Category 101-2
Discussion List
How to do a Top Down Forecast in Bottom Up AppSummary: Content (required): We currently have all our forecasting as bottom up. I was recently asked to do out years at a high level account and entity rollups. What is…
Question on Smart view Zoom InSummary: Smart view zoom in with Suppress No data/zero's in Rows and Columns is not working when we drill down Dense Dynamic calc parent member in Rows or columns. Its t…
Question on FRSSummary: Hi , Is it possible to have two grids pointing to two different application cubes in FR report? For Example we have one PBCS application "Planning" having BSO "…
Under Member Selector of Reports "Shared Members" are also displaying. Though user don't have accessSummary: When our users with "User Role", select a member from "Member Selector" in Reports. They can see shared member also though they have access to only Primary hier…
Error while Connecting HCM Cloud Through Data ManagementSummary: Encountering error while connecting EPBCS with HCM Cloud via Data Management Content (required): Here i'm trying to connect EPBCS with HCM Cloud through Data Ma…
Deleting multiple folders created in the DM file browser?Summary: How can you delete multiple folders at once that are created in the DM file browser? Content (required): Hi All, For a customer we are using an automation via E…
Question to Oracle : What "Service ordered" means ?Hello, I have a question about an order which appears in My Services. Do you know what means the lign "Service Ordered : 36141" ? Does it mean maybe a purchase of users …
DATACOPY Rule taking a long timeSummary: Content (required): I have a DATACOPY business rule that copies one version to another. However, it is taking up to 15 or so minutes to complete. I have a simil…
Source of Invalid Intersection?HI Team, Our app has suddenly locked the OEP_WFP cube and effectively is completely 'invalid'. I confirmed this by opening forms that say has no data in it, but when you…
Unable to make changes on flex formSummary: User gets an excel message every time he tries to change rows in flex form. Content (required): Hi, one user is getting a message from excel when he tries to ch…
On OCI Gen2, when Using Okta to sign in to SmartView, users get Script ErrorSummary: On OCI Gen2, when Using Okta to sign in to SmartView, users get Script Error 'Unable to get property 'open' of undefined or null reference'. After clicking Yes …
Replace video linked to Tour button in PBCSSummary: Hi, Is it possible to replace the video linked to the Tour button? Content (required): Thanks Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code S…
EPM to ERP Fusion Drill through errored out due to period mapping issue.Summary: EPMFDM-140133:Could not find a Period key mapping for the given parameters Content (required): The data load from Fusion to EPM planning (Custom EPBCS) is succe…
migration reports (management reports)Summary: hi All, in EPM Cloud, We have few MR reports, that are required to be migrated to Management reports. there are two ways we know 1) migrate using migration and …
Financial Report not loading in HTML PreviewSummary: Hi , We have a FR Report that is not opening in HTML Preview - it says "Loading" , but doesn't load even after a long time . Can someone please help me in resol…
Can we remove users from the (prior) Classic environment now that they've been migrated to new OCI?Summary: Our users have been getting confusing emails asking them to change their password for the old (classic) environment PBCS. Even if they do change their password,…
How do I write a member formula BS & IS prior year data for trending?Summary: Trying to create a member formula to use for balance sheet trending in PBCS. Content (required): I am trying to write a member formula that will do the followin…
Member limitation for Employee Dimension.Summary: We are planning to add 4600+ Employees to Employee dimension(Planning Employee+Job wise) in EPM Workforce Will there be any issues we might face on performance …
How do we Integrate EPBCS workforce with HCM for custom dimensions like PC and CC.Summary: We need to integrate Custom dimensions like Programme Code and Cost Centre and get the data from HCM for these dimensions into EPM Workforce. These are custom d…
Smart View Error While using 'Working With Adjustments' Version.Summary: Smart View is throwing an error 'Ad hoc grid cannot be opened as there are no valid rows of data' error while using 'Working With Adjustments' Version and the '…
Refresh Error for Shared MemberSummary: Trying to create a new alternate rollup but keep getting the "In an aggregate storage outline, only one shared member [Angi Ads & Leads] (including prototype) i…
Report Books in EPBCSSummary: We have a bunch of report books under a folder which are visible in the "Explore Repository" , but we cannot see them in Reports Card -> Financial Reports . We …
Copy OWP_Status across version in Strategic Workforce Planning.Summary: Requirement is to do Hiring, terminations and transfers in a different version (what if) and hold back the original data in the base version. While copying the …
Dynamic Calc Accounts not adding up in Department dimensionSummary: Content (required): We have two dynamic calc accounts in our workforce cube that are not adding/aggregating up in the department hierarchy. They are both set to…
Can we extract a report of the Metadata changes since the last DB refresh in clould EPBCS?Summary: If I recall correctly, we have an option in 'On-Premise' to extract a copy of the Metadata changes since last refresh. Do we have any such thing available for c…
Security refreshing?Hi Team, How does security work in terms of it being "refreshed"? I recall that when assigning roles in MyServices it took time for it to be provisioned, but what about …
Can you import a report to PowerPoint?Summary: In Excel, I see a "Reports" folder in the Smart View panel that allows me to import a report into Excel. I do not see the same folder when I open the Smart View…
Sorting by Date & Recognizing Date in Managerial & Narrative ReportingSummary: Is it possible to sort by date in report in Managerial Reporting? Currently, the dates do not seem to be recognized as number values and we want to utilize a dy…
Task Manager: submitted tasks are accessibleSummary: Content (required): Hi all We are using Task Manager with a linked form and once the task is submitted, the users are still able to access that form even though…
FRS IssueSummary: FRS Issue Content (required): Hi We have an FRS Report with 2000 rows, and we are bringing a dimension to the which was not earlier. For this dimension member v…