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Customer Statement - Date PrintedHi, Currently, Date Printed for a Customer Statement is only available at Statement Cycles if the Craete Customer Statement Program is run for all the customers within t…Shanky_CPU 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
how to search a customer account by tax registration NumberI want to be able to search a customer by Tax registration Number. I cannot find the field in the saved searches Navigation: Receivables > Billing > Manage customers > S…
While searching customer on AR receipts form, even Ship-To only customers appearHi all. While searching customer on AR receipts form, even Ship-To only customers appear and can be selected. I believe, only Bill-To customers should appear in search. …Deepak Singal 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Purpose of Currency Settings at customer profile in oracle fusionIs there any use of the currency settings with respect to credit limit . as per oracle docs only credit limit and order limit provided at account and profile are conside…
Cannot Add Role Type to Customer After Save and CloseSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In the Communication tab, if you Save and Close a newly created contact point then the Role Type …Rory Mullin 1 view 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Florin Enache-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Time zone for customer timestampsThe default time zone set by the administrator is UTC standard. If I change my time zone to Indian time zone, will it show all the dates and timestamps in Indian time zo…Rupel 12 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Gabriel D-Oracle Fusion Applications Administration
There Are Not Values For From customer site Number Parameter On Create Balance Forward Bills ProcessI am trying to run the Create Balance Forward Bill ESS job using customer site number instead of customer account number. I can see account number values in the account …Nancy N Newman 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Receipts created in spreadsheet are not getting applied to the AR invoices automaticallyI am trying to load receipts from the ADFDI "Create receipts in spreadsheet". I do pass the customer name, account number and reference as transaction number and transac…
How to delete customer site in accounts receivablesHow to delete a one time ship to customer site from accounts receivables. I am aware of the inactivation of sites but is there an option to purge/delete the customer sit…
How to Mandate the Tax Registration Number Based on the Account Address Set Using Page ComposureSummary: Description: I am looking for guidance on how to configure the page layout to make the Tax Registration Number field mandatory based on the Account Address Set.…
Customer Account Termination DateSummary: Customer Account Termination Date should not accept till open invoices closed Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): If open AR invoices…
Does Customer Relations come with Oracle Fusion Core ERP license or is a part of CDM licenseDoes Customer Relations come with Oracle Fusion Core ERP license or is a part of CDM licenseNishad Deshpande 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Priscila Terazawa - Support-Oracle Sales
Getting error while creating new customers and creating site purposesSummary: We are getting an error " The value for the foreign key {1} isn't valid. You must enter the {0} column name from the {2} table. (AR-855645) when creating custom…IMS - ERP Support 6 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Is it possible to change the default from phone to email when creating a new customer contact point?Summary: Our end users are creating contacts to use for dunning purposes. All these contacts will require an email address contact point. Is it possible to change the de…Sherri Sweeney 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Veronica Stefan-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Better process for Prepay customerSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Currently, we have the prepay customer on hold, we release it so Orders can process an acknowledg…User_4DSFF 8 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Veronica Stefan-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Bankruptcy - approval rules customizationSummary: When a Bankruptcy request is submitted the default behavior it goes to the line manager for approval. How can the approval rule be customized Ex: add additional…
Unable to automatically associate receipt method to a transaction which uses multiple payment methodHi Team - we have a requirement to automatically associate CC receipt method to AR transaction when the order is paid via credit card and leave the receipt method blank …Rahul Gindoria 7 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Veronica Stefan-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Why are Payment Term and Currency Code mandatory fields in the AutoInvoice template?Summary: Why are Payment Term, Currency Code, and Currency Conversion Type mandatory fields in the AutoInvoice template? Given that these details are often predefined in…
How to update Customer Account Level profile by FBDISummary: While importing customers to receivables the customer profiles were created but not populated, I need to update the customer profiles in bulk. Content (required…
How to restrict access to Customer Page based on Customer ClassSummary: Hi All, We would like to restrict access to Customer Page (Both 'Create Customer' and 'Manage Customer') based on 'Customer Class'. We have many 'Customer Class…
what is the deep link for manage customers details?Manage Customer page but does not query the customer account number included in the link. Tried different combinations but cannot get the customer account to be displaye…
CMK-AR Customer configure as B2B Trading Partner and Customer Account Collaboration using SOAP/RESTSummary: Hi Team, We are setting up customers in AR, and there is a need to send AR Invoices through CMK, for that purpose we need to enable the below configurations to …
Is there a way to move the unapplied portion of an AR Receipt to a new customer?Summary: If we have a partially applied receipt, can we move the remaining unapplied portion to a new customer? Scenario: Receipt Amount $100 $50 applied to customer A (…
what is the deep link for manage customers details?Summary: We need the deep link of manage customers page Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): we made a dashboard with customers and we want to …
Unable to see the Manage Trading Community Source Systems link in setup and maintenanceSummary: We have created a custom role that was derived from the Accounts Receivable Manager role. However, the Manage Trading Community Source Systems and the Manage So…
End date Customer Profile Class using CustomerImportTemplate FBDIHello We need to end date existing Customer Profile Class at Customer Site level and add a new Customer Profile Class. We are aware that when we upload the RA_CUSTOMER_P…
Customer data is not processed after running the "Import Bulk Customer Data" processSummary: Hi All, In the customer import process, both the "Load Interface File for Import" and "Import Bulk Customer Data" processes indicate a status of "Succeeded"; ho…
Can we create Miscellaneous Receipts in "ReceivablesStandardReceiptImportTemplate.xlsm" FBDIAs per Doc ID 2572442.1 we cannot create Receivables Miscellaneous Receipts in ADFDI (Create receipts through spreadsheet). But Can we create Miscellaneous Receipts in F…
how to define credit rating for customer in oracle fusionHi All, how to define credit rating for customer in oracle fusion Regards, SantoshSantoshh Mishrra 16 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Santoshh Mishrra Receivables & Collections
Is there a way to merge 2 customer accounts belonging to a single party ?Summary: Is there a way to merge 2 customer accounts belonging to a single party in Oracle Fusion ERP ? Content (required): If this is possible then I will need the step…Prakash_Khanchandani 190 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_7TJDD Receivables & Collections