Benefits Tips
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Options chosen for Unrestricted Plan disappearing when creating another unrestricted life eventSummary: Hello, We have created an unrestricted life event on 13/8/23 and chosen an option. When we have created another life event on 14/8/23, the option chosen has bee…
Benefits FilesSummary: Hi Experts, I have a general question on what is the best way to handle the benefits vendor files. Can we send the Benefits files directly to vendors like Cigna…
How to trigger Student Status Change Life EventsSummary: Has anyone had any success creating a trigger for a life event that happens when the employees dependent child goes from fulltime student to no longer a student…
Fast Formula for Person Change Causes Life Event not workingSummary: Fast Formula for Person Change Causes Life Event not working Content (required): I created a FastFormula to automatically detect events in the Benefits module f…
Name the Security role/Privilege needed Hide/show Notes section in Benefits Summary page.Summary: I tried searching for a role/privilege that will allow users to see the Notes section on the Benefits Summary page. Basically, the requirement is to make the No…
Can the Secondary be changed into employer in the confirmation page.Summary: Can the Secondary be changed into employer in the confirmation page. Content (required): In configure plan type grouping display, in rate column display changed…
If employee select medical plan depends upon condition is it possible to hide or grey out FSA /HSASummary: Hi Team, Is it possible to grey out FSA or HSA depends upon the following conditions. If employee elects plan 26042 they are eligible to enrol in FSA (Flexible …
Report to find the eligibility profiles and their respective eligibility criteriasSummary: Is there a report or query where I can find the eligibility profiles and their respective eligibility criterias such as Hire Date (HRD), Assignment set (****), …
(2023) Pro Tips for a successful Open Enrollment! Fill in the blanks below and be prepared!Do you need a partner an SI for assistance for Open Enrollment? Check out the link Oracle Partner Network Do you know the status or whereabouts of these items for Open E…
Extending Benefit Relationship for Terminated employeesSummary: Extending Benefit Relationship for Terminated employees Content (required): We have requirement that Unrestircted Benefit Relationship and Unrestricted Open Enr…
How to restrict not to allow decimal value to enter while adding Primary Beneficiaries percentageSummary: How to restrict not to allow decimal value to enter while adding Primary Beneficiaries percentage in Life Insurance Plans? Content (required): Version (include …
How to fetch all plans an employee is eligible forSummary: How to fetch all plans an employee is eligible for according to eligibility profile criteria through query/report or web service in Benefits module from HCM? Co…
UDT is not fetching data in compensation calculation Fast formula?Summary: Compensation calculation fast formula is not getting data from the UDT. Content (required): Below is the code, The Fast formula function get_table_value is only…
How to make employee as the beneficiary by default in voluntary child or spouse planSummary: For Voluntary Child or Voluntary Spouse insurance, we need the employee as the beneficiary by default and cannot be modified. Is this possible? Content (require…
On people to cover page, in additional info, can we use hdl to upload student status?Summary: Hello, On the people to cover page, when you add a contact, there is a section named 'Additonal Info'. You will see there is a field student status. Is it possi…
How to incorporate a QR Code for Open EnrollmentWe are working on creating a QR code for our employees to access Oracles Employee Self Service for processing benefit changes. Anyone know how can this be achieved? Than…
Option to calculate rate based on number of child and the age of childSummary: Our client has coverage rates based on Age of the Dependents which includes both Child and Spouse. An employee can enroll up to three children in a plan. Based …
How to change effective start date of an existing benefit rate?Summary: Hello, Initially we had created a benefit rate with effective start date 01/01/1951. Now we want to change the effective start date to be 1/8/23. When we click …
Start Date of Two Element Entries are showing differently Despite configured in the same waySummary: Hello, we're facing an issue. We have 2 elements which were configured in the same way, but their effective start date is showing differently on the element ent…
Has anyone created a Journey for Life Events?Summary: We are now implementing Oracle HCM and are wanting to use Journeys to help guide employees through the process. I know Journeys is relatively new and Oracle kee…
Benefits: After Global Transfer, Element Entries are not displaying.Summary: Hello, we're having an issue. An employee has had a global transfer on 1/7/23. The benefits enrollment are automatically updated. However on the element entries…
Enrollment Certification By Lfie Event - Duplicating Action Item GeneratedSummary: Requirement - to have enrollment certification = certification type = proof of other coverage to be called on all every time a Gain of Non-MCPS Coverage life ev…
How to use element entry values within benefits rates in Compensation Calculation Fast formulaSummary: Content (required): I need element name and element value to be fetched in the fast formula. Wanted to confirm if the following FF is written right Version (inc…
Are Deduction Code; Deduction Amount and Deduction Factor available in OTBI or Oracle HCM BI tables?Summary: Content (required): Hello experts, are Deduction Code; Deduction Amount and Deduction Factor available in OTBI or Oracle HCM BI tables? If so, could you share t…
Need to remove an override that was added to a benefitSomeone added an override to a benefit in error and it is just now being seen 6 months later when a new life event isn't affecting the overridden benefit. How can I remo…
How can I change the Employee Contribution max amount on the Benefit UIHello All, Is anyone familiar with changing the amount highlighted below, I would like to update the 20500 to 22500 .
Evaluate and close the Life Event automaticallyHello, I would like to Set up all salary life events to be evaluated for all P/T and F/T employees and the same for termination life events for all employees that includ…
Benefits: Can document upload in benefit program be made mandatory only to specific employees?Summary: Hello, Our client has a benefit program in which there are document uploads configured. Usually, each year during the open period, there is automatic renewal. T…
Customizing Suspension message to add the Pending action LinkSummary: Has anyone implemented this.Could you please let us know you ideas. Ability to add a link for the Pending Action page from the suspension message that is receiv…
Benefits: Your Total Cost Each Pay Period is displaying zeroSummary: Hello we're facing an issue. The 'Your Total Cost Each Pay Period' at the top of the page is displaying as zero. (See screenshot) The amount chosen in the optio…