Discussion List
Attachments in Time CardsSummary: Is it possible to configure that an attachment can be added when creating a Time Card? This attachment would need to be seen by the manager when approving the T…
PO reference on Contingent worker TimesheetSummary: Can we enable PO number field on the oracle fusion timesheet for Contingent worker and import the hours on PO for the payment processing? Content (please ensure…
Is it the same table for configuration settings in both the Unified Layout and Non-Unified Layout?Hello experts, In the Non-Unified Layout, if we need to fetch layout configuration details such as enable negative hours, time entry format, decimal places, and default …
Rounding of Carry-OverCompany has multiple branches in various countries. For the branche in France a requirement is to round the absence carry-over when running first period of new absence y…
Update Accrual plan via HDL not workingSummary: We successfully uploaded an HDL making changes for "EH PTO" using the following template, however the changes for plan "EH VACATION" are not completing to succe…
How to receive the Welcome email (user account created) in the translated language?Summary: Hi all, We've noticed that our pending workers receive the email informing them that their Oracle account has been created in English instead of French. A trans…
How to keep public holiday days blank when generating timecards for a period?Summary: How to keep public holiday days blank when generating timecards for a period? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When generating tim…Geetha Keerthi Sagar 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Geetha Keerthi Sagar Workforce Management
Employee absence hours that exceed a set threshold are paid at different rate.Summary: Employee absence hours that exceed a set threshold are paid at different rate. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all, We have a …
Absence accrual based on Anniversary dateContent Hi Experts, We understand that in case of leave plan with anniversary term, accruals period does not align with anniversary dates but with the repeating time per…MG-Oracle 381 views 13 comments 0 points Most recent by Kiran Lakshmi Eswara Mandarapu-Oracle Workforce Management
Absence Validation formula not working as expectedHi, I have created an absence validation formula, which ideally should be returning Valid ='N' but it is letting the employee apply for the leave, and when I run the eva…
DFF in Assignment Page is not getting defaultedSummary: We want to add 'Last Working Day' submitted by EE/LM/HR which appears during Resignation/Termination and capture it in Employment info via a DFF. So it should a…Sourav Sen Nokia 22 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sourav Sen Nokia Human Capital Management
Error code: RESULT_CODE_HUNG. Getting this when trying to click on Manage Value SetsSummary: Error code: RESULT_CODE_HUNG. Getting this when trying to click on Manage Value Sets Same for all browsers I have tried, even after clearing cache. This started…
New Document Manager is unable to Edit employee Performance Document when using Goal Sync featureSummary: If employee performance document is transferred to new manager, below is the issue. --> If Core HR Manager & Document Manager is same then new Manager can acces…
Access in Job Alert.Summary: Hi Expert, Any idea which privileges give the access for Organization and Job location . Thank you! Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information…
Descriptive Flex Fields - Context Sensitive Segments - How to enable Validator SectionSummary: Appreciate if someone can help me on this. On my test instance when I go to "Manage Descriptive Flexfields for Documents of Record Attributes>> Manage Contexts"…
FYI Absence Notification to EmployeeSummary Employee does not receive a notification when a manager submits and absence request on the employees behalfContent We have never allowed managers to submit an ab…
Update Plan Term and Repeating Period of an existing Absence PlanHi, We have 2 existing absence plans where the Plan term is set to Calendar year - July 1 with a custom repeating period of July 1 as well. The said absence plans are no…
Connect Microsoft Powerapps thru Oracle APIContent Hello, anyone successfully configured custom API connector in Microsoft Powerapps to be able to call Oracle API from Powerapps? There is way how to configure cus…
Updating Dependent time card attribute to Independent Time card fieldSummary: Hello Everyone, We are trying to implement redwood for time and labor. We have been using the dependent time card field as with redwood the feature has been rem…
How do I show the worker comp code that is created at the position level under the employee as well?Summary: We currently only have our new system set up that the workers comp code is put at the position level but is there a way to have it visible on the employment inf…
How to apply unions and left joins in value set of table type?Summary: I want to show time shift on time card. For this purpose, I am creating a value set of Table type to get time shift based on the "RESOURCE_TYPE" column in PER_S…Hassan Mohsin 20 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Laftissi Abderrahmane Workforce Management
ICP Transaction tableSummary: We need to validate on ICP level, when the employee is raising 2 requests on the same Start Date, it should go in error. Using ICP, employee is clicking on "OK"…
DOR Type migration using csv packageHello HCM Community, Wondering if any of you have ever migrated Document Types (DOR) from one environment/instance to another? Looking for a quick way to do this, and th…GoSaaS 11 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Suresh Manoj Kumar-Oracle Human Capital Management
Absence Record for Multiple assignmentSummary Need to be record absenece when employee has multple assignmentContent Hi, If the employee has many assignments and when the employee records the absence of 1 da…
Time Entry Rule Fast Formula to show error on time card if Time type and Time allowance is nullSummary: The requirement is to ensure that employees enter either of these fields before submitting the time card. We have created one formula to achieve the same howeve…
Is there a way to add users on the the notification sent by the Generate Time Exceptions ProcessWe have a requirement wherein we are running the Generate Time Exceptions from Compliance Rules, and the notifications are only sent to the Manager of the Employee. We n…
Evaluate Group Membership Evaluation DateSummary What are you using for these settings?Content OTL Experts, Are you Scheduling the Evaluate Group Member process? If yes, what parameters are you using, most spec…
Enhanced Half Day OptionSummary: Enhanced Half Day Option released in 24C Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Is repeating absences enhanced half day option available…
Can I use a loader to move absence plans/types between environments?I'm looking for help migrating all my absence objects from one environment to another during the development lifecycle. Is there a tool (or set of tools) that will allow…
Multiple carryover ExpirationsSummary: Can we implement Multiple carryover Expirations? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have absence configuration from 01-jan-YYYY t…Arun Kumar Malavalli 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kaustav_Ray-Oracle Workforce Management