install it will say shape is not there .So any other way to inst…
How long is the estimated and acceptable time before new hardware is added to a datacenter?Summary: When Oracle changed my account from Free Trial to Always Free all my VMs were stopped and I was forced to delete them and re-create them from scratch in order t…User_2025-02-12-22-39-21-277 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Joseph briathwaite OCI - General
Why is OCI monitoring namespace "oci_osms" not avaiable in Metrics Explorer?Summary: When I try to browse OS Management metrics in the Metrics Explorer I find that namespace "oci_osms" is not among the listed options. Very strange. More so, if y…
Unable to use my account due to termination by system.Summary: On 17 April the account was working fine but suddenly an error popped up saying "You don’t have permission to view these resources in this compartment. Try anot…
Unable to connect to my VM firewall using serial console, see error Failed to create compute clientSummary: my access to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure serial console to VM is no longer working, not sure why. ERROR - Failed to create compute client: cannot create client,…User_2025-02-12-21-48-47-874 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Joseph briathwaite OCI - General
Root seems to be unavailable on ARM compute instanceSummary: Trying to install hestacp which says I need root. I did not see any ref to root access during set-up. Content (required): I asked the chat bot but all I got was…User_2025-02-12-21-59-03-722 11 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by René Fennet-Oracle OCI - General
You don’t have permission to view these resources in this compartment. Try another compartment, or cSummary: I can not access resource information any more. Content (required): When I log in to Web brower and try to list compute instances, I have bellow message: "You d…
Cannot start an OCI Compute Instance: InternalError - Out Of Host CapacitySummary: I am trying to start a vm in oracle oci gen2, but I get the following error by OCI API console: Content (required): I am trying to start a vm in oracle oci gen2…
my instance removed and can not make instanceHi, Summary: my instance removed and can not make instance Content (required): I have the exact same problem as My account is 'terminated', my access to my whole root de…
I can't login to oracle control panel, one of my virtual machines is not accessibleI can't login to oracle control panel, one of my virtual machines is not accessibleUser_2025-02-12-22-11-53-530 11 views 0 comments 0 points Started by User_2025-02-12-22-11-53-530 OCI - General
How to find out what the hostname isSummary:I I need to find out what the full hostname is (hostname.domain.tld) Content (required): I am trying to install hestiacp using their instructions. I am running t…User_2025-02-12-21-59-03-722 314 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-12-21-59-03-722 OCI - General
Connection limit on instances Wndows & Linux specificallyIs there any limit on number of connections and concurrent connections to Windows & Linux instances provided. What are the deciding factors on same
Unable to use my account due to termination by systemSummary: Since few days my cloud account suddenly was terminated with no reason or explanation. An error popped up saying "You don’t have permission to view these resour…
Why can I not make 2 Always free instances using VM.Standard.E2.1.Micro?Summary: After getting problems keeping my ARM server going from Free to Always Free I started 1 (ONE) E2 micro server a few days ago. Today I wanted to start one more, …User_2025-02-12-22-39-21-277 82 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-12-22-39-21-277 OCI - General
Why did my compute instance lose it's public IP address?Summary: Until a few hours ago, my Free Tier instance had a public IP address which was assigned when I created the instance many many months ago. It became unreachable …
No Shape AvailableSummary: hi want ask about my account home register in ( Singapore or Tokyo ) ? here the details summaries; Summary 1 : when i want to create instance say error like thi…User_2025-02-12-14-27-31-772 572 views 9 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-02-12-14-27-31-772 OCI - General
Account disabled without any notice or details.Greetings! Today when I tried to access my machines, They were all down. When I checked the Cloud Console I found this (Image Attached below) This seems to be very criti…User_2025-02-12-22-28-21-298 61 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-12-22-28-21-298 OCI - General
Account Terminated, Received No Updates.Summary: Thread: Hello, Im waiting for a resp…
Cannot assign Reserved ip Address: The following service limits were exceeded: reserved-public-ip-coSummary: I have 2 instances running Ubuntu which had static ips till last week or so.Now i cannot add any reserved IP address to both . I tried to recreate the instance …
Cannot create Instance (out of host capacity)Summary: Content (required): I'm an OCI always free tier user, and my instance has expired, I finally deleted it but I didn't delete the boot volume, and when I was goin…
Billing- Oracle CloudSummary: Not able to manage payment to upgrade my account for OCI. Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any …
Unable to create more than one VM in my trial accountSummary: Unable to create more than one VM in my trial account Content (required): I have created a trial cloud account which every employee is entitled to. My understan…