Sample Reports
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Unable to get the correct values in OBI Report - Submissions / Candidates, HiredSummary Unable to get the correct values in OBI Report - Submissions, HiredContent I need assistance with OBI report. I am trying to get the # of submissions per month, …
Hyperlink Requisition IdentifierSummary Want to create a dynamic hyperlink on the Requisition Identifier field to the job on the career sectionContent Hi, I have a analysis (report) in OBIEE which is s…
Offer Approval Cycle Time (by individual approver)Summary Offer Approval Cycle Time (by individual approver)Content Hello - We're trying to build a report to show the # of days it took for an approver to approve an offe…
Looking for a sample affirmative action report.Content Need to create a affirmative action report that includes basic candidate demographic information, race, gender, disability, protected vet, job applied for, requi…
Requisition agency posting history reportContent Hi, Can someone help me with Agency posting history report? I am looking for a report where I can fetch all the posting history with multiple date changes for sa…
Dashboard Prompt User PermissionsSummary User Permission to restrict list valuesContent Hi, I have attached "OBI Content Viewer" user type for a user. The user has a user group attached to his user acco…
Schedule an entire dashboardSummary Schedule an entire dashboardContent Hi there, I am trying to schedule an entire dashboard containing 3 pages (1 graph & 2 tables) but I get an error message that…
Custom SQL ExamplesSummary Documentation for Custom SQL ExamplesContent Is there any documentation that shows some custom SQL examples in OBI? Thanks!
Talent Pool DashboardSummary Example of a Talent Pool DashboardContent Hi, Does anyone have an example Talent Pool Dashboard which they are able to share? Regards, Karen Waddell Version Rele…
GraphSummary Display only top 10 valuesContent Hi all, Is it possible to display only the top 10 values in graph form instead of all of the values? Thanks in advance for your…
Education InstitutionSummary Need a report for Education from either Profile or SubmissionContent Does anyone have a report they would share regarding Candidates most recent education inform…
Reporting of Recipients of Share Candidate Information EmailSummary Reporting of Recipients of Share Candidate Information EmailContent I would like a report that allows me to capture recipients that received shared candidate inf…
Re-order Horizontal Axis MeasurementsSummary Is it possible to re-order the Months without inserting an 01, 02, etc.?Content Hello all, I am building a graph with the months on the horizontal axis. The orde…
Changed Start DateSummary Report on new hires who's start date changesContent Hi Hive, I'm trying to make a report to see for our new hires those whose start date changes. We have a new h…
What role do you need in Taleo to have the privilege to create and edit a Business Intelligence repoSummary What role do you need in Taleo to have the privilege to create and edit a Business Intelligence report ?Content What role do you need in Taleo to have the privil…
Is there a User Config report available?Summary Is there a User Config report available?Content Hello I want to be able to run a report on our Taleo User accounts which show the config, but in particular retur…
Difficulty accurately identifying internal versus external hires and countsSummary Several data elements are combined to indicate if a hire is internal versus external to ensure accuracy in the data. Our formula works but doesn't seem efficient…
Open Req Snapshot By Recruiter Last Four MonthsContent This sample report contains an analysis that uses a combined query and pivot table views to show historical snapshots of the # of open reqs for the last four mon…Rachel Martorelli-Oracle 317 views 12 comments 4 points Most recent by Callie Walker Taleo Enterprise
OBI report - Onboarding (Transitions) tasksSummary OBI report - Onboarding (Transitions) tasksContent Hello, We are moving forward with the new onboarding (Transitions) tool at the end of the summer and are in th…
Submission Performance Tile FunnelSummary Submission Performance Tile FunnelContent Hello All, Last year Oracle Product Manager Rachel Martorelli created a Performance Tile Funnel as an example in respon…Daniel Havens | Camptra Technologies 166 views 2 comments 8 points Most recent by Daniel Havens | Camptra Technologies Taleo Enterprise
Data Quality Dashboard- redirecting to incorrect linkSummary Returning other report with incorrect information when customisedContent I have downloaded the package for the data quality report. It functions very well, altho…
Report on Employee Goal and Goal CommentsSummary Report on Employee Goal and Goal CommentsContent I am writing a report to extract Employee Goals and Goal Comments. The report runs well until the Goal Comments …Marisa Pilieci-68125 116 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Stephane Cote-Oracle Taleo Enterprise
EEO Candidate PoolSummary EEO Candidate Pool report requirements assistance neededContent I am being asked to create an EEO Candidate Pool report that compares the EEO information from th…
Issue Regarding Taleo Recruit ReportingSummary When I am trying to export a report in Taleo recruit from "Administration" subject Area taking columns Username,Last Name,Employee No.,User status,Organization N…
Formula Help to Pull All Hires For Previous Month And Agent to Send 1st of Following MonthContent I have a weekly hired report that one user only needs monthly. I can create a monthly version to save but cannot figure out how to pull the data for the previous…
Restricting Dashboards based on User GroupsSummary Restricting Dashboards based on User GroupsContent Dear Team, I am trying to restrict Dashboards using the folder security in the OBI in Taleo Recruit, however e…
Custom Average Time to Fill minus weekendsSummary Need to remove weekends from custom CSW driven TTFContent Hi All, Following some great help from you here I now have a great custom TTF report using CSW stages h…
OBI Dashboard Deep LinkSummary Dashboards Deep Link URL to be place in Fusion Home ScreenContent Hi, We have Fusion and Taleo SSO configured and have been using for a long time. Now it is a pa…Thousif Syed-47883 113 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Rachel Martorelli-Oracle Taleo Enterprise
Monthly Snapshot of Historical Open ReqsSummary Need Help to determine how to create a Monthly Snapshot in one ReportContent I am reporting on Trends Analysis, and i need to capture what our Reqs that were sou…