Visual Builder Studio (VBS) Extensions
Discussion List
Actions Menu - Redwood HelpDeskHello! Wondering if it is possible to update the options in the Actions menu on the Redwood Helpdesk landing page? Right now there is Assign to Me and Delete Request. I'…
Hide actions in smart navigatorI see some actions being listed twice in the smart navigator and I noticed one of them takes us to classic and the other to responsive page. I'm aware we can hide the sm…
Translation of custom fields on Redwood PageSummary: Hi, We have a requirement to translate SR Creation Page on Redwood. We navigated to select language preferences and tried translating the SR creation Page. What…
HelpDesk Service Requests Attachments RequiredSummary: We have a requirement to make the Attachment Region Required on SR Creation. How can this be achieved? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…
update the ticket without assigning or status changeHi Team. We are able to update the ticket without changing the status or assigning the person. Is there a way to add rules? Thanks.
case management primary point of contactSummary: Implementing case management for a customer. Not able to save page due to incorrect party id in primary contact field Content (please ensure you mask any confid…
Redwood Helpdesk CustomizationHi Team, Our third party support team customized the page to disable few fields and category is populated based on the business unit. I would like to make category and d…
How to set email channel field to blank while sending email?I have a requirement to set the email channel field to blank value when a user attempts to send an email. I have tried this via VB and this region does not seem to be cu…
Can we display the department of the Primary Point of Contact on the HR Help Desk Summary page?Summary: Hi, My client wants agents to be able to see the department of the Primary Point of Contact on the SR Summary/ Spotlight page (Somewhere in the red region in th…
how to remove create button from help desk requestsSummary: how to remove create button from help desk requests Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Customer wants to hide/remove create request …
Helpdesk request number sequenceWe require a solution that can dynamically generate unique Helpdesk request numbers, customized according to the assigned request category.
Hide inactive employees in employee searchIs it possible to hide inactive employees from the search results in employee search / summary page? I'm aware we have a profile called ORA_HELPDESK_CONTACT_TERMINATED_E…
Is it possible to hide the "Edit SR Details" icon for Employees using VBCS?Summary: We are trying to hide the "Edit SR Details" icon on the HR Help Desk SR page for the employee. In VBCS, we are unable to achieve this customization. Can anyone …
Some HR Helpdesk categories not appearing in SRSummary: Hi everyone, Some of my HR Helpdesk categories are not appearing on the Create an SR page. I have checked the parent and child categories in Setup and Maintenan…
Object workflow/Tiggers are not working for Redwood helpdeskSummary: I am working on Migration from Classic to Redwood helpdesk. After running Job 3 , all email templates and profile options have been migrated. However , the obje…
person number in Redwood HR Helpdesk templatesSummary: Hello Everyone, We are using Redwood HR Helpdesk and Person number is not available in the seeded fields available in the Agent and Employee Visual builder stud…
Grievance helpdesk request be assigned to employee's supervisorRequirement: Upon the submission of a grievance help desk request, the system should automatically assign it to the employee's immediate supervisor. This assignment shou…
Need to rename Primary Contact field to Employee Contact on redwood pageSummary: Need to rename Primary Contact field to Employee Contact on redwood page Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the ver…
Conditionally display custom fields based on categoryHello, I want to conditionally display few custom fields based on the category while creating a SR in Redwood Helpdesk page. For e.g. when a user selects 'Absence Issue'…
How can we identify SRs assigned to a queue but not to a current member of that queue?Summary: We are looking to implement a notification or any validation to identify SRs that are assigned to a queue but are not currently assigned to any of the queue's a…
Remove Author name in Helpdesk .Summary: Hi Team, Is it possible to remove/hide Author Name functionality in Help Desk. 1) Is that Possible to Hide/Remove below red color marked one.? 2) Is that Possib…
mass update of the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) for customers in Oracle ERPSummary: We need to perform a mass update of the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) for customers in Oracle ERP, as per the requirement. We attempted to accomplish thi…
Exposing employee information in the spotlight regionSummary: I was recently informed that it is possible to expose employee information (i.e. department, job title etc.) within the spotlight region of a HR Help Desk Reque…
Can we Auto Assign a task in Action Plan Template to an owner dynamicallySummary: Hello Experts, We have a requirement where we need to auto-assign a task in Action Plan Template to an owner dynamically other than the one who adds the action …Vinod Kumar Ummadisetti 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Lisa Wilkes-Support-Oracle Help Desk
How do I reference a custom value set in HR as a drop down field for HR Help Desk?Summary: How to use a Value Set as a drop down in HR Help Desk? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I know we can reference Lookups in HR for …
Help desk custom field label display lengthHello, We are using next gen Help desk and For one of the custom fields the display length is not fully visible. Untill 24C this was appearing like below But now, not su…
Is VBS Express Mode is available for Redwood HR helpdesk ?Unable to see Express Mode for Redwood HR helpdesk ? Any idea how to enable it ?
Publish button is disabled in VBCSSummary: Unable to apply the changes in Help Desk pages due to 'Publish' button is disabled in VBCS. Content (required): Has anyone faced this issue on VBCS pages. I hav…
Is it possible to extend the Contacts popup template in the HelpDesk Request page using VBS?Summary: Hello, Customer has a requirement to add additional fields(to be derived from person Assignment level) in the Contacts popup. Can the Popup template be customiz…