Discussion List
'Goal Doesn't exist error' when moving performance document to next stepIn our organization, hundreds of managers have reported that they have faced the error 'The goal doesn't exist. Verify the name of the goal and try again.(HRG-3120032)'.…
How can values in Questionnaire restrict Manager Rating in Overall SummarySummary: Based on the values captured in the questions of Questionnaire section, we want to restrict the Performance Rating that the Manager can choose in the Overall Su…Aahiri_Sarma 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Krishnaveni.B -Oracle Performance Management
Approval Notification is not sent to the approverSummary: Approval Notification is not sent to the approver Content (required): Hi, we are encountering an issue with the approval performance document notification. Afte…Barile Alberto 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dr Surlina Yin-Oracle Performance Management
Can Reviewer/First Approver edit the performance document?Summary The requirement is that the first approver should be able to record overall comments in the performance document instead of worklist comments.Content Once a mana…User_2025-01-31-00-15-17-674 58 views 6 comments 2 points Most recent by Naga M -Oracle Performance Management
Stopping Repeat task due date alerts on the performance documents.We have configured performance templates having having due dates for each performance task and also repeat alert enabled for each of them. We created the performance doc…
Competency Descriptors pulling through to Performance Document?Summary We are looking to view the configuration required to pull competency descriptors into the performance document.Content Hi all, Hope you're able to help here! We …Andrew DellaPosta-Oracle 49 views 8 comments 1 point Most recent by Latika Singh Performance Management
Colour for Performance document sectionsSummary: Hi Team, How to add colour to each section of performance document shown below. Content (required): Colour to each section of the PD Version (include the versio…Sudhakar Kaluvala 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sudhakar Kaluvala Performance Management
EL Expression to Make Overall Comment Conditionally Mandatory Based on RoleSummary: If Manager's manual Rating in Overall Summary section is different than the Manager Calculated Rating in Goals Summary section, we want the Overall Comment box …
Context Value 300001186046926 is not in the list of values.Summary Error : Context Value 300001186046926 is not in the list of values. Content (required): In Performance Final task for worker, while providing the feedback we are…Sudhakar Kaluvala 127 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Neelakanta-Oracle Performance Management
Line Manager unable to See Calculated Rating for Goals SectionSummary: Line manager (LM) is able to view participant's calculated rating in Goals Summary section but is unable to see their own. How to achieve this? Content (require…
Analyzing Skills and Competencies asked on Job DescriptionsSummary: We are looking for a Reporting or a Tool to expedite the following request from our VP Talent. Content (required): Is there some way we can pull a bunch of job …Alvaro Couto 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Denis Magnan-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
How to make a comment required field for a specific rating?Summary: We have a need to require employees to comment if the rating falls within a particular range. Content (required): We have a need to require employees to comment…
How can we restrict Managers to select rating in Overall Summary sectionSummary: Based on the Calculated Rating in Goals Summary section, we want the Managers to be able to choose the Overall Summary Rating one level up or one level down and…
Hide Success Criteria for Performance Goals except for the existing goal plans.We have a scenario where customer has been using Success Criteria till now, but going forward(when the new goal plans are created) they don't want success criteria secti…
user unable to select participant feedback respondentsSummary: Content (required): Hello, We're using participant feedback on performance documents, however the user is not able to find anyone when selecting the participant…
Fast Formula to calculate overall goal rating based on individual measurementsSummary Fast Formula to calculate overall goal rating based on individual measurementsContent In our set up, we have multiple measurements for each goal. managers gives …User_2025-01-25-04-02-13-126 65 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Christian Suarez Performance Management
Fast Formula for calculating Overall Rating in Performance DocumentIf anyone could share the sample of fast formulas they have written to calculate ratings, that would be really helpful as there are not many examples out there for these…
NUX Skills and Qualifications: How-to create custom Content SectionSummary This is part of a series of Quick Reference Guide "Frequently Asked Questions and Answers"Content This quick admin user guide shows you How-to create custom cont…
Display Performance Rating History in the Performance DocumentSummary: Ability to view previous performance rating inside the performance document for line managers and HR. Content (required): I understand that the "previous perfor…
How to set 'Name A to Z' as default Sort By criterionSummary: How to set 'Name A to Z' as default Sort By criterion Content (required): Hi, we created a Performance document including 'Set Goals' task in the Process Flow. …
Is there a way for the employee to add comments on shared performance documents?Summary: Hi All, We have an interest in allowing the employee to add final comments on their shared performance document. We would like the process to look like this: 1)…William_Johnson 52 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Mandala Venkata Naga Rajesh -Oracle Performance Management
Why does confirm review meeting held has a comment section?Summary: Our client has a mid-year performance document. "Confirm review meeting held" is the only task in the setup. I am wondering why it has a comment section, what i…Christian Suarez 72 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Christian Suarez Performance Management
Pop-up message to be enabled for specific Task in PDSummary: Hello Experts, We have requirement to enable Pop-up message on specific task level like Worker self evolution, manager evolution and share Performance document …Sudhakar Kaluvala 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Sudhakar Kaluvala Performance Management
Process mass action (View spreadseet)Summary: I have ran a process mass action which is cancel performance document however, when I viewed the spreadsheet, there is no data in it. How can I view the content…Christian Suarez 12 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Challa Vidyasagar Performance Management
Performance Document not populated with GoalsSummary: Performance Document not populated with Goals even if the set up seems correct. Content (required): We're struggling to find what's wrong with our Performance D…
HR Specialist access to add an attachment to a Check-InSummary: Looking for a way for an HR Specialist to add attachments to a Check-In Content (required): Hello, we have received business requirements for a check-in that ar…
Feedback Request not visible on Manager tasks within Performance DocumentSummary: Content (required): Hello, We've enabled feedback requests for our client. We included feedback notes and requested feedback on the Performance Template and mad…
Performance Document with different Goal PlansSummary: Content (required): Hello, Is it somehow possible to set up a Perfomance Document with two different sections to evaluate goals belonging to different goal plan…
"Participant Feedback section for others" section not visibleSummary: Content (required): Hello, We're setting up the participant feedback phase on Performance Documents, however the feedback respondent cannot see the "Participant…gguittini 26 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Mandala Venkata Naga Rajesh -Oracle Performance Management
Line Manager can enter a future Review Meeting Held DateSummary: Line Manager can enter a future Review Meeting Held Date Content (required): Hi, we are experiencing an anomalous behavior. We create a Performance document, ba…Alberto Barile 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Mandala Venkata Naga Rajesh -Oracle Performance Management