Discussion List
"Me" Section is hidden from home page in user with employee roleWe have assigned employee role to users, and "Me" is expected to appear at home page for user to use the expense function. But in the new environment 24A, I need to find…
Can 'Split Allocation' Expense Itemization default to Template Account Information?Summary: When users try to 'Split Allocation' -> 'By Account' the Account Strings do not display the template used within the Expense Report's default account string as …
Is there any way to split expenses between employees? Oracle Fusion cloudIt's well known the functionality in Oracle Fusion cloud for Expenses that allows splitting the expenses across projects or accounts for an employee. Still, the client h…
Mobile App Limitation & Workaround requiredSummary Mobile App Limitation & Workaround requiredContent We have tested Mobile App E2E testing and found below limitations in the application. Just want to know workar…
Currency expenses headerHi, Could anyone tell me where this default currency in the expenses report (header) comes from and if this currency is the one that migrates to the AP, is it possible t…Joao Gabriel Nascimento 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Soumya Ranajn Dash-Oracle Expenses
Add Additional Input Fields to Available Expense Items PageSummary: Would like to add additional input fields to the Available Expense Items Page. Currently, the page contains several fields that can be completed by the end user…
Move Location of Expense Type DFF'sSummary: Currently, the Expenses DFF segments fall to the far right of the Expense Entry Page. It is not super intuitive for the user to scan the entire page when all of…
In Oracle Fusion Expense-Is it possible one employee enter expenses for two different companies?Hello Dear All, We have a problem with Expense. The security company's employees are registered under another company's payroll. Because the region they work in is the r…
Bug 29635007 : EXPENSE REPORT-WITHHOLDING TAXSummary: Bug 29635007 : EXPENSE REPORT-WITHHOLDING TAX Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We need the Withholding Tax Application Functionali…
How can Show the Tax Classification Code on the mobile appSummary: How can Show the Tax Classification Code on the mobile app? Need to user from the mobile app can to select the tax code for expenses as a UI how can to show the…
Expense receipt submitted via email matched to corporate card transaction but not clearedSummary: We are testing the expense receipt email functionality and it appears to be buggy. Wondering if others have run across this issue? Content (please ensure you ma…
Expense Policy for (Car rental, Accommodation, Entertainment, etc) is not giving warning or error.Summary: While entering expense report using a template and expense type which have policy rates assigned, the page is not giving and warning or error message when excee…
How can apply witholding taxe in ExpensesSummary: How can apply witholding taxe in Expenses item ? Any have idea how can?
Profile Option Set to No at Site Level for EXM_ALLOW_FUTURE_EXPENSE Still Allows 1 Day in FutureSummary: Profile Option EXM_ALLOW_FUTURE_EXPENSE is set to No at the Site Level. Expense Reports can still be created with tomorrow's date. It is allowing 1 day in advan…
What are the bandwidth requirements for the expense mobile application?Hi there, Just wondering if there are any technical specifications of the mobile application, in particular the bandwidth requirements for the app to work please? Thank …
FND_Currency will have impact on foreign currency payments/approvals.Summary: Currently users are getting the workflow notifications in USD currency instead of Ledger currency. If I Set FND_Currency profile code at site level to ledger cu…
How to set a policy based on employee marital status and number of children they have?Summary: Hello experts! We have a business case where the expense eligibility is based on the employee's marital status. How to set the policy based on this? Example: Fo…
In Expense Report, can we have control on expense utilization based on the claim date?Hello Experts! We have requirement in our project that system should provide control in case of the below business case: If the employee travel overseas, then they are e…
What is EXM-630601, and where can I find the description/meaning of the error codeSummary: Recently we have the error code EXM 630601 when submitting Oracle expense, however we have no hint what is it about. Where can I find the description/meaning/su…
Is there a way for the expense description for each expense category to be visible to the user?Summary: Colleagues need the ability to be able to see the description for each expense category when creating expense reports. This will help them identify the correct …
Missing Receipt Flag on LinesSummary: Users are asking if they submit the receipts, will the "Receipt Missing" flag clear? I don't see anyway for me to process anything that would clear this flag fo…
Hide Expense Cards(not have the delete action) on the "Expense Reports"Hi Team, How to hide certain types of Expense Cards (not have the delete action option) on the "Expense Reports" under "Travel and Expenses" page?
Expense Report Submitter is not able to see the comments entered by assignee while Requesting infoSummary: We are currently facing an issue in the Expense Report approval process. The submitter of the expense report is not able to see the comments entered by the Appr…Surya Teja Atkuri-Oracle 45 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Surya Teja Atkuri-Oracle Expenses
Travel & Expenses E2E processSummary: In our project we have GetThere and Oracle Expenses using for Travel and Expenses process. We wanted to understand the best practices mainly for the following i…
Can Fusion expenses mobile app be configured to use microsoft authenticator for SSO?Summary: We have an organisational standard to use Microsoft Authenticator for SSO in mobile device environment. We don't want users entering credentials directly into 3…
Enabling Cumulative MileageSummary Need to know how to enable the cumulative mileage to take place in oracleContent Hi All Does anyone knows how to enable the functionnality of the cumulative mile…
Modifying the Travel and Expenses Work AreaHello, Is it possible to edit the Expense Work Area? For example, add other data points that are on the expense item like the default expense account field as a column i…
Integrating Vertex for Tax processing for Expense ReportsSummary Integrating Vertex for Tax processing for Expense ReportsContent Hello, We are trying to implement Vertex as the Tax processing system for our cloud application.…
Is it possible to split a corporate card transaction into multiple expense items?Summary: My client has a policy which states that they are not allowed to pay the card issuer until goods are received. Example scenario: employee orders 5 laptops at $2…
How to create country/business unit based expense policies?Summary: Need to have expense policies based on country/business unit. Content (required): Hello, We have multiple business units having EUR as the same currency. For ea…