Discussion List
How to SSH OCI instance from client side(my pc)Summary: Hello, I have created an OCI instance using SSH key-pairs which was generated in the cloud shell, I chose to paste the public key to the instance in the initiat…
Cannot upgrade Free Tier to "Pay as you go" planSummary: Cannot upgrade Free Tier to "Pay as you go" plan Content (required): I'm literally doing this just to change the email address tied to the account. All attempts…
Why do I get 403 error when trying to access OCI Console?Summary: A few weeks ago I asked this question but didn't get any meaningful reply and the issue is still not resolved. I enter my cloud account name on https://www.orac…
Tenancy suddenly became inactive while trying to upgradeSummary: Long story short, i needed a GPU instance for some AI projects of mine, but as soon as i clicked the link to upgrade my account to a paid one, the website stopp…
I can login to my account !Summary: Again , posting 5th time and hope to get a response from you . I had a node before and i was hosting my site but it's dead ( I am not the only one who have enco…
I can't access my instances "You don’t have permission to view these resources in this compartment"Summary: First of all, Hello My account has been block for 17 days.. I am unable to view or access my instances (always-free tier). The issue being faced is having very …
A compute instance suspended due to DMCA-InfringingSummary: One my my instance was suspended due to DMCA-Infringing. I think I know where the DMCA violation is from and can fix it, but the instance is disabled and I can'…
How to solve the problem: Error: Cannot Add Support IdentifierStreszczenie: Nie mogę uzyskać dostępu do Oracle Cloud Free Tier Support. Treść (wymagane): Przedwczoraj utworzyłem nowe konto Oracle Cloud Free Tier. Nie mogę uzyskać d…
Tenancy inactive after free trialAfter the ending of free trial, my always free resources was deleted, and my tenancy was inactive. After trying to create a new compute instance (previous was deleted) n…
Always free tier instance stopped and I can not restart them againSummary: I am using always free tier and now I see both my instances are stopped and I get Unable to start instance: Instance ocid1.instance.nnnnnnnnnnnnnn (I removed ID…User_2025-02-12-22-39-21-277 492 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-12-22-39-21-277 OCI - General
not able to install microsoft visual studio code software/any softwareSummary: i am using free subscription model, i have taken windows server 2016 image but i am not able to install microsoft visual studio code software on the windows ser…
One compute instance disappeared, another stuck at stopped.Summary: Content (required): Hi I think I'm missing a compute instance as of 1 or 2 days ago, and I have a second compute instances that was stopped. When I try to start…
Oracle Cloud Migrations is now available in OCIThe Oracle Cloud Migrations service provides an end-to-end comprehensive self-service experience for migrating existing VMware virtual machine-based workloads from on-pr…
The COmpute instances are disabled.Summary: Content (required): Today morning , we observed that all the compute instances are in stopped state.When trying to start it , gives error, "The instances are di…
The account registration system is not working well1) There is a CORS error that prevents the registration from proceeding... 2) my wife went to create her account and apart from the first error, she has placed the credi…
Boot Volume has been frozen in provisioning statusSummary: After created boot Volume it has still been in provisioning status for more than month and never been activated till now Content (required): My cloud account ha…
Account randomly made inactive - Please HelpSummary: Hey, I have an issue where my account's tenancy became inactive for whatever reason. This shut off our services yesterday without warning. Due to this, all inst…User_2025-02-12-02-20-33-709 61 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Cloud_lab_fan OCI - General
Using Jasper Reports server and JasperSoft Studio on Oracle Cloud Free tierHi. I am planning on using Jasper Reports server and JasperSoft Studio on Oracle Cloud Free tier(Always Free Resources) for designing and running reports that will be ca…
Unable to access any OCI resourcesSummary: I can log in to the same "admin" account I have been using. Still, every page shows either a 401 Unauthorized error prompt or the message "The required informat…
Error connect SHH "no supported authentication methods available (server sent publickey)"Summary: When I tried connect to one instance by Putty the first time, I had the error "no supported authentication methods available (server sent publickey)". Content (…
I can't access my instances "You don’t have permission to view these resources in this compartment"Summary: First of all, Hello I am unable to view or access my instances (always-free tier). The issue being faced is having very similar characteristics as this post: ht…User_2025-02-13-15-04-42-288 1.1K views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-02-13-15-04-42-288 OCI - General
Unable to connect to VMs by ssh, ping or web browserSummary: Content (required): I have 2 VM instances in my OCI tenancy, one of which is running an apache web server. Until a few weeks ago, I could ssh into both, and acc…
Use OCI Logging from compute instance VM.Standard.E2.1.MicroSummary: I have a Python (Flask) application running on VM.Standard.E2.1.Micro compute instance. I need to collect the logs and see it on the OCI Logging web interface. …
Please address the account's loss of access/ permissionsSummary: Please unlock my account or delete it. Content (required): Any time I try to do anything in my account, I'm blocked. The last communication I received was that …
Attached Block Volume - Lost All Data - Please DeleteSummary: I confirmed this issue was not related. Can this discussion please be deleted? Content (required): Yesterday, at the time of the ongoing incident (CN-918119), I…
No shapes are availableSummary: Gettting "No shapes are available" while trying to set up a Linux compute instance in chuncheon central. Content (required): Gettting "No shapes are available" …
Compute Instance - allow https access without using load balancerSummary: I have a running compute instance with a public IP; it has jenkins running and I want to enable https on the jenkins controller. Content (required): I have a ru…
I cant login to my accountSummary: Again , posting 3th time and hope to get a response from you (not like clear cookies or cache because its bullshit) I am not the only one who have encounter thi…
Authorization failed or requested resource not found.Summary: I cannot create new ressources on my account. Content (required): My trial period ended a few months ago. I destroyed a compute instance to recreate it and I ha…
No shapes are availableSummary: Gettting "No shapes are available" while trying to set up a Linux compute instance in Germany central. Content (required): Gettting "No shapes are available" wh…